Showing posts with label Realistic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Realistic. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2025



Let's keep it real. It's like some kind of magic show. Realistically whether we go to Heaven or Hell, we are to believe that it's for Eternity. Eternity: infinite or unending time. Here on Earth, if we're lucky, we could live to be 100 years old. At times it might be boring, but for the most part, you try to enjoy life. Now Eternity, forever forever? For the sake of discussion, I just died and went to Heaven. Saw all my relatives that made it there. Saw a couple of my pets that died. I realized there is no wifi in Heaven. And anybody I don't see is in Hell, for Eternity I suppose. Ok, we're chillin, played every card game in the world, trillions of times. Played dominoes for centuries. But Eternity? Millions of years have gone by, and not only is it boring AF, but Jesus is even getting on my nerves, telling me stories about his dad. I need to go to Hell and get some Cocaine and sex. In my honest opinion, when your heart and brain stops, science tells us we are dead. If you feel that after you die, that a magical soul or your spirit goes floating away, good for you, however, we will never know. This is the playing field we have been given. We are truly blessed. Enjoy your ride and adventure on this big water ball, and please remain seated till the ride has come to a full and complete stop, because it always will. We spend so much time worried about what happens after we leave this earth, and while you are here, you will never get that answer. Heaven or Hell, I call bullshit and believe in things I could see. We are always so consumed with yesterday and tomorrow, that we forget about today. Seize the day.

2032 - Asteroid Hits Earth

  In 2032 an asteroid will hit our planet. The way I see it, we have over 6 years to enjoy our lives on earth. The asteroid is large enough ...