- D  E  L  P  H  I     M  U  R  D  E  R  S -
A L L   C O N N E C T E D
- I   N   D   I   A   N   A -
CORRUPTION EXPOSED: White-Supremacy / Sheriffs / Indiana-State-Police / Correctional-Officers 
Odinism-Vinlanders / Norse-Pagan-Cult / Dirty-Prosecutor / Crooked-Judge / Small-Town-Government-USA 
 The-Good-Ole-Boys / Racially-Motivated / Hate-Crimes

"3rd Party Suspects Not Admissible"
- September 10, 2024 -
-The lawyers can present a defense, but not the defense they plan on using. How many more constitutional rights are going to be stripped from Richard Allen before somebody steps in? How dare the defense try to defend their client. Not only does it not sound right, but none of it is right at all. Of course Judge Gull wasn't going to allow 3rd party suspects defense. And like I said before she made her decision, to expect the worst, and I was right. It is up to the defense to attack the states timeline, because it's garbage. The girls bodies were not at the crime scene on February 13, and that is a known fact. 

"Confessions Ruled Admissible"
- August 29, 2024 -
-Of course Judge Gull ruled the confessions to be admissible at trial. Like I said, expect the worst from Gull. She will most likely deny the motion for allowing 3rd party suspects, because that's what she does. This case and plan never involved going to trial. Rick was supposed to sign a confession, or die in Westville, but he survived. That being said, pre trial motions won't go to appeal if the trial never happens. Meaning she won't be made accountable for the rulings she has made and continues to do. The state's case is weak? If I was a juror and after hearing the 61 confessions, I still don't think that 12 jurors will unanimously vote to convict Rick, especially after hearing that the fingerprints and DNA collected at the crime scene does not match the victims or Richard Allen. Of course there was Asatru and Odinism involved, but expect the worst from Judge Gull. Attacking the state's timeline is crucial. And those confessions better have something that only the killer would know, as stated publicly. Either before or after selecting the jury, a plea deal might be offered, and it's highly doubtful it will be accepted by Rick, and the charges will have to be dropped. Sarah Carbaugh and Betsy Blair will most likely not point to Rick. And nobody can place Rick at the crime scene. 

"Fire Chief says the Bodies were not there on February 13"
- August 27, 2024 -
-So in order for the states timeline to work, Rick killed those girls on the 13, which we now know that would've been truly impossible. It would've been physically impossible to do what the state is saying about Rick. Like Rick is some magical odinist ninja, an evil character in some comic book? He's married for over 30 years, family man with no criminal record that works at the local CVS for years. Spread the word about the Fire Chief Darrell Sterrett and before the good ole boys get a hold of him. We know what happens out there, more often than not. #Operation: Attack the Timeline so whether the Judge decides to be a cunt as usual, we must work with what we got which doesn't involve Odinism or certain individuals names. When Libby's phone turned on, at the tweaker hours of 430am, is when the phone and the bodies were placed there. Richard Allen was at home with his wife Kathy. 

"We Need Your Help! So Please Stop Helping!"
- August 27, 2024 -
-ISP Supt Doug Carter

"Far From Being Complete"
- August 26, 2024 -
-Even after the arrest of Richard Allen for murder, Doug Carter stated in a press conference that Today is Not that day, and that this investigation is far from being complete. The way the justice system normally works, is when somebody has been arrested, other than trial, the investigation should be complete. That's why in the Indiana Rules of Criminal Procedure there is a 30 day rule for the defense to receive the Discovery. It took the state over a year and a half and are still receiving discovery to this day. An investigation isn't some free for all scavenger hunt for clues and evidence that might be connected. So by Doug Carters own words, this case was far from being complete, because coercing a suspect to confess should be easy with Richard Allen, cause he was easy pickings for the good ole boys. How do we keep his mouth shut and confess at the same time? Break that man, and by housing him in a maximum security prison, ran the officers who hail to Odin, a confession was sure to come, over 60 of them. They broke him to the point of a psychotic episode. These episodes can last for periods of time, but eventually go away, with the possibility of it always coming back. Suffering from depression and taking anti depressants mixed with other foreign substances can set off a psychotic episode. Rick had suffered from sleep deprivation, the lights on 24/7, with people always watching, putting meth and other drugs in his food. For a 50 year old man, who has never even been arrested or in jail before, they broke Richard Allen. He wasn't eating shit when he worked at CVS. Thank God and with #TeamRichardAllen always pushing forwards, Rick survived all that was thrown at him. Back to his old self, even with a glimpse of a smile. Normally there isn't a large group of people who claim someone arrested was innocent, but in this particular case, it's obvious and damaging to any law abiding citizen who falls into law enforcement's crosshairs in Carroll County, Indiana. Our voice is loud, and we will be heard. My heart goes out to Rick and his family, and to the defense team that literally saved Rick's life, and continue to fight for him to this day. 

"Leather Fanny Pack"
- August 26, 2024 -
-Being that the state is saying that the Bridge Guy is Richard Allen, we already know that is false.
-The FBI had it right about the bridge guy being Ron Logan, 100%.
-Here is something to prove the Bridge Guy was Ron Logan. Logan's Ex Girlfriend stated that he always carried his gun in his leather fanny pack. Bridge guy is not wearing an 8XL shirt, with it tucked out. That is a fanny pack.
-Proof: In the picture of Bridge Guy, what I am calling a fanny pack, has a shadow under it. More proof, if you watch the video of Bridge Guy walking, the shadow remains under the fanny pack.
- A big misconception is that Ron Logan was too old and that he doesn't even practice Odinism. Very true, he does not, but all his younger friends that give him meth do. The same friends he let use his property do hold the girls captive, so he was very much involved.

"Indiana Law Enforcement for Dummies"
- August 26, 2024 -
-The FBI, ISP, Delphi PD, the Carroll County Sheriffs and countless other state and federal agencies couldn't solve the case on their own, so they asked the public for help. If they were not so inept at doing their job that they get paid for, why would you ask the public for help, when all the help being done was later frowned upon. No side by sides? You give us 2 different sketches and a video, and nothing else, so what did you think was going to happen? Side by side you idiots. Perhaps if you allowed more evidence to be  released to the public, we would have more to work with, but all you gave us was that. You truly have to be dumb to be mad at the public that you specifically asked for help from. If you knew how to do your job, we wouldn't have to do it for you. People from other countries and across the country know more of what's going on with the case then law enforcement does. And tips had suspects from all over the world which meant they had to work even harder with limited resources, boo hoo, so what do they do once again? Release a different sketch and continue to ask for tips and help from the public. On billboards throughout the country there was bridge guy and sketch, so what in the fuck did you expect to happen? Even though most people agree that it was done by locals. I normally believe law enforcement when someone is arrested, including myself. Ok yes, I might've complained about proper procedures being followed, but at the end of the day, I was somewhat guilty. The difference here is how Carroll County law enforcement is like no other. Richard Allen is not even involved in the crime. Some police departments have a couple bad apples and they weed them out, but in Delphi they have a complete orchard. From the top all the way down. Governor Eric Holcomb and Attorney General Todd Rokita are also complicit, being even they know that Richard Allen isn't the killer. That should tell you a lot. I love the fact that people around the world are pulling off the covers of Carroll County, exposing to the world just how dirty and incompetent they are. Cover-up's are normally never uncovered, and are labeled conspiracies, but right here in rural Indiana, is the definition of corruption and the shit is about to hit the fan. Expect indictments and arrests on many officials. #TeamRichardAllen is bigger than ever, and we are not going away. In closing, just imagine if Judge Gull decided to allow the cameras in the courtroom, and soon after, Becky Patty starts a petition to not allow cameras in the courtroom, lol. You are a dumb bitch Becky Patty, and we will expose the truth, you cash cow. The case was solved on day one, and of course the Patty's have known about it since. No time for closure, we gotta build this memorial park. Gtfo

"Operation: Attack the Timeline"
- August 26, 2024 -
-Realistically we all know that Judge Gull will most likely deny the motion to allow 3rd party suspects. It's unconstitutional and completely wrong, but this is Delphi, and that Judge is a ruthless tyrant and thrives on being the bitch that she continues to be.
-Plan B - Attack the Timeline. Although most of us who know Rick is innocent, also know that Odinism plays a big part in this case. If she denies the defense to speak about them, then we attack the state's timeline because it's garbage. No one man would be able to do all they say he did in under an hour. And with nobody placing him at the crime scene or even seeing him, it just can not be possible. The state has no motive.
-On Down the Hill podcast, I've isolated some of the voices, most importantly, Delphi Fire Chief at the time, Darrell Sterrett. Something he said, more than once, is that the area around the Monon Bridge was blanketed 3 times on February 13, and the girls were not there. He said the creek, the banks, the trails, everything. They had big flashlights and there were no leaves on the trees, yet they were missed? Highly unlikely.

"This is What Happened"
- August 21, 2024 -
-On February 13, at approximately 2:15pm, Abby and Libby encountered the infamous, Bridge Guy and were soon after abducted somewhere on the trail near the Monon High Bridge. The girls were being held captive inside of Ron Logan's basement/cellar for almost the entire 22 hours that they were missing. They were tortured and sexually assaulted. Although Ron Logan was involved, by being the ruse and allowing his friends to use his property for their ritualistic sacrifice, he wasn't involved in the torture or the assault. When neighbors came knocking on Ron Logan's door, requesting to search for the girls on his property, he answered the door alone and told them to go ahead and search. Never did Ron Logan help in the search for Abby and Libby. What Ron Logan told the news was that he was in Lafayette during the day getting tropical fish at the small pet store. And when people were searching for the girls, Ron Logan said he was fooling with his new tropical fish the entire time. We now know that he made an alibi for his whereabouts on February 13, before the bodies were even discovered.

-So the bodies being found on Logan's property would probably throw up a red flag to  anybody in law enforcement, yet it took 3 weeks to get a search warrant for Ron Logan's home? That's bullshit. There were 3 search warrants, two in March 2017 that are documented and one on the night of February 14. Ok so if I was an officer, from any law enforcement agency involved in the  Delphi case, and after seeing the brutality that Abby and Libby went through, being a gung-ho cop trying to do the right thing and searching for justice for what happened, I'm searching everywhere, starting at Ron Logan's property and his home. Ron Logan was on felony probation, so they do not need a search warrant to check Logan's home, however there was a clause in which the search does not include the outbuildings, basement/cellar, or the barn. Long story short, on the evening of February 14, 2017, there was a search at Ron Logan's home, including the barn and the basement/cellar.

-During the search at Ron Logan's property on the evening of February 14, after the bodies were discovered, law enforcement found everything needed to arrest, charge and convict numerous individuals. Mountains of evidence linking to the murders were found in the basement/cellar, including guns, forged knives, some of the girl's clothes, blood and DNA from the victims. They fuckt up bad by not following proper procedures when gathering all of that evidence. From that day forward, it ended up being "fruit of the poisonous tree," with Ron Logan as the tree.

-Ron Logan didn't practice Asatru/Odinism, but his friends did, including Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall. Ron Logan's search warrant, put together by FBI agent Nikkole Robertson, stated that he was involved in the murders, furthermore, they stated that Ron Logan is the Bridge Guy, and after using voice analysis, the FBI stated it was Ron Logan. After the March search warrant was served, Ron Logan was arrested. The district attorney never filed murder charges on Ron Logan. He was on probation and he had many guns in his house, but he wasn't violated for being a felon in possession of a firearm. Instead he was violated for being a habitual drunk driver.

-Why wasn't Ron Logan charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm? All of his guns were "fruit" which is why he needed to be charged for something he did away from his property, like driving while drunk.

-So now imagine all of the things that the public knows, that we haven't heard about from law enforcement. The crime scene, Ron Logan's search warrants, Brad Holder or Patrick Westfall being persons of interest at one time in the case. How the girls were killed. The weapon used to murder the girls. The F tree. Everything listed was "fruit of the poisonous tree" evidence, that is no longer evidence.

-Now on top of all the evidence being the "fruit of the poisonous tree," they have sealed all the records and information involving the Delphi case, a blanket gag order on the family, attorneys and law enforcement, and no cameras allowed in the courtroom. Law enforcement has been lying to the world since day one, pointing out the bridge guy, the walking trail and the Monon high bridge. Complete diversion. Let's not talk about the crime scene that yielded a mountain of evidence, let's make them focus on the bridge guy and how he walks and how he sounds. The bridge is not where the girls were murdered, it was on private property, below the bridge.

-So law enforcement solved the case on day one after the bodies were discovered. They also found out who the killers were, including Ron Logan as the ruse and the gun, Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall, Elvis Fields and possibly others. Ron Logan is the "tree," and the names listed and not listed are the "fruit," forever protected from being arrested or charged in the murders.

-Five years went by and there was no traction on the Delphi case. Being it was solved behind closed doors, but to the public, it must remain unsolved, and the case was just supposed to fade away in time, unsolved. Everybody in unified command knew the truth and so did Becky Patty, Mike Patty, Derrick German and Anna Williams. In order to have the memorial park already designed and ready to go in March of 2017, means that the Patty's already got closure.

-Law enforcement received over 100K tips in the case, yet it took over five years to realize the tip narrative involving Richard Allen was missing and was somehow found from the early days of the investigation. 

"Court Friday 8/23/2024"
- August 21, 2024 -
-The Motion in Lemonade is on Friday August 23, when Judge Gull makes a ruling on 3rd Party Suspects.
-I try to think positive like Rick will be released on Friday, considering the circumstances, and me knowing that Rick is innocent, that releasing him would be the right thing to do. But then again, it's Delphi, so expect the unexpected.
-Judge Gull is back to her old ways, cunty as ever, so it's highly unlikely that Rick will be released with no charges pending. IMO Judge Gull is going to deny the motion, which seems like it's even more of an uphill battle for the defense. However, even if bringing up 3rd party suspects isn't allowed, I think the State has more of an uphill battle.
-Proving to a jury that Rick is innocent will be simple, even after hearing the 61 confessions. To start, fingerprints and DNA collected at the crime scene does not match Richard Allen. And if the State does not say who the fingerprints and DNA belong to, is the definition of reasonable doubt.
-Maybe in the past, but 12 jurors in 2024 will never unanimously vote to convict Richard Allen for the crime, even with the confessions, due to the fact that fingerprints and DNA collected was not from the victims or Rick. If there are no other suspects arrested or charged for the crime, how did Richard Allen do it alone and leave none of his own fingerprints and DNA at the crime scene, yet other suspects did.
-This plan and cover-up was never designed to go to trial. Rick was supposed to sign a confession, or die in Westville Prison, but Liggett's goons failed. The good ole boys have gotten away with it for so long, that framing an innocent man was standard for these guys. The only difference is that now, everybody and the world is watching.
-Law enforcement never admit their failures, being that they do not want to discredit their organizations. The only time a mistake is reversed is 20-30 years later after that innocent person was in prison the entire time. Same with this case. They fuckt up real bad, by not following proper procedures, the crime scene was compromised, some evidence was missing and many in law enforcement were inexperienced.
-This Friday in court, expect the worst, because at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter, because there will never be a trial anyways. Either before or after the Jury has been selected, whether there is a plea offer or not, all charges against Richard Allen will be dropped. As long as Rick doesn't suffer from some mysterious death, he will be free. He will never be the same, but he will be free.

"Is Odinism Real?"
- August 17, 2024 -
-For those that are still in denial and still think that Odinism and Asatru is some hocus pocus, and that the defense just made all that shit up, I promise that after reading this, you will change your mind.
-If Odinism/Asatru wasn't real, than you are discrediting 3 seasoned and accomplished Police Officers, 2 of which were FBI agents who wrote the 12 page Odin Report. Ferency RIP / Click / Murphy. 
-If Odinism/Asatru wasn't real, explain how the crime scene looked how it did? Bodies moved, and staged. Blood of victim on the tree. Slit their throats using a Knife. Feast of Vali - Asatru happens on the 13th overnight, in the woods. Odinism Norse Pagan. Ritualistic Killing.
-If Odinism/Asatru is make believe, why were the highest ranking Correctional Officers in Westville Prison, where Richard Allen was being housed, wearing patches on their uniforms hailing to Odin?
-This sealed the deal. In the 27 page Memorandum, FBI Special Agent Nikkole Robertson stated in March of 2017, that while searching Ron Logan's Property, she was looking for Runes and anything Nordic. Mic drop. No more pretending like there wasn't something ritualistic about the murders, whether it was someone being a copycat killer or not, it was there.
-One too many coincidences for anybody to ignore the Odin angle. Denial is a river in Egypt.
-Asatru/Odinism is connected to Neofascist White Nationalist Organizations around the world, in which some members can be in more than one of the clubs, including, the VSC Vinlander Social Club, The Dirty Whiteboys, Firm 22, Hoosier State Skinheads, Outlaw Hammerskins, Hammerskin Nation, NSM National Socialist Movement, Proud Boys, The Oath Keepers, Aryan Brotherhood, Ku Klux Klan, Sons of Odin, The American Guard and many others. Its pretty much Neo-Nazi Activists and Domestic Terrorists and White Supremacists and Norse Pagan Cults all mixed into one.

"Richard Allen Please Stay Alive"
- August 16, 2024 -
-Since his arrest, Richard Allen has been Public Enemy#1 in prison or jail by officers and inmates, as the suspected child killer. If he dies, which was their original plan, everything goes away. Suspected child killer dead, case closed, and nobody is held accountable for their actions. So if some kind of mysterious death happens to Rick, best believe it was by design. Stabbed by other inmates, supposed hanging, who knows? I pray he stays alive. No matter the outcome, they completely destroyed Rick's life and his family and will never be the same person again. You broke him, you completely broke that man, and paraded him through the prison with a chain and a dog collar as the inmates cheered them on. Knowing this can never go to trial, the state will drag it all the way to trial, either before or after jury selection, and all charges will be dropped. Investigation starts all over. And you can imagine the lawsuits that Rick will have. So are the good ole boys gonna let that patsy get away with that shit? They have gotten away from doing things their own way in Carroll County for so long, and this time the world is watching, and they are still trying to wiggle their way out of this, offering a plea that will be refused, and eventually dropping all the charges. I can't believe how long they kept that secret for over 5 years. The case was supposed to fade away in time, solved, but never publicly, so unsolved.
-Tony Liggett was losing in that election. What happens when he doesn't get his way? He arrested Richard Allen for the murders of Abby and Libby, and barely won the election. Liggett and his wife made hundreds of all blue vote for Sheriff Liggett shirts. Some pictures on his facebook has 20 law enforcement officers wearing his shirt. The least qualified person won, hence, trailer park Tony Liggett got his way.
-If Sheriff Tony Liggett did not arrest Richard Allen, he wouldn't have been elected Sheriff. And since the arrest everything was going smooth for Tony Liggett. He had Rick housed in Westville, a place he used to work at, and had inmates and officers keep watch, to keep his mouth shut. In order for Liggett and the State to prosecute Rick for the murders, a signed confession, not written in feces, or death in the hands of Liggett's goons, but they never finished the job, not before Baldwin and Rozzi stepped in and literally saved that man's life. They shed light on how he was being treated and people were now watching and paying attention.
-To this day, the game changer, and uncovering a cover up was the 136 pg Memorandum. Although the state had got rid of very important evidence pointing to third party suspects, they didn't get rid of it all. Just like Liggett's goons in Westville, they are just not finishers. Even when the memorandum burst their bubble, they still wanted to play pretend on what was said for the past 6 or 7 years. DNA? Law Enforcement: What DNA? Fingerprints? LE: What fingerprints. What about that 15th hard drive? LE: DVR malfunctioned, but the rest are fine.
-Records sealed, blanket Gag Order on LE, the family and the courts, No cameras in the court room, secret meetings no public allowed. It has become unbearable on how much Judge Gull has gotten away with. Where in the fuck is the oversight? Excuse my frenchie, but that bitch has gone completely nuts. Like I've said, Judges don't go rogue. Cops go rogue, postal workers go rogue, but Judges don't go rogue. Frances C Gull thinks she has the biggest balls in the Indiana Judicial System, and even our planet. This bitch has not changed her ways, trust me. She acted nice for the contempt charges, in order to be the same old bitch again. She will most likely deny all motions. How? I don't know, but she is acting like she is untouchable.
-Expect arrests coming soon. Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall, Elvis Fields, Johnny Messer and more. And you can also expect indictments coming to many, many officials in Carroll County.
Richard Allen Dies!
There is a lot of people rooting for you Rick. You got this. Take care of yourself for a little longer.

"27 Page Memorandum"
- August 15, 2024 -
-Wow, another work of art produced by the defense attorney's Baldwin and Rozzi and Auger. This is another game changer. In contains gold nuggets throughout.
-To start, an important quote put in that memorandum came from FBI agent Nikkole Robertson, which she stated in March of 2017 before searching Ron Logan's property, that she was looking for any evidence of Runes and anything Nordic.
-How powerful that is, considering Holeman, Liggett and Unified Command stated there was nothing ritualistic about the crime scene. It makes them look like the fools that they are, trying to convince the world that Richard Allen was the killer. Not only do I hope that all involved in this cover-up is held accountable, but I also can't wait till Abby and Libby snatch each and every one of your souls.
Game Over, the jig is up.
-To put this back into perspective, even the Patty's have known that Richard Allen is not the killer, the reason Becky started a petition to keep the PCA sealed. Imagine if they allowed cameras in the courtroom for Richard Allen's trial, and Becky Patty starts a petition to not allow the cameras is pretty much a good comparison. lol.
-98% of children murdered are killed by the parents, or the parents know who did it. Becky Patty's first words out of her mouth to law enforcement was Brad Holder and Odinism, yet she hasn't said his name is 7 years. They have known who committed the murder since day 1.
Exactly when the cash cow began.
-In March of 2017, not only was the memorial park already designed, but loans were being given along with donations to start building. 5 years they thanked law enforcement for all they've done, when it was unsolved for those 5 years.
-Now its time to see who throws who under the bus. The walls will come crashing down in Carroll County.
-The truth has been coming out little by little, but now it can no longer be ignored.
-Abby and Libby can never get justice, until this injustice has been corrected.

"Judge Frances C. Gull"
- August 14, 2024 -
-Warning: Judge Gull is back to her old ways. It seemed as if she was really going to start doing her job, but that was a negative. That ruthless cunt of a Judge has gone mad and completely rogue! Cops go rogue, postal workers go rogue, but judges don't go rogue. Being impartial and biased is a given, but not blatantly and publicly done in a courtroom. This bitch is worse than Judge Judy and Nancy Grace put together. Not only has Richard Allen's constitutional rights been violated, but pretty much every single one of them, and it continues to this day.
-Today Gull made a ruling denying Franks motion 3 and 4. This involved the PCA that Sheriff Liggett wrote with countless lies and fabricated evidence throughout. Judge Gull stated this in one of the rulings:
The Affidavit did not contain false statements, nor did the Affiant omit statutes with reckless disregard. 
The judge pretty much perjured herself with that statement. Liggett lied in the PCA, he lied in court, and all of this is public record. But there seems to be no oversight in the Indiana Judicial System. This judge has gone rogue, seeming to not care about losing her job. Gull thinks she has some big balls. And by her rulings today, we already know what to expect next friday 8/23 for the status update hearing. There is an innocent man incarcerated, with no past criminal record, charged with the murders of two girls, with zero evidence placing Richard Allen at the crime scene. Richard Allen was framed for the simple fact that he volunteered the information that he was on the trail that day, that's it.

"Ron Logan"
- August 13, 2024 -
-I want to make it clear that even though I've named Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall, Elvis Fields and others, as suspects, IMO Ron Logan was definitely involved. The FBI stated that the Bridge Guy was Ron Logan, and the FBI did Voice Analysis and determined the voice recorded saying "Down The Hill" was in fact, Ron Logan.
-I tend to believe the FBI, trained in Quantico, Homicide Detectives before I listen to Inexperienced, Elected Sheriff Trailer Park, Tony Liggett.
-Some people said Ron Logan was too old to have committed the crime. No he wasn't, and he was used as the ruse for the girls on the Bridge, and he allowed what happened to the girls that day and that night, on his property.
-Meth fueled mayhem happened to those girls that night. Every single possible suspect were users at the time. Tweakers on a mission.
-Bridge Guy was wearing a camo baseball cap, just like in Ron Logan's interviews for tv. Bridge guy was wearing blue jeans and a blue jacket. He was wearing a reversible green/blue jacket and jeans on his interviews. Bridge guy had boots, Ron wore boots. It doesn't matter if you measured how tall bridge guy was, just go by the FBI's many resources that help put Ron Logan's Search Warrant together. Ron Logan's ex girlfriend called the FBI 2 times on Feb 15, 2017, stating that the bridge guy was Ron Logan.
-In addition, his ex girlfriend stated that Ron always carried his gun in his leather fanny pack. The bridge guy wasn't wearing an extra long shirt, that was a fanny pack.
-Another reminder is that his search warrant was for Murder. Why the district attorney never picked up the charges, who knows? Instead he was violated for drinking and driving without a license.
-He was arrested in March of 2017, a month after the murders, so he had plenty of time to clean up and get rid of any evidence he had. And I believe that law enforcement couldn't match Ron Logan with the Odinist signatures left behind. Ron Logan had no part in staging the crime scene, he was just the willing enabler in this story.
-For 22 hours, the girls were being held captive, in Ron Logan's basement/cellar by multiple individuals. Ron Logan stayed in the house. People came by and asked to search his property for the girls, and he said ok. Never once did he offer to help search for the girls. So while Ron was fooling with his fish for hours and hours, the girls were being tortured on his property.
-In addition, it has been said that Brad Holder once lived with Ron Logan while he was going through a divorce. And Patrick Westfall also knew Ron Logan. Anna Williams knew Ron Logan, Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall.
-Of course, Ron Logan supposedly died in 2021 with complications associated with Covid.

List of Possible Suspects: Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall, Elvis Fields, Ron Logan, Johnny Messer, Ned Smith and Rod Abrams. If interrogated separately, the truth will come to the light. I am now starting to believe that the murders were orchestrated by Brad, Patrick and Johnny, and might have been executed by Elvis, Ned and Rod in order to join the Vinlanders. It might explain why they can not place Brad Holder at the crime scene, yet he knew everything that happened at the crime scene.

-I am also to the point at realizing that Brad Holder could very well have been a paid federal informant, and why he has been protected all these years. When you look up Brad Holder on mycase, he has no criminal record. Every other suspect does. This might also explain why Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall had a falling out. Patrick found out he was an informant. 

"Status Hearing 8/23"
- August 12, 2024 -
-On August 23 there is a status hearing on the case, presumably Judge Gull's rulings on the motions. I've seen that people online feel it could also be a couple of other things. Youtube dumbfuck Sleuth Intuition says Richard Allen is taking a Plea Deal. I highly doubt that, and Sleuth is also the idiot who thinks that Patrick Westfall isn't involved, and he's the one who interviewed him 3 different times. He is a certified ass clown, probably paid by the state to help dodge the Odin angle, just like Gray Hughes, CJ, Greeno, and others. All worthless ass clowns on youtube pushing the states narrative that Richard Allen is the killer. Bullshit. Sleuth Intuition is a closet chomo.
-Another thing that might happen that day, is that all of the charges will be dropped against Richard Allen and he will walk free, exonerated, which is the right thing to do. If good wins over evil, Rick will be a free man. If there are so many people saying that Rick is innocent, there is a reason for that, and it must be looked into. It is not a common thing for outsiders to say someone is innocent. Regardless what happens, they completely destroyed Rick's life. Free that innocent man before indictments start showing up against all involved in the cover up.

"Email I Sent Today"
- August 11, 2024 -
-Respectfully, Supt Carter and Lt Holeman, if you had such a strong case against Richard Allen, having the prosecutor go out of their way to discredit anything ritualistic or tied to Odinism, speaks volumes. It's more of a joke to see how far you could get with it. You both know and I know, this can never go to trial. Rick was supposed to sign a confession, or die in Westville, but they failed.
I know that when the 136 page Memorandum came out, the years long secret of who the real killers are was brought to the light. And it explains why you both had emails to me stating how much you dislike Baldwin and Rozzi. You hate them more than the suspected child killer Richard Allen. Misdirected anger also speaks volumes. People never hated Johnny Cochran for getting the killer found not guilty. So why so much animosity towards Ricks Defense Attorneys? Because they were doing their job?
Everything in that Memorandum came directly from the discovery provided by the state, and an Odin report written by 3 Officers, 2 that were also FBI agents, and you are going to try to discredit them? Liggett and you Holeman literally perjured yourselves in a court of law. So who are the real officers in charge of all this mayhem. The game is over. The Odin report and the Correctional Officers wearing patches on their uniforms hailing to Odin can not be disputed.
Whether you think so or not, the jig is up. Homeland security showed up to court for a reason gentlemen. So continue to go down with the ship, or be the heroes by freeing Richard Allen, that it was a mistake and the Investigation will start from day one. You have already painted Rick as a monster, so no matter the outcome, you literally ruined that man's life and his family.
And on record, McLeland said there were other actors, is also reasonable doubt.
Sarah Carbaugh and Betsy Blair will not point to Rick as the person they saw that day.
The 43 seconds will never be played in court, and it was never designed to.
Believing you could still find Richard Allen guilty by 12 jurors in 2024 is nuts. The DNA doesn't match Rick. Robert Ives said DNA recovered was not the girls. 
Be the heroes or watch how many indictments will show up with your names on them.
Alex Zabel

"Ritualistic Killing"
- August 8, 2024 -
-I find it funny how many people are in denial about the Odinism angle of the Delphi case. Just because you haven't heard of it before, doesn't make it not real. Odinism/Asatru is a religion in prisons all around the world and has also been hijacked by many white supremacist groups everywhere. And I also find it funny how people are blaming defense attorney's Baldwin and Rozzi for making all this Odinism stuff up. Fact: Everything that the defense attorney's put into the 136 page Memorandum, Franks Motion, was taken directly from the Discovery provided to the defense by the Prosecutor and a 12 page Odin Report made by 3 officers, 2 of which were FBI agents. Once you can accept those facts, you might be able to learn something.
Whether it was a copycat murderer or not, there were many things found at the crime scene that points directly to a ritualistic type of sacrifice killing.
-The F painted on the tree using Libby's blood. Runic.
-Sticks laying on the bodies in a specific arrangement.
-The undressing and redressing of the victims.
-Blood from the victims that is still unaccounted for.
-Libby being cut from ear to ear like an animal sacrifice.
-Bodies being moved and staged, post mortem.
-Multiple signatures left behind by the killers.
-Rituals often performed in the evening out in the woods.

"Prosecution Playing Games"
- August 5, 2024 -
-In these last court hearings, it looks like the state is already playing games. To start, no matter what sheriff or officer you speak to, they will say there were never signs of any ritualistic killing, even though the world already knows. That said, the "F" appearing to be an F as a Germanic Rune, was described differently with the states expert Cisero. He said it appears to be an Upside Down "L." Does that make sense, or am I going nuts? This expert also said that the Blood of Libby wasn't painted on the tree, but as the victim was falling she transferred the blood from her hands onto the tree. 
-Time of Death: Although the autopsies stated that the time of death was not determined, the state said the Time of Death was 4pm on February 13. So the expert that did the autopsy didn't know the time of death, but Lt Jerry Holeman does? Anybody who has researched time of death, it is never an exact science, which makes the actual time of death more as a window of time within hours. The state obviously wants to make their timeline fit their narrative.
-The prosecutions expert also stated that the sticks on the bodies were not ritualistic looking, but more as an attempt to cover up the bodies.
-I could understand if the Prosecution and the State does not believe anything was ritualistic when it comes to the death of Abby and Libby, but why keep the Defense from allowing it? If that ritualistic angle was what they were bringing to Defend their client who is suspected of 2 Murders, shouldn't be fought by the Prosecution to even bring in up in their zealous defense of their client.

- August 5, 2024 -
-For anybody who refuses to believe that there was nothing linked to Odinism in the deaths of Abby and Libby, and continue to blame Baldwin and Rozzi for making this up, must also take this established fact into the equation- 1 Chief Of Police and 2 FBI Agents put together the Odin Report. Officer Ferency, who was shot and killed in the line of duty in 2021, and Officer Click and Officer Murphy. If you don't believe in the Odin angle of this case, then you are saying that 3 seasoned and experienced officers made that entire story up.
-If you still don't think there was anything about Odin in the case, here is another reminder, that the guards ordered to protect Richard Allen, which were the highest ranking officers in Westville prison, also wore patches hailing to Odin on their uniforms. Coincidence? I think not. Sheriff Liggett, the one who requested to take Richard Allen to Westville, also transported him, and used to work at that exact penitentiary. That is the same Sheriff Liggett that wrote the search warrant, arrested, and searched the home of Richard Allen, without one bodycam. Sheriff elect Tony "Trailer Park" Liggett was running for Sheriff in Carroll County in 2022 and was behind in the polls. All of sudden, out of nowhere, over 5 years after the murders, Sheriff Liggett found the person he thinks is responsible for the deaths of Abby and Libby. 23 days later, he won the election, and by a very small margin. TONY LIGGETT is dumb as a rock. Listen to his interviews and debates on youtube.
-After the arrest of Richard Allen, The 2 officers still alive, that authored the Odin Report were baffled after seeing him as a suspect. He wasn't on any of their radars, and not even close to being the killers that they investigated. And they went out of their way to send their reports to the Prosecution, specifically, Nick McLeland, yet he never responded or even questioned what the Officers uncovered. Nick McLeland also didn't share that information with the defense for a few months.
-Sheriff Liggett is a fraud, and his arrest of Richard Allen was nefariously orchestrated to railroad an innocent man, in order to win his election. Any officer after that only conspired with Liggett, including Lt. Jerry Holeman, Sheriff Tobe Leazenby and Supt. Doug Carter.  

"Charges Will Be Dropped"
- August 3, 2024 -
-The charges against Richard Allen will be dropped before the make believe trial ever happens. Here's why. Imagine yourself as part of the jury, and what you are about to read is what the states timeline and evidence says, which is all public record.
-To start, in order to believe Richard Allen murdered those girls, according to the prosecution, the video of Bridge Guy recorded on Libby's phone, and the voice heard saying "down the hill" is Richard Allen. The voice sounds nothing like Richard Allen and the video of Bridge Guy is not him. And here is a reminder: In 2017, the FBI stated in a search warrant that Ron Logan was involved in the murders and that the Bridge Guy is Ron Logan and that the voice heard saying "down the hill" is also Ron Logan.
-Furthermore, 2 of the witnesses that were named in the Affidavit, including Sarah Carbaugh and Betsy Blair, will both have to testify that the person they saw that day was Richard Allen, which is highly unlikely to happen. Old guy sketch #1 was a man that Sarah Carbaugh saw walking on CR300North at 3:57pm on February 13, and that he was wearing a tan jacket and that he was muddy. The bridge guy was wearing a blue jacket, not a tan one, and although the state said that Sarah stated the man she saw was "muddy and bloody" is completely false, and she made it a point to publicly state that fact that she never said "bloody." The young guy sketch #2 was the person that Betsy Blair described as being on the Monon High Bridge that day in the afternoon. She describes him as young, in his twenties, and had bushy hair. She also made it known publicly that the person she saw was young, not 50 years old.
-How much more reasonable doubt do you need to see, exactly why the state will never take this case to trial? It was never designed to go to trial. Richard Allen was supposed to die, but they failed.
-Richard Allen has no ties to Abby and Libby, no ties to Odinism, no ties to Ron Logan, Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall, Elvis Fields, Anthony Shots, Kegan Kline and Tony Kline. The DNA collected at the crime scene does not match Richard Allen. The fingerprints recovered also do not match Richard Allen. There are no witnesses placing Richard Allen at the scene of the crime. And the only thing it shows is that the state had everything sealed in the case, including having a gag order put in place, to simply, cover up all of their lies. How would they shut Richard Allen up? Simply, put him in a correctional facility while he awaits trial, surrounded by the worst of the worst convicted criminals in Indiana. The same facility Sheriff Liggett used to work at, in which the highest ranking officers that work there proudly wear patches hailing to Odin.
-The state is gonna go as far as they can hoping for a plea deal, which will never happen. Either before or after the jury has been selected, all charges against Richard Allen will be dropped.

- August 2, 2024 -
As many times as the word Odinism has been said in this case, IMO, it's more Asatru, which is still part of Odinism and Norse Pagan Beliefs and Cults. 

"Magic Bullet"
- August 2, 2024 -
Don't quote me on the actual evidence numbers, but they are the approximate numbers. Richard Allen's .40 cal gun is listed as Evidence #254, yet the gun clip used to get a search warrant for Ricks home is Evidence #16. See where I'm going with this? Numbers do not go backwards in evidence. So instead of law enforcement having to plant a bullet, all they needed was for the clip in evidence to fit in Richard Allen's gun. Of course extraction marks would match out of the clip that was already in evidence.

"63 Confessions"
- August 2, 2024 -
When Richard Allen was interrogated by Holeman, he said he was innocent. Drugged, poisononed, tazed and they scared the living shit out of that poor man and then he ate it. I don't know Rick, but I love the guy, but even when he gets exonerated, collecting lawsuit money, I will always remember he's the one that ate his own caca. Taking Haldol and Prozac, anti psychotics and anti depressants, very potent. Lack of sleep, leaving the lights on all the time, wrong medication and prescriptions, drugging him, losing 40 pounds, not eating, come on now. He was just at work, handing out prescriptions through the CVS drive through window and watching Netflix with Kathy. He had no criminal history. He had never been to jail, yet this suspected child killer was being housed at the westville penitentiary, where he was supposed to sign a confession, or die in prison. Neither happened. *side note* Guess who used to work at the westville penitentiary? Tony Liggett, thats who. The same guy who barely won the election for sheriff after Richard Allens arrest. Tony Liggett's goons were supposed to get rid of Rick. But Rick is a survivor. Even after being paraded through the prison with a chain and a dog collar on his neck as the other inmates cheered him on. Rick was beyond broken. They made him go so coocoo that even Rick started to think he did it. But at the end of the day, he is completely innocent, and the reason he confessed was to protect his family.
Funny how, if he was in segregation, an isolated cell, how in the fuck are there 60 witnesses of what Rick said? Psychosis is real. If you stay awake for 4 days, even without drugs, you are gonna start seeing some weird shit. Rick completely flipped his wig, and by design, was supposed to die in Westville. Attorneys Baldwin and Rozzi literally saved Richard's life, once they exposed how he was being treated in Westville. Liggetts goons failed. 

"Why Protect Lowlifes?"
- August 2, 2024 -
Law enforcement hate Brad Holder and he hates cops.
Paid Federal Informant - Paid Federal Witness
If Brad Holder was not at the crime scene, and if he was a paid federal informant, he did not need to be there. All he needed to do was orchestrate it. Elvis Fields and Patrick Westfall and Messer and Ron Logan murdered Abby and Libby. Brad Holder has been protected since day 1, and the reason he is teasing law enforcement. 
Elvis Fields new specific crime scene evidence since 2017, the antlers on abby, yet the world didn't find out till 2023. 2 sisters of his passed lie detector tests on what Elvis told them. He admitted he spit on one of the victims.
Patrick Westfall, on sleuths first interview, he basically admitted to killing the girls. I have to pull the audio to prove it.
And now knowing that there was already an investigation going on by the FBI in October of 2016, looking into 2 things: Sons of Odin and a Militia group, most likely linked. Vinlanders.
It's more Asatru than Odinism. All Norse Pagan connected. And it explains why there was already so many FBI agents in the county when the girls were abducted.
IMO The Crime Scene was compromised. Gung Ho cops, after the bodies were found, put 2 and 2 together -Bodies found on Ron Logans Property. Dumb cops would be, ok we will start at the high school. Smart cops would be like, how about the owner of this property?
Long story shorter, all of the evidence you can imagine was found in Ron Logans Barn and the basement/cellar. Forged knives, guns, victims clothing, blood and dna from the victims. 2 problems. Illegal search, and even the crime scene was on his property. Where is that warrant? Fruit of the poisonous tree. Why are tip narratives, recordings, interviews of suspects, and more exculpatory evidence? All of that was tainted and it was forced to destroy it all, by design. 
IMO Patrick Westfall is a serial killer and is the orchestrator of the Flora fire that killed Keyara, Kionnie, Keyana and Kerriele. He admitted to the murder of Abby and Libby, but avoided Flora fire questions. 

"Will Be an Explosive Day in Court Today"
- August 1, 2024 -
Officer Murphy testified on Tuesday day 1 in court. Yesterday, day 2 were the confessions, which were coerced and threatened by everybody around him. They drove him so nuts, that even Richard Allen started to believe he did it. Food in prison is always handed to inmates through the slot, meaning they could put anything they want in his food. If he was so scared, that he shit himself, and then ate it, anything said at the time should not be taken seriously. Psychosis, leaving the lights on, anti depressants and anti psychotic, lack of sleep, lack of food, being tazed and threatened. Nobody in Westville or Wabash is looking out for the best interests of a suspected child killer. Rick is public enemy #1, even though he has no criminal record, ever.
Today, day 3, the truth will come out and it will be very explosive. The 136 page memorandum was a Work of Art, and it's due to where they got their information from, which is the Discovery, and the Odin Report. People who are saying what Baldwin and Rozzi are presenting is just some hocus pocus bullshit, will find out today that it's real, and three esteemed and accomplished officers put it together because they were looking at a completely different angle. To remind everybody, Elvis Fields knew specific parts of the crime scene in 2017. So specific, that the world didn't find out about the crime scene until 2023. He admitted being present at the murders of Abby and Libby by his two sisters, both of which took lie detector tests and passed.
Expect an Arrest of Elvis Fields, Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall in the near future. Judge Gull is a ruthless bitch and publicly biased, however, she can no longer pretend or ignore the fact that Odinism/Asatru played a big part in the murders of Abby and Libby. Today, the powerful truth will be revealed. Holeman and Carter are pissed af. Today they are really gonna be pissed af. Prepare yourselves for the Odin Report.

"Patrick Westfall and Brad Holder"
- July 28, 2024 -
I realize Derrick German is the elephant in the room, but never count out Anna Williams. She is connected to Gabe Ellis, Ron Logan, Patrick Westfall, Brad Holder and all law enforcement.
There was a federal informant who stated that in October of 2016, he was called by the FBI to look into 2 things, the Sons of Odin and second is a known Militia, most likely connected to the Vinlanders. So when the murders happened, it explains why there were so many FBI agents already in Delphi.
Cops hate Brad Holder and Brad Holder hates the cops. On the streets he's a Snitch. Nobody wants to protect lowlife Brad Holder, but being he was also a federal informant, he was under the care or protection of the feds. They would rather not discredit and will protect their organization, owned and operated by the government, then to properly prosecute this case.
Instead of the case just fading away in time, Sheriff Liggett decided to double down to win his election. Patsy #2, Richard Allen, easy pickings for the good ole boys. Would you believe me if I told you that Liggett once worked at the Westville Prison? Well he did. 
When Patrick Westfall found out that Brad Holder was an informant, is when they no longer were speaking with each other. Brad Holder is the "fruit of the poisonous tree" which kept the FBI and law enforcement from prosecuting him and anybody involved.
Patrick, at the time of the murders was dating Rachel Miller, the host of countless Asatru meetings and was also the escort that got Judge Fouts in trouble and lost his job.
Patrick Westfall lived at:
404 Union St, Delphi, IN 46923 
At one time or another, the following people lived at the following address:
100 Union St, Delphi, IN 46923
Benjamin Diener - Abigail Diener - Nick McLeland - Neidra McLeland - Kurtis Fouts - Karen Fouts - 

"The 2 Sketches"
- July 27, 2024 -
Before I proceed, the people who came up with the sketches of who they saw that day is Sarah Carbaugh #1 and Betsy Blair #2, who are also on the Witness list for trial. I might be wrong, but I highly doubt either of those ladies will take the stand and point to Richard Allen as being the person they saw walking that day. Here is why.
Sarah Carbaugh (Sketch #1) The older looking gentleman, was the first released sketch, done by FBI sketch artist "Plantz" from Detroit on June 19, 2017 and was released to the Public on July 17, 2017.
Sarah Carbaugh was driving on CR300North at 3:57pm and observed a man walking with a tan jacket and was muddy. However, Sheriff Liggett changed that and stated that Sarah Carbaugh observed a man wearing a blue jacket and that he was muddy and bloody.
In order for the timeline to work for Rick being the killer, then Sarah Carbaugh would have to testify that it was Richard Allen as who she saw that day.
Betsy Blair (Sketch #2) The younger guy was the second sketch released to the Public. Sketch artist Taylor Bryant made the sketch on February 17, 2017, but was not released to the Public until April 22, 2019.
Betsy Blair was walking the trail that day and observed a man on the Monon High Bridge in the afternoon. She said it was a young man, maybe 20 years old with bushy hair. Being that Betsy Blair is also on the witness list, in order to fit Liggett and the states timeline, Betsy Blair is going to have to testify in court that Richard Allen was the man she saw that day. I highly doubt that. Furthermore, after the 2nd sketch was done, Betsy Blair rated it a 10 out of 10 of who she saw that day.
None of what was said above is going to happen, because there will never be a trial. 

"The ORION System"
- July 27, 2024 -
Supt Doug Carter mentioned his appreciation to the FBI and all the help they were doing, including bringing in the ORION System used in the case to gather information. Being that the FBI was in charge of running the ORION System, the tip narrative from Dan Dulin or whoever, should be easy to find, from it's origin to now. At the beginning of the tip it shows ORION tip narrative. What needs to be done at the imaginary trial that will never happen, is bring in the FBI and the agents needed to prove who, what and when the tip narrative was received. This is another reason why the trial will never happen. Dan Dulin records all leads and assignments he does, but can't seem to find the recording of Richard Allen. You see, although Dan Dulin is on the witness list, he said in his own words that he is a silent witness, meaning he would only testify if he was ordered to. When Sheriff Liggett claimed the tip was from Dan Dulin, that was just another lie. The tip was given to a friend of Richard Allen, Conservation Officer Thomas Skinner, who passed away in 2021. Rick called Officer Skinner and they met at the wahlman's grocery store. That truth can't come out in court. Because the framing of Richard Allen was never designed to go to trial. How are the officers going to keep Rick's mouth shut, about his innocence? Throw him in a Correctional Facility in which the highest ranking Officers work with the Good Ole Boys, with their Nordic belief systems. Imagine the imaginary trial happening and seeing Rick on the witness stand, explaining what has happened to him, and how he is completely innocent, in his own words? That would be very powerful. The prosecution is hoping to get a plea deal, which you can mark my words, that it will never happen. The State is going to hold off throwing this case away until October or November. Even after the Jury has been selected. There is no way that Nick McLeland is prepared to take on the very strong defense team of Baldwin and Rozzi. I'm sure he even knows it's an impossible thing to prove, that Richard Allen alone murdered Abby and Libby.

"Brad Holder was a paid Confidential Informant"
- July 26, 2024 -
Now that we all see how delusional law enforcements idea of who killed Abby and Libby, is all just a big make believe story, we now have to examine why would law enforcement be protecting lowlifes like Brad Holder and company? Brad hates cops, and the cops hate him, so there has to be a reason he has been protected all these years, even though he's been bragging about the crime since the day it happened, even after being named a person of interest and a suspect.
The federal informant that gave me information via the web, who already knew an investigation was already going on at the time of the murders, involving the Sons Of Odin and the Vinlanders, also said on record that Brad Holder was on one of his lists of Federal Informants. According to him, informants sometimes work together.
Now with all that being said, if Brad Holder was a federal paid confidential informant, he wouldn't be able to be charged for the crimes he did, because he was under the watch of the government. The prosecutor and the government are all connected somehow, so of course there wouldn't be charges brought against the real murderers. So this was more than just a group effort to cover this all up, but it sadly allowed the real killers of Abby and Libby to remain free, to this very day.
Furthermore, if that is the case, it explains why interviews and recordings involving said individuals magically disappeared. And although this case was supposed to just fade away in time, the scapegoat/patsy idea was already in the works, to get this case solved maliciously, to be able to answer to the community and make it all go away.
And lastly, when Patrick Westfall became aware that Brad Holder was an informant, is when they were no longer friends anymore.

"2 Tips from 2017"
- July 26, 2024 -
There are more tips, but for now, here are 2 of them, memorialized from the 136 page memorandum.

"On April 14, 2017, a tip came in claiming that Brad Holder had changed his appearance following the girls’ murders. This tipster further indicated that Holder even attended the girls’ funeral, and that although he typically did not wear glasses, he was wearing glasses at the funeral. This unredacted report, identified as CJIS-262 is marked as Exhibit 88 and filed confidentially."

The tip I am posting below this comment, is very important, because it's from August 2017 and speaks about the letter "F" in Blood. Anybody who is following the case will know, that the secret of what happened that day was kept hidden for 6 years, until the memorandum was released in 2023, along with a leaked crime scene photo of the letter "F" painted on a tree with Libby's blood. Very few people in 2017 knew anything about the "F" in Blood, and the tip is directly related to Brad Holder.

"Although other tip sheet reports exist that tell a similar story, the Defense offers up one last report related to Brad Holder. On August 14, 2017, at 12:59 pm, a woman contacted police. The report memorialized the tip as follows: Two women posted to a Facebook group that Brad Holder was responsible for the homicides. The tipster saw this post and told the police the contents of that post. The tipster went on to summarize what she read: “Holder is a pagan, murdered the girls as sacrifices, and left an “F” on the victims’ bodies. Holden’s son, Logan, is Abigail’s ex-boyfriend.”Obviously, the “F” left at the crime scene was not left on the girls’ bodies, but rather on the tree, painted using Libby’s blood. However, how would this information concerning the letter “F” have even been known for anyone to talk about? A curious person might ask: could it be that someone who participated in the murders had talked about the crime scene with someone, who then talked to someone else slightly mixing up the facts as the story passed from person to  person? Law Enforcement should have viewed this tip as something extraordinarily important because it was a tip that provided secretive information about the crime scene not known by the public. This information about an “F” being left at the scene was not only unavailable to the public, but there is no evidence that it was being discussed on the internet. 
Intake report CJIS-3225"

That tip alone should alarm everybody. And even though that was in August, Brad Holder was cleared for the murders in March of 2017. No further follow up needed, said Liggett, Leazenby, Hammond, Purdy and Holeman.

"136 Page Memorandum"
- July 25, 2024 -
I am starting to go back and notice things I missed from the memorandum. The reason why the memorandum is so crucial, is because everything Baldwin & Rozzi put on there, came directly from the Discovery, put together by law enforcement, detectives and the prosecution in the Delphi investigation.

"Most of the evidence backing these assertions was found scattered over no less than 10 hard drives and several flash drives provided by the prosecution, meaning that the Defense is not making wild accusations, but rather primarily relaying facts and information that is backed up by the prosecutor’s own discovery that was provided to the Defense."

 "Although, State Police Superintendent Doug Carter pulled the plug and kicked the FBI off the Delphi murder case around 2021 over some conflicts, according to Jerry Holeman. (Holeman depo. pages 123-130). Interestingly, Tony Liggett (who was deposed before Holeman) claimed under oath that Doug Carter was not involved in making decisions for the case (Liggett depo p. 30, lines 10-24). Furthermore, he (Liggett) claimed to be unaware that the FBI was even kicked out, let alone that any agency had actually kicked out the FBI from investigating the Delphi case. (Liggett depo p. 64, lines, 14-25). It is quite odd that the salient topic of Doug Carter kicking the FBI off of the Delphi case would never have been discussed between Liggett and Holeman who were working so closely with one another in Unified Command. If that can be believed, it would be quite perplexing."

Everything above is from the memorandum. That should amaze anybody who reads it. ISP booted the FBI off the case in 2021 according to Holeman. Wtf?

"Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) of the FBI determined that the individual(s) responsible for the homicides were involved in Nordic beliefs."

Yes you read that correctly. Besides all that talk about the Purdue Professor and local law enforcement, the FBI had already made a determination that the Delphi murderers involved had Nordic beliefs, Asatru/Odinism. What makes that even stranger was what an individual told me online. He claimed to be paid federal informant. Whether you believe him or me won't matter when you hear what he said. In October of 2016, the FBI Joint Terrorism tasked him, being an active FBI informant at the time, to two groups who were both considered to be threats to life and deemed to be a domestic terrorism threat. It was "Sons of Odin" as well as a Militia group, in which some of the same individuals were involved with as well. The FBI agent above that informant was now retired, FBI Agent Michael Curtis, who also made the informant into a Federal Witness. That also explains why there were already a lot of FBI agents in Delphi the day the girls went missing.

"Court - July 30"
- July 23, 2024 -
Court will be in session for 3 days in the Delphi Case. Although the trial isn't until October, these are for more than a couple of the motions that were filed. If Judge Gull is the same "C" word that she's been so far, she will probably deny every single one of them. I might be wrong, but I think one of the motions is whether any Odinism or third party suspects can be brought up at trial, which is nuts. Besides not being able to use Odinism, people like Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall, Ron Logan, Johnny Messer and Elvis Fields names can't be brought up either. If she grants that motion to the prosecutor, it's just more of the cover-up shining through. If the FBI in 2017 stated on record that they felt Ron Logan was the killer, the Bridge Guy, and the voice heard saying "down the hill" recorded on Libby's phone, how can that not be brought up in court while trying to defend himself for that same crime? Reasonable doubt, 100%. Another motion was for Gull to let Richard Allen go, and it's highly doubtful she will follow any rules other than her own. Consider that motion by the defense to be denied. Here are the motions from the mycase page:

06/21/2024 Order Issued
Court orders Defendant's Motion to Suppress (filed April 15, 2024), State's Motion for Admissibility (filed May 6, 2024), defense Motion to Suppress Second Statement (filed April 15, 2024), State's Objection to Defendant's Motion to Suppress (filed April 15, 2024), defendant's Motion to Compel and Motion for Sanctions (filed April 23, 2024), defendant's Motion to Vacate Safekeeping Order (filed May 13, 2024), State's Motion in Limine (filed April 28, 2024) the defense Response to State's Motion in Limine, Defendant's Second Motion to Dismiss (filed May 20, 2024), and the State's Response to Defendant's Second Motion to Dismiss (filed June 9, 2024) all set for hearing by agreement of counsel on July 30 - August 1, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. in the Carroll Circuit Court.

"Richard Allen Must Stay Alive"
- July 22, 2024 -
Richard Allen is getting closer and closer to his day in court. All he has to do is stay alive. The only way for all of this to go away is if Rick mysteriously dies before his trial. Because then the suspected Child Killer is dead and it's case closed and nobody will be held accountable for the framing of an innocent man. If he lives and is exonerated, will the Good Ole Boys allow him to get away with that? I doubt it. Who is he gonna sue if Carroll County is already broke? The narrative that Rick killed those girls is disturbing. For the simple fact that he volunteered the information that he was on the trail that day, nothing more, nothing less. False confessions can be explained. The bullet evidence is bullshit. Extraction of a Bullet and Ballistics are 2 different sciences. The PCA states the BG is Richard Allen and that the voice heard saying "down the hill" recorded on Libby's phone is Richard Allen. You know and I know that the voice heard saying "down the hill" is not Rick. If Rick can be railroaded so easily, then all of us are in danger. *note to self* Never go to Indiana, ever. Stay Alive Rick, you got this. There are a lot of people rooting for you.

"Another Reason Why the Trial Will Never Happen"
- July 18, 2024 -
Richard Allen was supposed to sign a confession, or die in Westville. Neither happened. That is why the trial will never happen, because it was never designed to make it to trial. After further analysis of the PCA, Unified Command states that Richard Allen is the Bridge Guy, and that the voice we hear saying "down the hill" is him. The world knows that is not Rick's voice, furthermore, the FBI already stated in 2017 that the Bridge Guy was Ron Logan and that the voice heard that was recorded from Libby's phone was Ron Logan. If Odinism is brought up in court or not, Ron Logan's search warrant can and will be. That is another small thing that points directly to "reasonable doubt." And imagine the 43 seconds being played in the courtroom? There are a lot of people that want to hear what's on there, and it better sound and look like Richard Allen, which it does not. There better be an expert in voice analysis on the stand stating that the voice heard on the video is Richard Allen. That is just another reason why the trial will never happen. IMO All evidence, other than Libby's phone, that was collected, is all tainted, fruit of the poisonous tree. 

"PCA - Probable Cause Affidavit"
- July 18, 2024 -
PCA: The video recovered from Victim 2's phone shows Victim 1 walking southeast on the Monon High Bridge while a male subject wearing a dark jacket and jeans walks behind her. As the male subject approaches Victim 1 and Victim 2, one of the victims mentions "gun." Near the end of the video male is seen and heard telling the girls, "Guys, Down The Hill." The girls then begin to proceed down the hill and the video ends.

(If I'm reading correctly, there should be a video with BG and Abby at the same time. Clearly states video recovered shows Abby walking on the bridge with a male subject behind her. The 43 seconds better have some answers)

PCA: Carroll County Sheriffs Department and Detectives have been part of the investigation since it started in 2017. All of the investigators have had an opportunity to review and examine evidence gathered. The Detectives along with other investigators believe the evidence gathered shows that Richard Allen is the male subject seen on the video from Victim 2's phone who forced the victims down the hill. Further, that the Victims were forced down the hill by Richard Allen and lead to the location where they were murdered.

(In there own words, Unified Command states that Rick is the Bridge Guy)

(Muddy Bloody Witness) PCA: Investigators spoke with her and she stated that she was traveling East on 300North on February 13, 2022< (Oops they meant 2017) And the witness observed a male subject walking West on the northside of 300North, away from the Monon High Bridge. Witness advised that the male subject was wearing a blue colored jacket and blue jeans and was muddy and bloody. She further stated that it appeared he had gotten into a fight. Investigators were able to determine from watching the video from the Hoosier Harvest Store that the witness was traveling 300North at approximately 3:57pm.

(We now know that the witness never said muddy and bloody, and never said blue jacket)

PCA: Investigators believe that after the victims were murdered, Richard Allen returned to his vehicle by walking down 300North. Investigators believe he was seen by the witness, walking back to his vehicle on CR300North with clothes that were muddy and bloody.

(And we are to believe that at 4pm, nobody else saw Rick walking down CR300North?)

"Becky Patty Letter to the Judge"
- July 18, 2024 -
^^ Dated November 4, 2022 ^^

Becky Patty, the grandmother of Liberty German, has asked the community to share and sign this petition to keep the court documents in the case against Richard Allen sealed. Allen, 50, of Delphi, was charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of German and her friend, Abigail Williams. 
In her post, Patty wrote:
"Ok everyone - I shared a link to a petition to stop the unsealing of the probable cause document. There is a court date open to the public on November (22). It is indicated public input will be heard. I would like to have at least 30,000 signatures if possible to take into the courtroom that day.  Hopefully, the judge will realize many people feel the document should remain sealed. I know that is an awful lot of signatures - but we have 19 days - I feel we can do this.  I really could use your help. We need to stop this."
A hearing has been scheduled for 9 a.m. on Nov. 22 regarding if the documents should be kept sealed. Documents of this type are typically a matter of public record, however, Carroll County Prosecutor Nick McLeland requested they remain sealed to help protect the integrity of the case. 
Carroll County Judge Benjamin Diener recused himself from the case on Thursday, Nov. 3. The Indiana Supreme Court is appointing Allen County Judge Fran Gull as Special Judge in the case.
Diener had expressed his frustration and concern with the number of Freedom of Information Act requests he was receiving requesting access to the case. The requests were hindering him from being able to complete the task of the court as he is required to respond to each one, he said.  

"Alec Baldwin"
- July 14, 2024 -
I am sure you all saw what happened in the Alec Baldwin case. Withholding evidence from the defense made the judge throw the entire case away, and to never be tried again. What happened to Alec has happened to Rick 100 fold. That's why there will never be a trial. The plan was never designed to go to trial. A written confession or death in Westville was all they needed to do, and failed. Rick will be a free man very soon. I pray for him and his family to look over them. Their lives will never be the same again. That is if he survives till trial or until he's released. Stay alive Rick, because there are a lot of people rooting for you. It's law enforcement deception at it's worst. The one's we pay to uphold the law, and held at higher standards, are failing all of us. Indiana has a problem. I'm still doing the math, but they are over policed, honestly. Look at the case index on how many people went to jail for eciggs. Those cops are bored af and finding anything they can and want with a little planting of evidence. Now the judicial angle of Indiana is making everybody look like fools, like this is a kangaroo court. A little "Andy Griffith" mixed with some "Dukes Of Hazard" inbreds are in charge in Indiana. Dumb as rocks, some are just cocks. To many chiefs and not enough indians in Indiana. Clean up aisle 4 please. And release that innocent man. And after what happened with Alec Baldwin, just imagine the Supreme Court getting a hold of this case again, and it's Game Over. Rick will be released and exonerated. Next come the indictments to many throughout Carroll County Indiana. Good luck with that.

"Email Blast to LE"
- July 13, 2024 -
Educate Yourselves. Since you want to go down with the ship, expect indictments for Many Of You!
Instead of admitting your wrongs, you doubled up on it, just like the good ole boys do. This time a lot of people have been watching throughout the world. All of the facts in these videos involving the Delphi Case shows just how far law enforcement would go to make more money, instead of what they swore to when they took an oath, by putting other people's lives ahead of their own. But not these guys. Cowards. Afraid of discrediting their agencies and organizations. As the walls come crumbling down around you, you'll see me in your mind saying "I told you so"..... No Justice in Carroll County. For all involved in the cover-up money scheme of bringing a case that was solved on day one, back into existence, by falsely accusing civilian Richard Allen will all have to pay and there will be accountability. And every single one of you will have their souls snatched from their bodies by Abigail Williams and Liberty German I Swear To God!. Justice?
Fact: This case was fumbled on day one, and solved. It was supposed to just fade away with time, solved, but never publicly solved. Start with LIGGETT. And educate yourselves by watching these videos, so you know what you'll be fighting for when you are scheduled for your own courtdates. Soak it up.

World Premiere New Youtube Video - (Documentary) - "MURDER ON THE MONON" the Sequel to "SOMEBODY KNOWS - The Delphi Murders 

Brand New Youtube Video - (Documentary) - "SOMEBODY KNOWS - The Delphi Murders

J  U  S  T  I  C  E   F O R   A  B  B  Y   A N D   L  I  B  B  Y

"Brand New Movie Premiere"
- July 9, 2024 -
Brand new youtube Movie Coming This Weekend. PREMIERE JULY 12, 2024. The Sequel to "Somebody Knows" called "Murder On The Monon"
^^ New Delphi Movie on Youtube ^^ Please Share

"Brand New Movie Out Now"
- June 26, 2024 -
Brand new youtube Movie involving the Delphi Murders Case. Part 1 is almost all pre-Richard Allen. Trying to keep it timed properly isn't very easy, but I'm trying. Stay tuned.

"The Most Innocent Person In History"
- June 23, 2024 -
I am sitting here trying to think of the most famous Innocent people I could remember hearing about in my lifetime. Perhaps the Jews, the Blacks and the Indigenous? But of course. But can you name individuals who are famous in any kind of way for being well known for projected 100% Innocent? George Floyd! Richard Allen and George Floyd!
When I hear of people, or even my family that are incarcerated, and how they were arrested, for the most part, yeah they did it. Of course when you're in jail everybody is innocent. Rarely would I agree, however, there is only one person in my lifetime, that from my heart and soul, have felt he is the most innocent person I've ever heard of. Richard M. Allen has a month to survive.
It's very important that Rick stays alive. Because if he mysteriously dies and goes away, so does the case, the trial, the corruption being exposed, 
FREE Richard Allen & George Floyd!

"Email to DCarter and JHoleman"
- June 22, 2024 -
The Missing Link: Delphi Police Department
(Email I sent tonight for Carter and Holeman)

Supt. Carter and Lt. Holeman, it's alex again, hopefully on your nerves, or at least in your mind. Abby and Libby are sitting in a beautiful place now. I believe I have peeled the onion far enough to see what happened. If you would like to know more about my discovery, ask me and I will explain. I will say one name, and it should be enough to let you both know that I know. Steve Mullin.
For so long, the obvious cover up has been exposed, but could never figure out why. Nobody in their right mind, especially not law enforcement would go out of their way to protect RL, or BH, or PW, or EF, or even JM. And out of the countless agencies, including the FBI, none worked together. Too many chiefs, not enough indians. In an interview in a very early press release, KRiley and TLeazenby were speaking. Leazenby said the following: The trails are part of the city where the crime took place, so we will be assisting the Delphi Police Department with any law enforcement that might be needed.
In 2024, Delphi PD hasn't said a word. The gag order also helped contain the go against the grainers.
Now I see your dilemma. DPD is responsible for the tainted tree.
God Bless you both and your families.
Alex Zabel
- June 21, 2024 -
I was wondering why youtubers who were speaking the truth, all end up disappearing, and the ones that were pro defense, have now switched up, like mind control, jedi mind trick type of shit. I hate when people on youtube talk about people on youtube on their youtube channel, so instead I do it here. lol. CJ - paid informant? paid by the pattys? Mclelands? Are you that delusional? I'm not that dumb to realize that when I started seeing him on there, he was speaking the real deal, funny, like, look at this dude, and then to turn around in a few weeks, shaming the defense lawyers, instead of shaming whoever the real killers are. You are more mad at the defense then you are with Rick, the guy who is now the killer for sure in your eyes. That is either the most bipolar youtube movement abilities I've ever seen, or somebody is slowly paying people off to spread misinformation. You can't have a truck full of evidence, whether electronic or physical, shown to the world, just magically poof, gone. CJ you never reply to my comments? Is it because I'm being shadow banned all over the internet? Or is it because you think what you are doing is trying to get rid of all the reasonable doubt all over the entire Delphi and Flora cases? CJ looks like everybody used to whoop his ass in school, till he joined the military, at 5 feet 2 inches with combat boots on. Alcoholic. Woman hater. Closet chomo. CJ the Cock Jouster - CJ the Cum Junkie - CJ the Cracker Jacker - CJ the Cock Juicer - CJ the Cream Juggler - CJ - the jig is up you midget, so shut your mouth lil man. CJ, You and Greeno and Gray Hughes can do all they can to change the tides, but it is impossible. Must I remind you? 136 Pages of Shut the fuck up! 

"How To Make It All Go Away"
- June 21, 2024 -
I hate to be the one to say this, but it's the absolute truth and only way to make this entire thing go away, like magic, in order from having to explain the corruption that runs so deep in their neck of the woods, and that's with Rick dying. It was their plan from the beginning, if they couldn't get a written confession from him. And the more this case drags on, it's only giving them the right opportunity to finish the job. If Rick dies, the case is closed, and magically goes away because the suspected murderer of Abby and Libby somehow died, while in state and federal custody. Accidental hanging? Meth in his food with a little fentanyl along with some insulin? It's sadly the only way that this all goes away, unscathed and the girls got justice, and all the bad apples get away clean with zero accountability. I am #TeamRichardAllen no matter what happens. If he was involved in any way, I hope he burns in hell, but if he is 100% innocent, him living through this current scenario will not end well for him if he is not kept alive to see his make believe trial. I pray for Rick and I don't know the man, but he is the most innocent person I've ever heard of. Truly an injustice for that man and his family. McLeland is playing gung ho, with a water gun. A mistrial, or Rick's mysterious death is the only way it can proceed.
How? COURT ROOM: Is McLeland going to show the jury the picture of the "F" Tree? Imagine him explaining that the F was done by Richard Allen, because he is a Farmacist.
McLeland: DNA? what DNA? Fingerprints? Whose fingerprints? The hard drive? What hard drive? Go through the list of evidence that we do know of or have heard of, and imagine each item being explained in a packed courtroom and 12 jurors?
The Trial Can Never Happen!
That county is broke af. If Rick lives and is proven innocent, he will own Carroll County. Question? Would the good ole boys let him get away with something like that? Exposing the blatant rico charge type of corruption that's happening in rural Indiana? I highly doubt that.  Well, the secret has been kept for so long, over 5 years, until the 136 page Memo fuckin Randum was released. If you choose to think the defense is telling make believe stories, please remember that the 136 page memorandum was written directly from evidence that was in the discovery. 
"People Are Changing Up"
- June 20, 2024 -
For a long time, pre 136 page Memorandum, while Richard Allen was incarcerated, I would say the court of public opinion was leaning towards Rick being the killer of Abby and Libby. After the arrest, I also blindly thought Rick did it too. Law enforcement wouldn't set up one of their citizens to be the fall guy. But after reading the PCA for Rick, I realized then and there that it was fraudulent and changed to fit the states make believe story.
After the memorandum, it was very obvious what happened to get Rick locked up for something he didn't do. Patsy #2 and the official scapegoat. And being that the courts have been delaying the trial for so long, I am seeing more and more people leaning once again towards Rick. I am a critical thinker, but the timeline to fit their narrative was a no brainer and defied logic. Not only did McLeland say there were other actors involved after Rick was arrested, but not sticking to that story made everything unbelievable.
In order to believe that law enforcement's timeline was legit, we also have to believe that the girls were murdered on the afternoon of Feb 13.
If Rick was the killer, he would've had to be a magical disappearing ninja of odin. Last correspondence from the girls approx 2:15pm. If it was Rick and he was alone, he would've had to abduct the girls, get them both down the hill, across the creek, raped, tortured and sodomized the girls, undress and redress them, slice Libby from ear to ear, moved and staged the bodies, lay sticks on top of their bodies to mimic runes, and use Libby's blood to neatly paint an F rune on the tree, plant someone's else's fingerprints and DNA, try to clean himself up and get away in an hours time, and not one person saw Rick. Derrick German showed up on the trail and bridge at 315pm. Yet not a single person saw Rick as he escaped the crime scene. The crime scene was 521 feet from the monon high bridge, and the crime scene was 1400 feet from Ron Logans home. You could almost see where the crime scene was from the bridge, yet over 300 people on the entire day and evening didn't spot the girls where they were found the next day? They were obviously being held captive. If Rick was involved, where would he have taken them for the 22 unaccounted hours that the girls were missing? Home to his wife? And then drove back to kill them and stage the crime scene?
According to the death certificates Liberty German died on Feb 13 and Abigail Williams died on Feb 14. People were saying at the time that Abby was warm to the touch and died after Libby did. The timeline can't just magically switch back to the 13th in order to fit the states narrative.
Richard Allen, a father and a happily married man for over 30 years, who worked as a pharmacist tech at the local CVS with no criminal record, went from giving people their prescriptions through the drive through window, to being locked up in a maximum security correctional facility, labeled as a child killer, getting pissed on, tazed, and degraded and almost killed, for the simple fact that he volunteered the information that he was on the walking trail that day, nothing more, nothing less.

"Why Would Becky Patty Want the PCA Sealed?"
- June 19, 2024 -
Maybe I'm an idiot, or people might think I'm somewhat heartless, but in my head it just doesn't add up. Why would Becky Patty and the family want to keep the PCA and reason that Richard Allen was arrested, sealed from the public? If it wasn't that big of a deal, than why put so much effort into shutting the public out of knowing that information, so much so, that Becky Patty made a petition online to keep the records and the PCA sealed? She had over 40k signatures. Logically it makes zero sense. Nobody has 40k friends and if you asked any of the 40k signatures why they signed the petition, it wasn't because they didn't want to hear the truth themselves, but Becky and Team put that pressure on every one of them. Not only should Becky Patty not even know what was in the PCA, but she wants the rest of the world to not see it? She did see it, or why would there even be a question about it being released? Prosecutor McLeland and Becky Patty are closely related, which you would think would automatically be a conflict of interest right? Not in Indiana. Nick McLeland was the prosecutor that requested the PCA sealed. McLeland is an officer of the court and also signed the PCA along with Liggett. So Becky Patty should not have that inside information to begin with, but she did. This has become such a shit show that it's almost unbelievable what the Indiana Prosecutor, Sheriff and Courts have been doing to this case. It's really a kangaroo court of misfits. Now Leazenby is saying one thing and Judge Gull another. It's almost funny what's going on in Carroll County, until you realize that its all at the expense of Richard Allen and his family, and all the tax payers in Carroll county. At the expense of an innocent man imprisoned for over 2 years now. Not just an Injustice, but the cruelest thing you could've done to a law abiding, tax paying citizen of Delphi for no reason at all. I have spoken with Becky Patty, Carrie Timmons and Anna Williams via facebook messenger. Carrie was a sweet lady, and polite, and truly a grieving mother. However, Anna and Becky didn't like the truth I was telling them, so much so, as to put a post on all the Delphi Facebook groups about me. A guy who has never been to Indiana, ever, touched the nerves of Anna and Becky? Yup.

"Voicing My Concerns via Email"
- June 13, 2024 -
Dear Lt Holeman and Supt Carter, 

Supposedly the unspent casing was found in between the 2 girls bodies. To start, the bullet wasn't even found when the bodies were discovered. It was found by a woman hiker with a metal detector, a week later. No matter what she did to contact law enforcement, the chain of command was already broken by the compromised crime scene. The bullet was also buried under dirt, and it appeared to be weathered. Being that the chain of command for the bullet was destroyed, it might explain why the woman who found the bullet is not on the states witness list. The states breakthrough evidence and the "smoking gun" that got judge diener to sign the pca is all bullshit. If one thing is a lie on a PCA, then everything the officer stated on there could be a lie.

EVIDENCE- I also know the following as documented fact. When Ricks home was searched, and his gun was confiscated, it is labeled as #254 approx, however the clip used to get Rick arrested is #016 approx. You obviously see where I'm going with this right? In other words, law enforcement didn't cycle a bullet through rick's gun clip, because the gun clip used in the testing needed one thing: For the clip to fit in Ricks gun. Evidentiary item numbers do not go backwards.

Extraction Evidence and Ballistics are 2 completely different animals.

What you THINK is that someone threatened the girls with a gun and a bullet was extracted is pretend and a world of make believe, not something you KNOW.

DNA and fingerprints can't be found and said publicly by numerous law enforcement officers, including yourself, and then all of a sudden disappear. The Patty family was dna tested, patrick westfall was tested, and many others were tested, which means there is an unknown. Liggett stated in 2023 that the DNA does not belong to Rick.

There will never be 12 Jurors to unanimously vote to convict Rick of murder if the DNA collected does not match Rick. Maybe back in the days, but not in 2024. And the state not saying who the DNA belongs to is the definition of reasonable doubt.

Dan Dulin has told numerous people that he will never testify in the trial, even though he is on the Witness list. Why? He stated he is a silent witness and that he would only testify if he was ordered to. Which would never happen, because the tip narrative never came from dan dulin. It came from DNR Conservation Officer Thomas Skinner. Rick will also tell you he never spoke to dan dulin. Rick called Skinner because he was a friend of his.

The trial will never happen, obviously, so how long are you going to continue to crucify this poor innocent man? Check egos at the door, please. It's about right and wrong, good and evil. What happened was evil, but Rick is not the one. Clint McLeland from the Delphi PD and his associates have said for years that Rick is not the one who killed those girls. Maybe that explains the gag order. But see, Dan Dulin has also stated that he has had a gag order since 2017. Anybody who spoke up that went against the grain, could and would lose their jobs if they continued speaking up.

The bigger investigation is going on as we speak, so are you both going to go down with the ship? For the shit Liggett and Leazenby got you all in? Carroll County Sheriffs Office needs the blame, If not, the entire boat is fucked. This is when you 2 can be the true heroes of this case. You both know, just like I know, that Rick is not involved and is 100% innocent. If that narrative continues, than Justice for Abby and Libby was just crap spewing out of your mouths and I can't wait till those girls come and snatch both of your souls. But if you do the right thing, you can both the heroes. 

Respectfully upset,
Alex Zabel Jr. voice of the children
"Flora Fire Death Certificates"
- June 13, 2024 -
There are many people trying to debunk the death certificates of Abby and Libby. In order to prove to you all that they are not doctored up fake documents, here I've posted all 4 death certificates for the victims in the Flora Fire, Keyana, Kionnie, Keyara and Kerriele. Those also have "married but separated" as well as "suicide" listed. Of course they made many mistakes, but if you noticed, it's the same young incompetent coroner who filled them out.
"(EDRS) Electronic Death Registration System"
- June 13, 2024 -
CARROLL COUNTY COMET - Feb 22, 2017 - Liberty German
OBITUARIES - Liberty German

CARROLL COUNTY COMET - Feb 22, 2017 - Abigail Williams
OBITUARIES - Abigail Williams

DEATH CERTIFICATES - Liberty German & Abigail Williams
I had the EDR numbers verified - Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS)
Liberty German EDR No#000000561557 - DOD - 02/13/2017
Abigail Williams EDR No#000000561401 - DOD - 02/14/2017
(The documents posted above are legitimate government documents)
"Case and Point"
- June 12, 2024 -
Although many have said these were debunked, I highly doubt it. Who would take so much time as to doctor up some death certificates in a murder case? Nobody. These were released years ago. And the coroner at the time of the murders was 18 years old and still in high school. It might explain a lot of the unexplainable weird answers that make no sense, such as, cause of death: suicide. However, my case and point is this: Liberty German date of death is Feb 13 and Abigail Williams date of death is Feb 14.

"Death Dates"
- June 12, 2024 -
I know how to prove that the Patty's have been in on it since day one, as well as Anna Williams. Time of Death has never been made public. Time of death will come out eventually and you will see that Libby died on Feb 13 and Abby died on Feb 14. Not only are their gravestones marked as such, but in the Carroll County Comet on Feb 22, it stated that Libby died on Feb 13 and Abby died on Feb 14. It wasn't like a free for all like parents get to pick the death date, but that is what will also be documented. Autopsy records will prove that these are the actual dates of death, which was Libby on the 13, and Abby on the 14. And that the parents have some explaining to do if I am correct.
LOL and after realizing this, the states timeline is definitely not correct.

Sadly, it means the Patty's know exactly when the girls died, yet they are still not saying anything about the innocent man in prison who supposedly killed the girls on the 13. I don't hate many people, but I really hate Becky and Mike Patty and Anna Williams. Lying ass pieces of shit. They know damn well Richard Allen is innocent.

"To All Youtubers on the Delphi Case"
- June 11, 2024 -
If I don't say something, nobody else will. You see I'm a low end youtuber. I don't get paid for what I post and I don't tell everybody my narrative by loving to hear my own voice, such as many I see on there. I never said I was the smartest guy, but the people who are doing the Delphi case are dumb as rocks. Not all of them. I do respect a few, R&M, TCI, Crime Knight, Prof, Motta, Rick Snay and a few others sorry if I didn't mention your names. It's because I have a list of dumbfucks I want to address this to. CJ, Greeno, Gray Hughes, Gambiez, and anybody else who has blocked me on the live chats. Your opinion is not more credible than mine. So get over yourselves. You douchebags love hearing your own voices. But let me tell you a little secret: You are never going to be the ones to solve this case, nor will you ever be called to the witness stand in the trial. Most of the bullshit they spew is about how Richard Allen had to do it. Understand that there will never be new secrets coming out at trial that the defense hasn't responded to. The discovery is just that, everything that was discovered. Some miracle witness isn't going to come to the stand to testify she saw Rick killing those girls, never. She would be on the witness list. So if you objectively take everything the state has against Rick, and set it on a table, would it hold weight in a court of law? 12 Jurors, DNA and Fingerprints recovered DO NOT MATCH Richard Allen. The definition of reasonable doubt, you idiots. I can only think that there are youtubers being paid to continue to push that Rick is guilty. But its not working anymore. So CJ, Greeno and Gray Hughes, on my page, its my rules, so I say go ahead and fuck all the way off. And go get a fuckin room you closet chomos. FREE RICHARD ALLEN!

"The Trial Will Never Happen"
- June 11, 2024 -
Like I've said, many moons ago, is that the trial will never happen. After speaking with ISP Supt. Doug Carter 2 days ago, he agreed completely that the trial will never happen. Even though he at the same time telling me that everything will come out at trial and that's when he will be able to answer all of our questions, yet he agrees the trial will never happen. It was never designed to go to trial. Their hope was that Richard Allen would either sign a confession or die in Westville. Neither happened. Doug Carter said he has only called back 4 emails ever, and I was one. He even gave me his cell phone number and said lets drink a beer sometime. Private number was calling me twice in a row so I had to get it, and it was Doug. He started off polite, and then got upset with me about, why would I ever say his wife and daughter would be killed? So I told him that he said that on a video when he was with Kelsi, that there is no cover up or corruption going on in the Abby and Libby case and he put that on the lives of his wife and child. He must've forgot. He was then very polite and I asked him about suspects being innocent till proven guilty, and explained how wrong it is that a citizen with no criminal record was put into a maximum security correctional facility as he awaits trial, and that he almost died, he then said, one time only, that he felt sorry for Rick. End of the story is this. Between emails from ISP Lt. Jerry Holeman and ISP Supt. Doug Carter, they always pointed out how much they dislike Baldwin and Rozzi, not Richard Allen, but the defense team. Why so much hatred towards the defense but not at Rick? Because Baldwin and Rozzi cracked open the special egg of secrets, now named the 136 page Memorandum. They aren't mad at the guy that supposedly murdered Abby and Libby, but the defense they have something against. They had a plan, but it never came together, and once the discovery got in the hands of the defense, the make believe game was over.

I am clear on her being unhappy. However, I have spoken with her, and I think if she had information like that, she would’ve shared it with me.  Its simply not true.  Richard Allen is guilty, and the truth will come out when the defense attorneys are done playing games and wasting taxpayers money.
Lt. Jerry Holeman

All very good questions that I assure you will be answered at the appropriate time and the appropriate place, which is in a courtroom, and I appreciate you agreeing that I cannot talk about them now.   I look forward to the time I can answer many of your questions.  PLEASE remember the delay DOES NOT rest with the States case, rather the defense and their unconscionable behavior.  
I do appreciate the time today – thank you!
Supt. Carter

"My Email sent to ISP Supt Doug Carter"
- June 7, 2024 -
email sent to
ISP Supt. Doug Carter - Concerns - Abby and Libby Case
My name is Alex Zabel and I am a very concerned citizen. For years now, I have seen countless times where law enforcement has not been forthcoming. In your own words Mr. Carter, if we were to hold anyone accountable for decisions made from law enforcement in Indiana, including your agency, that we should come to you. It's what we are demanding from you, and that is Accountability. I could sit here and name off hundreds of lies and smoke screens and diversion that you all have done involving the Delphi Murders and the Flora Fire, upon request. Reminder: Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."You have let us down Supt Carter, including the entire ISP agency, the Carroll County Sheriff's and the Delphi PD. The secret was well hidden for almost 6 years, Doug, till the 136 page Memorandum was released, which was information taken straight from the Discovery in the Delphi case. The plane has landed, and the cat is out of the bag, Doug. I've already opened up many cans of worms. You Must Decide: What prevails?? Good? or Evil?There are countless people who are culpable Doug, especially in the Carroll and Allen County Prosecutors Offices and the Judges. Indictments Coming for: Tony Liggett, Nick McLeland, Tobe Leazenby, Doug Carter, Jerry Holeman and countless others. So either, do what you told the world you would do, which was to hold Doug Carter accountable for all law enforcement and investigations decisions in these cases, or go down with the ship Doug. If you don't say something, someone will. And they will be quick to throw you right under the bus Doug. My voice is very loud and I am not afraid to blow a whistle if nobody else does. Indiana is looking pretty damn dumb right now Doug. From the outside looking in you look like some Masonic, White Supremacists, Meth using, Trump loving, Inbred, Incohesive groups of Law Enforcement Officers throughout the state. I am demanding Accountability ISP Supt Doug Carter. You put that on your wife and child that there is no corruption or nefarious things going on in the Abby and Libby case, and it was on video. And the public is seeing all the lies everywhere. So, your wife and child will be murdered, and it will be because of you? That was a very cowardly thing to say Doug. Whether you choose to comply or not, I don't give a shit. Speak Up, or Go Down with the Ship! If you would like some proof of the countless lies you all gave the world for the last seven years, let me know and I will send you some documentation. Until then, always remember that you can't speak about what you think, but you must speak about what you know, and that time is now! Warning: My campaign in this matter will be huge, loud, bothersome and very ruthless, so choose wisely. Alexander Zabel Jr.

"We Want Answers Derrick"
- June 7, 2024 -
Derrick A. German

"My Questions for Lt. Jerry Holeman"
- June 6, 2024 -
(email correspondence)
Lt. Jerry Holeman: False. Where do come up with this crap??? Richard Allen is guilty, and the truth will come out when the defense attorneys are done playing games and wasting taxpayers money.

My response to him: If Rick is that guilty Lt Holeman, then why all the cloak and dagger and all the smoke and mirrors? If he really did do it, why are so many records still sealed? Why is there a gag order on law enforcement? Why the secrecy? Why no cameras in the court room? If rick is the sole killer, and he is locked up, why not release more information? Why not speak about the fingerprints or DNA that was collected? So you are telling me
that inexperienced tony ligget is smarter than the fbi homicide detectives trained in quantico? Why did liggett and mcleland lie on the pca in order to have a judge sign the search warrant for ricks house? Why was an unspent bullet brought into the equation if the girls were never shot? Why are the signatures found at the crime scene not made public? Some of the best forensic labs in the world are in Indiana, yet zero lab results? If the DNA does not match rick, than who does it belong to? And why isn't that suspect arrested and charged with rick? Why lie and say muddy and bloody, when all she said was muddy? Why can't any of the witnesses say they for sure saw rick? Why are you forcing us to believe the girls died on the afternoon of the 13th? To fit your timeline? Why would rick paint an "F" on the tree with libbys blood? Why hasn't the sexual assault angle been made public? Why isn't there phone data placing rick on the or around the bridge at 330pm? Why was kegan kline brought back into the picture in 2021, when he was searched and arrested a week after the murders and cleared, but only arrested for child porn? Why hasn't the biological father of libby said one word since the murders in 7 years? Why would law enforcement continue to ask for tips 6 years later? After already receiving over 100k tips and ricks just happened to slip through the cracks? Why were 70 days of recording and interviews recorded over on such a high profile case as this? If there were zero people who saw the girls being abducted or killed, than why so sure it was rick? Why didn't liggett have his police bodycam on while searching ricks house. If ron logan was a felon in possession of countless firearms, why was he only convicted of a habitual illegal driving violation? If the public has already been told that the crime scene was compromised, then why not say so? If rick did this alone, within an hours time, is he some kind of magical ninja? Why was rick placed in a correctional facility instead of the county jail as he is awaiting trial? Why hasn't the dna been brought back up for years? You do realize that there will never be 12 jurors to unanimously vote to convict richard allen for the brutal murders of abby and libby, when the fingerprints and dna to not match rick? Maybe in the past, but not in 2024. Why continue the big charade parade, when the cat has been out of the bag for a long time now? Why have more than 2 delphi pd officers claim that richard allen is innocent? Why did liggett lie about dan dulin taking the report, when it was taken by thomas skinner? Why has dan dulin told numerous people that he is a silent witness and that he will not testify in the case, even though he is on the witness list? Why isnt the female hiker civilian that found the bullet not on the witness list? Why is there zero chain of command documentation from the unspent casing? Why has it taken over 7 years and countless officers and law enforcement agencies to find justice for abby in libby, when there was pictures, video and voice captured of the killer since day one? Why frame an innocent man for the mistakes you all made early on? Why did you and tony liggett perjure yourselves in court? If ricks the killer, then why lie? Since you are an Indiana good ole boy, then why are you a viking fan? Nordically speaking. Why destroy evidence if the integrity of the case was so important since the beginning? Why would leazenby call off a search for two missing girls in the middle of the night? If the girls were killed on feb 13, then why didn't one of the countless searchers spot the bodies or even the shoe and clothes in the creek before feb 14? People in your neck of the woods can spot a squirrel from a 1000 yards away, but nobody saw the white shoe and clothes sitting right out in the open in the creek? Why is not discrediting your agency more important than finding justice for Abby and Libby?

Lt. Jerry Holeman: That’s a lot of false information. I don’t know about the sealed info and gag order. That’s up to the court. But the truth will come out.

My response: Cmon be honest with me Jerry. A lot of false information? Most of that list of questions has 90% of truth and facts that have already been public record, not made up stuff. And people have been saying the truth will come out for over 7 years now, and still no truth yet. Lt. I forgot to add that there is one common denominator in all of this, and that's Tobe Leazenby. Leazenby and Liggett are 2 of the most culpable for corruption, perjuring themselves, and framing rick. The case was just supposed to fade away in time Lt. Meth has always been a small part of tobe's life. He is friends with good and evil, and he is the real life, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
If you still believe Rick did it, why wouldn't you still at least question Derrick? It is completely his fault that Abby and Libby were murdered Lt.
Revenge is probably the only viable motive you could come up with in this case with so many twists. You said yourself, no ritual. It was a planned murder. Leazenby was off work on the 13th till he was called into work for the missing girls. He is also the one who called of the search at midnight. It's not adding up Lt. Do the math.
Here is an easy question you can answer Lt. Did Richard Allen do this alone?

"Operation: Derrick German"
- June 6, 2024 -

"Lab Results"
- June 5, 2024 -
When it comes to the DNA collected at the crime scene, show us One Lab Result? We'll wait.

"All Of The Evidence"
- June 5, 2024 -
Like I've said in the past, fruit of the poisonous tree is linked to All of the evidence, except perhaps, the video and libbys phone. Detective 101- Fingerprints, and DNA? Now all of a sudden it hasn't been mentioned for years? They are actually playing the world like we're stupid, and want us to believe what you are not telling us, after asking for help for so many years. Tainted: fingerprints, dna, gone.
There were interviews taken right after the murders of very viable suspects, yet nobody heard of them till 6 years later. And all of those interviews, and over 70 days of recordings disappeared? Like magic. Tainted: All interviews, or anything related to BH, PW, RL and EF, gone.
Can you tell us how they were killed? We can't tell you that because it might ruin the integrity of the investigation: Tainted: Abby, Libby, Crime Scene as a whole, gone.
We still have the sketches, those aren't Tainted.
I can go on and on, but I believe you know where I am getting at. All Evidence in this case is Tainted.
The Trial can not happen. I had a search warrant served on me, for sales, guilty, paid my fines and did my time, however in court, before I took a plea, my attorney had the search warrant unsealed, and the names of the Confidential Informant was on there, but redacted. The state will go as far as that, but will normally never give up a confidential informants name. Reason I say that is because the state is stretching this out as long as possible, but even without cameras in the courtroom, there will never be 12 jurors to unanimously vote to convict Richard Allen, if the Fingerprints and DNA collected at the crime scene does not match Richard Allen. If reasonable doubt ever came in to play, that would be it.
The Patty family was so hurt that pictures of their granddaughter and her friend made the internet, Boo hoo. They have been and will be in court to see all those crime scene photos individually on posters in the courtroom. Unless the crime scene pictures are also tainted. No murder weapon. No witnesses who saw the girls being abducted and/or killed.
If that tyrant, Judge Frances "C" Gull, continues to act like she has the biggest balls in the Indiana Judicial System, it's not looking good for Rick. He barely survived after they tried to slowly kill him, but failed. I will stick to my guns and say that this trial will not and can not happen.
Now I hope Richard Allen can survive long enough to see his day in court. He at least deserves that.

Photo Shoot for "Brokeback Mountain 2" :mike patty - derrick german - cody patty

In Closing, it's "The Elephant In The Room" Mr Derrick German, boy you are lucky to be alive. You were the intended target, and the entire Patty family knew it. Not one interview, no words after 7 years? The biological father of Libby? Not out there with the Patty's asking for Justice, putting out flyers of the sketches that definitely look nothing like the kokomo meth dealers and rushville inbreds that really murdered the girls? You see folks, Derrick has been scared shitless for 7 years. If he told on the people who did this, he would've been the biggest known snitch this side of the Mississippi. With a huge target on his back. Libby is already gone, do I testify against the real murderers? Or say nothing and just move along. Its your fault Derrick that those girls were brutally raped, sodomized and murdered. It was to teach you a lesson on why doing your time is better than avoiding jail by giving law enforcement names. They were already watching you when the FBI was there as you and Cody did some drug buys for law enforcement. Confidential informants are Paid and somewhat, property of the state. And the Patty family have been covering up for him ever since. Derrick German, the convicted felon, sleeps with a gun under his pillow. You should've died since you didn't want to be a snitch the 2nd time. And now, since Derrick wasn't a snitch this time, lets celebrate while the killers were still on the loose, by getting together, designing and building a memorial park for over a million dollars in the name of the girls that got killed because of Derrick. Yayyy team Patty family.
"What If?"
- June 5, 2024 -
So what if it was never an Odinism ritual sacrifice, and it was only done to throw off law enforcement? What if it was a game of Tarot? The Magician and The Hanged Man Tarot Cards and exactly how the bodies were staged might ring true. In older Hanged Man Tarot Cards from the past, the man hanging was posed as a cross, and sometimes holding a big cross. The sticks on Abby would definitely make a cross. And I remember people saying that Liberty was posed as the statue of Liberty, but perhaps it was the Magicians Card.
"Judge Gull Went Rogue"
- June 4, 2024 -
She, of course denied herself from being removed from the case. I would've thought her peers or even the Supreme Court had told her that she has been outright biased, publicly, numerous times. I hate fucking Politics, but Judge Gull is Donald Trump with a wig on. She is out of control and not seeing the big picture of her own future. The Judge who was the first to implement cameras in the court room, till now. This is a serious shit show now. Regardless of whether Richard Allen is found Guilty or not, the fact remains that so much Exculpatory evidence has disappeared that any appellate court will over turn the conviction. DNA and Fingerprints don't match Richard Allen. If so, who do they belong to, and why are they not locked up and fighting the same charges? I hate to say it, but they are really looking like some inbred, beer drinking, meth snortin, dumb as rocks law enforcement, especially in the Sheriff's department. Being that this Dishonorable Judge has decided to stay on the case, let's see how it goes from here. With zero over sight and nobody coming in to make the rescue, we are going to continue watch that man's rights stripped from for even longer. The CVS guy is no Angel, but with no prior criminal record, at 50 years old, he didn't decide to brutally rape and kill 2 young girls in the woods. And stage the crime scene. The bodies were not even taken to the crime scene until the tweaker hours of 445-525am on February 14. And that is why law enforcement continues to push the narrative that the girls were murdered in the afternoon of February 13. Yet nobody saw the crime scene? 300 searchers didn't walk along the creek and see the bodies posed and murdered? The timeline does not fit Richard Allen.
"My Email Blast for Today"
- June 4, 2024 -
6/04/2024 - Update - Nothing screams Injustice and Corruption more than the DELPHI MURDERS CASE. Richard Allen is 100% Innocent and Framed by Law Enforcement. PLEASE hear me out
Voice of the Children
12:53 AM (6 minutes ago)
I am but one person, with one voice, and I have nothing to lie about, nor am I gaining any money for speaking. Please just hear me out.

Nothing screams Corruption louder than this case. 7 years later, Innocent Man arrested. More than 3 Killers still on the loose. Exculpatory evidence disappearing. Search warrant affidavit full of blatant lies. Every document in the case is sealed by the courts. There is a gag order in place for the defense, the prosecutor, the families of the victims and all law enforcement in Indiana. The brotherhood of the Masonic Good Ole Boys. Crooked cops and sheriff's perjuring themselves in court. Dirty Prosecutor. And a Judge that has gone Rogue on the entire Indiana Judicial System. What is happening in rural Indiana is an Injustice, and negligent, borderline reckless towards our Constitutional Rights! Zero over sight. Carroll County needs Help!

Instead of someone trying to make you believe that Richard Allen, the CVS guy is Innocent, then please take a look at a video of one of the Murderers himself, Brad Holder, a known Odinist and Gang Member and manufacturer of Meth. He's been bragging about the Murders since it happened and was connected to the victims. Interviews with Law Enforcement were lost when a DVR recorded over it. That's what Law Enforcement says.
Brad Holder in this video is exactly what somebody's sounds like when they know they can not be arrested or charged for a crime they've committed.
*There was an illegal search and not following proper procedures allowed the real murderers of Abby and Libby to Walk Free.
"Fruit of the Poisonous Tree"
^^ FREE Blog - Updated Regularly ^^

CORRUPT: ISP Lt. Jerry Holeman - CCSO Sheriff Tony Liggett - CCSO Tobe Leazenby
And the person to ask to be held accountable for all of this, ISP Superintendent Doug Carter Please email him asking for accountability. I do it daily.
In closing: Not to be political, but imagine Donald Trump with a wig on, and that is Superior Court Special Judge Frances C. Gull.
"Psychic Angela Thomas"
- June 2, 2024 -
I've always tried to remain open minded, but for some reason, in my entire life, I could never believe in psychics. Until a few hours ago. The video below from ParanormalZoneTV was recorded and published on youtube 3 years ago. Either this weed I'm smoking on is the best shit ever, or Angela Thomas is the most amazing woman I've ever watched in my life. It's 2 hours, and it starts off slow and then ends with every piece of the puzzle. She is going to blow your mind. Please keep in mind that this interview was done years before the 136 page Memorandum was released.
Private Readings
Follow up on Angela Thomas. She is very down to earth and politely replied to both my email and my message on fb messenger. Such an honest, true, genuine and very educated woman, and so humble. Of course I will not say she gave me all the answers, but how she came about them. And she will never say any names due to future lawsuits, so she is the realest woman I have ever met. In closing, she has classes on remote viewing in august. I am hopefully enrolling to it. God bless Angela Thomas. Nobody paid her to do the delphi case. She dove into it through remote viewing and the matrix and had all the answers years ago. She was there. She then submits names and details about the case and sends it to law enforcement. And then she lets it go. She enters to not be held down after. Amazing work! And she doesn't wait for law enforcement to let her know she was right, because they never do. Sharing her gift to the world.
"Concerns & Predictions"
- June 1, 2024 -
I know I am not the only one concerned about Richard Allen's well being. LE's plan was him to die, and luckily Baldwin & Rozzi saved his life, however, the longer we wait for trial, the more chances they have to kill him. Recently looked at the IDOC and he wasn't on there. Perhaps he was transported to Tippecanoe County Jail, who knows? Rick and his family have been through so much. If he dies before he gets his day in court, then we all know exactly what happened. I don't even know the guy, but I feel for him. 
My predictions and hopes, being that the truth is finally coming to the light, is Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall and Elvis Fields being arrested for at least, the murder of Abby and Libby. The secret that law enforcement and the state held on to so well for over 6 years, was cracked wide open with the 136 page memorandum. And although LE and the prosecutor continue to play pretend and make believe, nobody that's normal can say that what the defense has brought to the table is some kind of fairy tale to save their client. It's the truth, and I am sticking to the motive of all this madness as, "fruit of the poisonous tree." Being that we all know there is a cover up, we have to ask ourselves why? Why would anybody protect losers like Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall, Ron Logan and Elvis Fields? Law enforcement can't stand those tweakers, and those tweakers can't stand law enforcement. The only way they can be protected is if the integrity of the investigation was completely ruined. We already know the crime scene was compromised. If everything law enforcement has told us since the beginning is not the "fruit" then everything they don't speak of is the "fruit." The 4th Amendment is pretty powerful. Ron Logan was a habitual criminal and convicted felon, so why wasn't he charged with a felon in possession of a firearm? He ended up getting violated for driving offenses. You see, the firearms recovered at Ron Logan home was also fruit. The entire crime scene, fruit. All of the evidence recovered at Ron Logan's home, fruit. Follow the fruit around and see why many things disappeared in the case, including fbi interviews with certain individuals, but not others. And why the odinism wasn't followed by law enforcement. Fruit explains why we have never been told what the murder weapon was. Even the bodies of Abby and Libby are part of the fruit.
The bodies were found down the creek, not on the bridge and the walking trail. A wealth of evidence was collected, having nothing to do with the bridge and the walking trail. That was diversion tactic 101 by LE since day 1. Does anybody know who the bridge guy is? Look how he walks and listen to his voice. Look at the sketches. 2 years later, a new sketch. It kept everybody busy trying to figure out who the bridge guy was and who looked like the sketches, laughing in our faces. Disregard bridge guy, because the only thing he could be found guilty of, is walking on the bridge, nothing else. No witnesses saw the abduction or the killing, other than the murderers.
The case was solved on day 1, Feb 14 in the evening when gung-ho cops went through Ron Logan's property, illegally. And it's been a cover up since. Being it was because of not following proper procedures, this case was supposed to just fade away in time, unsolved. Even though it was solved, publicly it was suppose to stay unsolved.
Watch the tiktok video of Brad Holder. That's what somebody looks like when they know they can't be arrested or charged for a crime. He's been bragging about what he did since it happened. Arrest that piece of garbage. He's been wanting to tell his story for years now. And release the innocent man you have locked in prison.

"40 page Motion to Disqualify Judge Gull"
- May 27, 2024 -
The 40 page Motion to Disqualify Judge Gull was another "Work of Art," similar to the 136 page Memorandum written by the defense. Making a mistake or 2 is human, but Judge Gull made way too many mistakes to claim it was an accident. Impartial and biased since day 1. Violating Richard Allen's constitutional rights was a go to move for Judge Gull. And even though we all saw it happening, it was like she didn't give a shit about Richard Allen's rights. Now, in order for Judge Gull to continue, she must answer for every single action she took in the case thus far. She won't be able to do that, nor will she cite any code or case law to explain her reasoning behind them. With that being said, Judge Gull will most likely recuse herself, in order to keep her job. Judge Gull really thought she had some big balls and realized now that she doesn't. Perhaps her peers were letting her know how obvious she has been. Cops go rogue, prosecutors go rogue, but Judges don't. The paper trail for Gull is insurmountable to explain and get away with. Although we all thought there was no oversight, the defense wasn't gonna give up and say uncle. Their determination should tell you a lot on how much they feel their client is 100% innocent and has been getting railroaded since 2022. Even if Judge Gull does not recuse herself, an appellate record has been made. Now the Supreme Court would have to weigh in. Whether Judge Gull remains on the case or not, Richard Allen will be found Not Guilty anyways. In 2024, there will never be 12 jurors to unanimously vote to convict, when the DNA and Fingerprints collected and recovered from the crime scene do not match Richard Allen. That is the definition of Reasonable Doubt, and the defense have hundreds more on deck. Bye Bye Judge Gull. Go back to Allen County where people might deal with your bossy ballsy type of shit, but not in Carroll County. The most dishonorable judge I have ever seen in my life. Held at the highest standards, she still did as she pleased in this case disregarding all she has done to get to the position she holds today. I hope it was worth losing your livelihood over it Judge Gull, cause you are a disgrace to the Indiana Judicial System. You jumped on McLeland's bandwagon and forgot what you were doing and who was watching. Now you will be a nobody. Recuse yourself you ruthless cunt. The Constitution will always be more powerful than you.
"The Most Innocent Man in History"
- May 14, 2024

Indiana Department of Homeland Security/Governor Eric Holcomb/Attorney General Todd Rokita/The Federal Bureau of Investigation-Indianapolis Division:

Do you BACK the BLUE???? CORRUPT Law Enforcement Officers are giving INDIANA a real bad name, making you all look like some White Power, Inbred, Good Ole Boy, Clowns. The same people who took an oath and who are held at higher standards than the rest of us regular folks, are making a Mockery of Carroll County and the Judicial System. Quit letting them lie in our faces and start making them ACCOUNTABLE! Ron Logan, Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall and Elvis Fields murdered Abby and Libby. Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall and Elvis Fields murdered Keyara, Kionnie, Keyana and Kerriele. My voice is Very LOUD and I am Not Going Away any time soon. Put those 6 Murdered Girl's lives ahead of your own for once. And release the Innocent Man they are Proudly Railroading. Normally they get away with it, but this time, the WORLD is WATCHING. Corrupt: Sheriff Tony Liggett, Prosecutor Nick McLeland, ISP Lt. Jerry Holeman & Sheriff Tobe Leazenby. A big collection of ISP COWARDS that refuse to admit their mistakes for their inexperience while framing the CVS guy. AN INNOCENT MAN!!!! FACT: It was a Brutal, Intentional, Ritualistic Murder of 2 Innocent Teenage Girls, and not by your local neighborhood CVS Pharmacist! The Corruption Will Be Exposed and the Truth Will Come Out!!

"Historic Facts about the Case"
- May 7, 2024
--THE DELPHI MURDERS of ABBY & LIBBY - In no particular order, here are some of the facts about the case. Since the beginning, every document and any online information concerning this case has been sealed by the prosecutor and the courts since the murders occurred in 2017. After numerous press conferences and asking the public for help for over 6 years, and after receiving over 100k tips, the new prosecutor and the guy running for sheriff elect, in 2022, made an arrest of someone that nobody had ever heard of. The suspect claimed he was innocent and that he only volunteered the information that he was at the walking trail that day in 2017. He was interrogated and arrested and was soon after being housed in prison, instead of the county jail, as he awaits trial. Housing a defendant in a correctional facility as he is waiting for trial has never happened in Indiana history. In this case, the courts issued a gag order against all attorneys, all law enforcement, the prosecutors office, and the victims families. The DNA and fingerprints collected at the crime scene do not match the defendant. There are multiple signatures at the crime scene that would point to a ritualistic type of cult killing. Whether they were copycat killers or not, there were many pictures of the crime scene and multiple, non-secular signatures throughout. Odinism/Norse Pagan/Vinlanders/White Supremacists/Cult/Gang. More common than you would think, in Indiana.
--The first prosecutor on the case resigned in the first year, and a new prosecutor took over. The first judge who signed the PCA for the search warrant for the defendants home, has since recused himself, and resigned a week ago. The new judge, who has been publicly biased and impartial since the beginning, fired the public defenders she chose to represent the defendant, and the superior court of Indiana told her she was wrong and could not do that, so the public defenders were back to defend the defendant.
--In 2017, the FBI had a search warrant for the murder of the same victims, but, for a different suspect, and that suspect was eventually only charged with a driving violation of his probation. He did a years time, got out, and died soon after by complications due to Covid. The bridge guy found recorded on one of the victims phone, was most likely this suspect and his voice matched the recording of the bridge guy speaking, according to the FBI.
--In 2022, running for Sheriff Elect was a detective already on the case, who found a tip narrative from 6 years ago, about the defendant calling a conservation officer saying he was at the trail, because in the news, law enforcement asked anybody and everybody who was on that trail that day, to call it in.
--Since day one, law enforcement and the news have asked for any tips or information that can help solve this case. Although they were asking for help, law enforcement has been tight lipped about any evidence, not even saying what the murder weapon was, or how the victims were killed, nor the time of death. The crime scene yielded a wealth of evidence, however, although they haven't publicly admitted it, the crime scene was compromised by law enforcement, over and over again. So when asking for tips, you would think something at the crime scene would let the world know what they were looking for. Instead of the crime scene, under the bridge, law enforcement always blew sunshine up our asses, asking if somebody saw the man on the bridge. Does he look familiar? Notice how he walks. And look at the sketches of the guy who might have been seen on the trail or the bridge that day. Listen to his voice. You see, the bridge guy, the trail and the sketches have nothing to do with the crime scene under the bridge. 6 years of diversionary tactics, citing the integrity of the case, to not answer certain questions and to mask the truth. 
--Two or three other likely suspects were questioned days after the murder in 2017. They took lie detector tests, they were questioned by the FBI and local law enforcement. These suspects are known Odinists, and practice rituals, and murder animals, and do cult sacrifices, and drink blood. One of those suspects has been bragging about the murders since 2017, and even had a painting of the crime scene, exactly how the victims were laid out, including multiple signatures, that not even the public has seen or even released until 2023. All recordings of these suspects, and 70 more days of interviews, were recorded over by a malfunction of a DVR recorder. Exculpatory evidence, gone forever. FBI suspect: Dead. 3 other most likely suspects: Free to this day.
--The man they currently have housed in a correctional facility, charged for the murders, has no ties to the victims, and has no ties to Odinism, nor does he have any ties to any of the other suspects. The defendant has never been arrested before in his 50 years of life. He is a happily married man for over 30 years, has a daughter, used to be a manager at Walmart, and when he was arrested, he was working as a Pharmacist tech at the local CVS. The elected Sheriff wrote the search warrant in 2022 for the defendant, and completely changed and withheld certain evidence from the Judge. This same Sheriff recently perjured himself in court. And a year ago, that same Sheriff publicly stated in a deposition, that the finger prints and the DNA recovered at the crime scene does not match the defendant, and that he has no ties to the victims or Odinism, and nothing nefarious was ever found on his computers or electronic devices.
--Now in charge of the case is no longer the Sheriff, but the newly promoted Lieutenant at the State Police Department. In order to get the search warrant signed by the first judge, law enforcement used an unspent bullet found at the crime scene to connect the defendant to the case. To this day, law enforcement has not told the world what weapon was used to kill the victims, but the world now knows that it wasn't a gun. And the bullet was never shot in order to do the proper ballistics. They used pseudo science using extraction marks of the unspent casing.
--There were no witnesses to the abduction, or the killing of the victims. Besides law enforcement compromising the crime scene, the victims bodies also happened to be found on the property of the suspect the FBI wrote a search warrant for in 2017. Now deceased.
--Even though the prosecution does not want the defense to speak about Odinism and the connections to the crime scene and at least three of the likely suspects, it gets even worse. Since the defendant was being housed in a prison, the highest ranking guards of that exact correctional facility, wore patches hailing to Odin on their uniforms and have since admitted it and removed them. The defendant lost over 50 pounds and almost died while being housed with these same Odin guards. He was threatened by guards and convicts, and was sadly paraded through the prison by those same Odin guards, with a dog collar on the defendant's neck and a chain as the convicts cheered him on.
--At that correctional facility, the public defenders appointed to the defendant could not even speak with their client without guards watching, and everything being video taped. Chained head to toe like Hanibal Lecter. Please remember, that this is the same CVS guy who has no criminal record, was a productive member of society, who liked to play pool and watch Netflix with his family.
--In addition, although this case fits the criteria of a Death Penalty case, it is not being prosecuted as such. The defendant has been incarcerated since October of 2022.
--My only guess, to this day is, that numerous illegal searches were performed and the crime scene was compromised numerous times, so I chalk it as "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree."

"Day of Reckoning"
- May 5, 2024

The day is almost here. May 7 and the start of the trial on May 13. I honestly can't believe this is going to trial. Richard Allen was supposed to die in Westville, but they failed. I just can not see Prosecutor McLeland even being ready for this trial, but apparently he is still pushing forward. I always said that he is a runaway train headed nowhere fast. The trial of McLeland's life and he is entering a losing battle. Many of us regular folks have known the truth for a very long time, so of course getting Richard Allen his freedom is a priority. Abby and Libby will never get justice, until Rick does first. The powers that be should all be fired. Not all people are cut out for the job of being a law enforcement officer, and Carroll County and Delphi prove that. Inexperienced high school grads having a badge and a gun has made Indiana lose their way. Integrity is a big part of law enforcement, in which ISP and Carroll County have none. Proudly railroading an innocent man and ruining his life. No conscience for those pieces of garbage. FREE Richard Allen!!!! And make the real killers accountable.

"Close to Trial Date"
- April 29, 2024

Will Judge Gull continue being the cunt she has been for the past year? Or will she actually do her job by being impartial and not show her obvious bias publicly? I guess there is no sort of oversight in the Indiana Judicial system, obviously, or why has Judge Gull gotten away with so much?

The saddest part about having an innocent man locked in prison as he awaits trial, is the fact that most, if not all law enforcement officers in Delphi and Carroll County know that fact, but gag orders keep them from speaking up.

Officers, detectives and sheriffs are making a mockery of the judicial system in Indiana. Of course law enforcement can perjure themselves, because who would make them accountable? Nobody. And it's exactly why the good ole boys have gotten away with so much bullshit throughout the years. But this time, the world is watching, so if it continues through trial, then we all know how much of a grip the good ole boys have in Indiana.

Lt. Jerry Holeman told me in his own words that Ron Logan, Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall and Elvis Fields have been double and triple checked, and that they've all been cleared. Now Jerry is obviously a fat fuckin habitual liar and as Lt. makes him the biggest part of the corruption in Carroll County. Jerry can't even spell basic words correctly. He's dumb as a fuckin rock. He gives zero shits about having an innocent man incarcerated and his wife is already on the verge of leaving that fat piece of shit.

Here was my test for Lt. Jerry Holeman. As the world now knows, there were sticks placed as runes on the girls bodies and the letter F was painted on a tree using one of the victims blood. So my question to him was if he felt that it was some sort of ritualistic type killing, whether it be real or copycats, and he said "No." That is one thing that shows me and everybody else is that he is playing pretend. He's the worst fucking law enforcement officer in Carroll County, hands down. I can not wait till indictments come rolling into Delphi and Carroll County. Because they may not be reprimanded now, but best believe they will be held accountable. Especially fat ass lying corrupt Jerry Holeman and Tony Liggett. 

"Brad Holder & Richard Allen"
- April 6, 2024

Brad Holder - Ex-Military - Known Vinlander - Known Odinist - Known practicer of Asatru - Known Racist - Extensive Criminal Record - His son Logan dated Abby Williams - His Tiktok handle before the murders happened is BadBrad213 - 213 is an important number in Odinism, as well as, the Death Date. He posted a picture in 2017 with 2 girls in it resembling the crime scene exactly - He Painted a picture of Odin hanging from a tree with "F" runes on the ground - He went to the funeral of Libby - Brad has multiple Odinist Tattoos on his Body - He is Unemployed most of the time - He Forges his own Knives - He owned a .40 cal gun - He is a Convicted Felon and should not be in the Possession of any Guns - His Guns are Not Registered - He is Not a Family Man - He made a Video mocking that he was the Murderer - He Kills Cats - At the Time of the Murders he was going through a Bitter Divorce - Has been in Jail and Prison - Brad Holder lived with Ron Logan at one time - Brad is a known Heavy Meth User and Manufacturer - Odinism has been under the radar for a long time, till Brad Holder got a hold of it - Brad wanted to make a name for himself - A FreeMason - Owns Multiple Knives - Brad Buys Drugs - He is a Deadbeat Dad - Brad thinks he is a God - Brad takes Showers Weekly - Jumping in a Pool is considered a Shower - Has ties to Abby and Libby - Has ties to Patrick Westfall - He has ties to Elvis Fields - Brad has ties to Johnny Messer - 

Crime Scene and links to Odinism: Ritualistic - Sacrificial - Drinking Blood - Undressing and Re-dressing - Cut Ear to Ear - Bodies Moved - Bodies Staged - Bodies Posed - Sticks made as Runes - Late in the Evening - In the Woods - Killing Animals and Humans - Rune on tree with victim's Blood "F" - Meth - Rope - Trees - Forged Knives - Runes - Drained of Blood - Using Horns to drink Mead -

Richard Allen - Ex-Military - Known Manager of Walmart - Known Pharmacist Tech at CVS - No Criminal Record - Not Racist - Happily Married for over 30 years - He owned a .40 cal gun - Not an Alcoholic or a Drug Addict - Rick has No Odinist Tattoos - He's Gainfully Employed - His Guns were Legally Purchased and Registered - He Likes Cats - He owns Knives - He's a Family Man - Has never been to Jail - Rick has a 401K - Rick Buys Stocks - He is a wonderful Father - Rick has No ties to Odinism or Asatru - Rick has no ties to Abby and Libby - Rick has no ties to Ron Logan - He has never done Rituals or Sacrifices - Rick is a God Fearing Man - Rick takes Showers Daily - He enjoys Playing Pool - Has no ties to Patrick Westfall - He has no ties to Elvis Fields - Rick has no ties to Johnny Messer - 

"All Things Being Equal"
- March 27, 2024

The Delphi Murders - "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" Theory

On 2/13/2017, Abby and Libby were dropped off at the walking trail near the Monon High Bridge at about 130pm. They were supposed to get picked up by family around 3pm, however, the girls never showed up and were now missing. On 2/14/2017, at around 12pm, after the 22 unaccounted hours that the girls were missing, the bodies were discovered by a searcher named Pat Brown. Pat Brown was parked at the cemetery and asked Ron Logan personally if he could go through his property to search for the girls near the trail by Deer Creek. Soon after, that's when he found the bodies. I don't believe Pat Brown had anything to do with the murders, and he was actually traumatized after what he saw that day. (side note: Pat Brown and Ron Logan have been good friends and neighbors for decades, and were actually roommates at one time.) Not one time did Ron Logan help search for the girls. The evening before, when the search was still going on, Ron Logan said he was fooling with his tropical fish for 8 hours, if that makes any sense. When the girls were found the following day, they had been brutally murdered and possibly sexually assaulted, being that one of the girls was left naked and the other one was redressed. They were moved and staged, presumably being that the killers wanted them to be noticed and found. The murders seemed as if it was meant to send a message. A pedophile acting out on his sick impulses, or even an opportunist doesn't seem likely, being that there was no attempt to hide the bodies after what had been done.

After what was discovered and what happened to those innocent girls, the killers automatically became public enemy #1 for anybody and everybody, especially law enforcement. Girls were found on Ron Logan's property, so imagine some overzealous, gung-ho law enforcement officers that already knew who they thought was involved. Alibi or not, nothing was going to stop this first group of officers from finding out the truth. In Ron Logan's basement/cellar/garage, a treasure trove of evidence was found, including blood, guns, forged knives, DNA and some of the girl's missing clothing. A law enforcement officer as well as a good reliable friend of mine stated that on the evening of 2/14/2017, Ron Logan's entire property was being searched by law enforcement, which makes the most sense. Common sense will tell you that if the bodies were already found on Ron Logan's property, it shouldn't have to take a month and 2 days to secure a search warrant at Ron Logan's home on March 16, 2017.

Why leave the victims in the same location that numerous searches were being done? Why not take the bodies to a nearby town instead? Because the location that the girls were being held captive is very close to where the crime scene was. It also looks as if the killers took their time moving and staging the crime scene without the fear of being seen. It's someone who knows that area like the back of their hand. Dead or alive, the victims were brought out of hiding and to the crime scene well after the 2:30am search, most likely between the tweaker hours of 4:30-5:30am.

The evidence recovered from Ron Logan's home was done illegally, completely violating his 4th Amendment Rights, and the officers already knew they fucked up right away and had to almost pretend they didn't find what they found. Although many knew exactly what blunders that happened on Ron Logan's property, Unified Command and even the FBI was never informed. All evidence pointing to the murderers has now become the tree as the base and foundation of the Doctrine, being that not only can that evidence never be used to convict anybody in a court of law, but anything connected to the tree are all tainted fruit.

"Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine" which is a rule in criminal law that makes evidence that was derived from an illegal search, arrest or interrogation inadmissible. It's also a doctrine that extends the exclusionary rule to make evidence inadmissible in court if it was derived from evidence that was illegally obtained. As the metaphor suggests, if the evidential "tree" is tainted, so is its "fruit." The rule typically bars even testimonial evidence resulting from excludable evidence, such as a confession.

If you have all noticed, the most common thing said by law enforcement since the murders occurred in 2017, is the importance of the integrity of the investigation. The reason it has been said so many times is because they already ruined the integrity of the investigation on day one, so this is their way to move forward with the case. The crime scene had nothing but "fruit" connected to the tree, including DNA, fingerprints, signatures, and much more, but was never even brought up until the memorandum 6 years later.

The FBI had no involvement in the illegal search, and was also never told about it. That is why their investigation went on. ISP and Carroll County Sheriff's were the only ones who knew what really happened, so they had to let the FBI just do their thing, hoping they would finish sooner than later and get the hell out of town, so the good ole boys can do things their own way. Becky and Mike Patty, being closely related to law enforcement and the prosecutor demanded answers on day one and they got it. Privy information not even Libby's mom was told. The Patty's also knew that the case can never be solved because it already was, but proper procedures weren't followed.
When Ron Logan was arrested on a probation search/ search warrant served by the FBI, guns were found in his home. The search warrant was for Murder according to the FBI. The actual crime scene in his house where the girls were being held at, had been cleaned up very well. Ron Logan is a felon in possession of a firearm, however, the gun is also "fruit" and also the reason why he was only charged for being a habitual drunk driver who shouldn't have been driving. The FBI knew he lied about his alibi, making a phone call to do so, well before the bodies were even discovered. The FBI stated the bridge guy was Ron Logan. The FBI stated the voice heard on Libby's phone was Ron Logan. Countless things on Ron Logan's search warrant pointed directly at him, but see, the FBI was still in the dark about the early mistakes.

Many tips were called in, specifically naming Ron Logan, Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall. The FBI questioned Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall early on, not the ISP or the Carroll County Sheriff's. So all the videos of the suspects and their interrogations were not deleted by the FBI, it was destroyed by ISP and CCSO, by design, because they were all "fruit." They couldn't convict them with only circumstantial evidence.

Once the FBI departed, the mistakes made early on by ISP and the CCSO were supposed to just fade away in time. A case that was already solved, but will now be officially unsolved till the end of time. That's when trailer park Tony Liggett, Tobe Leazenby and the rest of the good ole boys went to work, on trying to solve the biggest case in Indiana history, that was supposed to just fade away in time.

Patsy #1`was Kegan Kline. His catfish account was the small connection they were gonna use. They soon found out that Kegan Kline was a bad idea. He's a habitual liar and a certified child predator and his mouth was way too big for him to be their patsy. Tip narrative found by Liggett was from Richard Allen, who said he was at the trail that day, and quickly became Patsy #2. A nice guy, soft spoken, no criminal record, and easy pickings for the good ole boys. By design, they made sure he was kept at Westville, where the Odinists are the highest ranking correctional officers there. He was supposed to die, because if Richard Allen dies, the murderer is dead and gone and the case is closed, and Carroll County Sheriff's are the hero's for catching him. However, the correctional officers were too busy parading Richard Allen around the prison with a dog collar on and a chain while the inmates cheered him on, instead of finishing the job.

Luckily for Richard Allen, the people Liggett asked to get the job done, failed miserably, because in came Ricks true saviors, Attorney's Andrew Baldwin and Bradley Rozzi. They let it be known that the world is now watching how Rick is being treated. He has been slowly recovering ever since, even though, considering, he is still being held in Wabash Correctional Facility. He barely survived and thwarted all of the CCSO efforts on knowingly railroading an innocent man who had never been arrested before.

Everything at the crime scene is all fruit. That's the only reason that prosecutor McLeland was mad about the leaks. It had nothing to do with the families. They were mad that all of the secrets are now coming to light. They did so well for over 6 years to keep them hidden. How were the girls murdered? What weapon was used? What time did the girls die? Whenever law enforcement or the prosecutor says "That involves the integrity of the investigation" it actually means, it involves the "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree."

On 2/13/2017, from 4pm into late in the evening, the Monon High Bridge and all surrounding areas were searched multiple times, including grid searches along the Deer Creek and the trails and in the woods, yet the girls were never found. Although law enforcement wants us all to believe that the girls were murdered on the afternoon of 2/13/2017, that is also a diversion from the truth. Even though Brad Holder and Ron Logan tried to get alibi's for 3-5pm on 2/13/2017, it does not account for the 22 unaccounted hours that the girls were missing. They were being held, against their will, inside of Ron Logan's basement/cellar/garage.

Saying anything to do about the crime and the crime scene could jeopardize the entire investigation, according to law enforcement, but look at this guy on the bridge. Look how he walks. Listen to his voice. Look at the 2 sketches. Too much emphasis on the bridge and the walking trail & who was there & who people think they saw. As law enforcement and homicide detectives, you don't start your investigation on a possible suspect who was seen on the walking trail. You start at the crime scene, using the wealth of information that has been collected. The killers left behind DNA, fingerprints & tons of clues, at the crime scene, not on the walking trail or on the bridge. It was a complete diversion to keep avoiding questions that were linked to the "fruit."

Motive: We now know that some, or all of the signatures left behind by the killers are actually runes and points these murders towards a religious, ritualistic, sacrificial killing. And after 6 years, without that crucial information, the murders would still have no clear motive. Now that we know it was the Vinlanders that practice Odinism, let's see what we have found about this religious cult so far. Drinking blood is often done during sacrifices. Undressing, dressing and redressing the victims is also part of their rituals. Sticks placed in certain configurations have different meanings. Rituals for this cult often take place in the woods in the evening time. This cult is extremely racist. They use black magic, witchcraft and norse paganism. They have been known to sacrifice animals and humans.
EVERYTHING THAT IS NOW POISONED: Cause of Death, Type of Murder Weapon Used, Time of Death, Date of Death, Coroner's Report, Autopsies, DNA, Fingerprints, Multiple Signatures, Forged Knives, Guns, Foot Prints, Unidentified Hair, Unidentified Fibers, any Tire Tracks or Impressions found and collected, Victims Clothing, all of the Crimes committed, the entire Crime Scene, the Bodies of Abby & Libby, the "F" Tree, Any and all Interviews, Arrests, Confessions, Notes, Tips, Alibi's and Interrogations involving Ron Logan, Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall & Elvis Fields, and the entire 40 acres on Ron Logan's property.

EVERYTHING THAT WASN'T POISONED: Has been used to try to convict Richard Allen. The unspent bullet that was not found by law enforcement, but by a woman weeks later with a metal detector. The Bridge Guy and the video, being that the FBI already made it public. The 2 sketches. A tip narrative supposedly left with a Conservation Officer on 2/14/2017. And coerced confessions of Richard Allen. Nothing on the list before this one can be used against Richard Allen.

Now, if I had to choose between the search warrant written by untrained homicide detective and elected Sheriff Tony Liggett and the search warrant written by FBI homicide detectives that have been trained in Quantico, I would obviously choose the latter. Ron Logan's search warrant was professional and had over 30 things pointing directly to him, while Richard Allen's search warrant was vague, speculative and altered, with possibly 2 things that might point to Richard Allen.

Meanwhile, Richard Allen, an innocent man, is still sitting in a maximum security prison as he awaits his trial, since October of 2022 with no bail. Someone who is a father and happily married for over 30 years, working hard to always provide for his family. A man who has no criminal record and no ties to Abby and Libby, or Odinism. The Indiana good ole boys are proudly railroading Richard Allen for the simple fact that he happened to volunteer the information that he was on the walking trail that day, on February 13, 2017, nothing more, nothing less.

Free Richard Allen

New Video - The Delphi Murders - "Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree" - Part 1
"Runes - Odin"
- March 18, 2024
-Ok bare with me for a second, for I am not a code reader, but I think I know exactly what the runes meant on Abby and Libby. It starts with something I took off of Brad Holders page before he deleted it.
Once I realized what it spelled, I couldn't figure out why Brad Holder had "Protection" on his page. It's the only written rune he had on there. I then took the drawing of the girls with the runes and removed the girls.
Then I did a search on runes, whether it be letters or even sentences. Couldn't find much. I then looked up Odin Germanic Runes + Protection, and bam.
That is the Viking Protection Rune.
Both of the girls runes put together come pretty close to it. Of course it's not identical, but its pretty damn close. So Brad Holder has been giving us tips since day one, but nobody put 2 and 2 together, so he then put the written rune he did above. He's been wanting to tell his story for a very long time. If I'm wrong, I'm the first one to admit it, but I think I'm onto something with this.

"Court March 18, 2024"
- March 14, 2024
-Just as I expected, Richard Allen will most likely be released with no charges pending against him on March 18. You see, Liggett, McLeland, Holeman and others never planned on going to trial. By design, Richard Allen was supposed to die while being locked up in Westville Correctional Facility, orchestrated by Sheriff Liggett. Not only did Liggett work there in the past, but all of his friends and colleagues are Odinists, as well as the highest ranking Officers in Westville. In order for them to railroad and frame Richard Allen, many things needed to fall into place, and they failed miserably. Being that law enforcement is held at a higher standard than us regular folks, they will probably be looking at losing their jobs, as well as federal time in a penitentiary. Including Liggett, Leazenby, Holeman and many others involved in the cover up.
Free Richard Allen

"The Gag Order"
- March 10, 2024
-The day after the press release, on Dec. 2, 2022, the court granted the state's motion for a gag order barring anyone associated with the case from talking about it in public.
-Jun 28, 2023 - Documents claim Richard Allen confessed to family. Allen County Judge Frances Gull, assigned to oversee the high-profile case, unsealed nearly 120 documents Wednesday. An additional 19 filings remain sealed.

-Question? So, doesn't Judge Gull have a gag order as well? Other then letting the world know Richard Allen confessed, what other reason would she have to release those documents, yet 19 others remained sealed? If the integrity of the case is so important, why didn't Prosecutor McLeland stop those documents from being unsealed and released?
-To me it obviously shows that Judge Gull is not only biased, as we already know, but she is actually helping the prosecution by allowing those specific documents and statements to be released publicly, when there had been a gag order since Dec of 2022.
-A gag order is an order, typically a legal order by a court or government, restricting information or comment from being made public or passed onto any unauthorized third party.

"My Own Thoughts"
- March 9, 2024
-Let's just say, hypothetically, if what I feel happened is actually true, in regards to, the "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree," how would law enforcement speak about it publicly, if they weren't even allowed to because of the illegal searches and compromised crime scenes?
My guess would be that they would say things like, "We believe you are hiding in plain sight" - "We know a lot about you" - "What are other people going to say when they find out you killed those two little girls?" - "We know it's about power to you" - "Today might be the day" - "Remember, a sketch is not a photograph" - "We've received a tremendous amount of very positive information, and we're continuing to run those tips down" - "We've most likely interviewed you, or someone close to you" - 

"Petition to Keep Everything Sealed"
- March 9, 2024
-Prosecutor McLeland has sealed everything possible relating to the Delphi case. And Grandma Becky Patty made sure everyone signed the Petition she created to keep everything about the Delphi case sealed. Over 50k signatures. Delphi population: 3k. Make that make sense. Nick McLeland and Becky Patty are very closely related. All that does is scream, "conflict of interest" to anybody watching and paying attention.
To put it another perspective, Prosecutor Mcleland is in charge of convicting a man that brutally murdered one of his family members and her friend.
McLeland's reason for sealing was to protect the integrity of the investigation, in other words, not letting the world judge this case by the court of public opinion, and as to not taint any future jury pool.
Becky Patty doesn't have a reason, other than co-signing for Prosecutor McLeland. If she is not involved in the investigation, than why would she make it so important for her and the family to push the petition to seal everything relating to the case?
Answer: Because Becky and Mike Patty both know Richard Allen is not the fuckin guy.
It has nothing to do with worrying about re-victimizing the families. If Mike and Becky have been to court every time it was in session so far, then why wouldn't they be there for the rest of the trial to hear all the heinous things that happened to the girls? Of course they will be there.
Worrying about the integrity of the investigation and the case, have nothing to do with Becky and Mike's feelings. It means they know something we don't know, however, they are mistaken, because we do know. The whole world knows.
So, as to make their marks in history, to the world, Mike and Becky Patty will always be known as the grandparents that selfishly cashed in, on the bones of Abby and Libby. Terrible liars, cold hearted, inbred opportunists.
Congrats Mike and Becky! Tell Nick I said hi.

"DC The Riddler"
- March 7, 2024
-My imaginary interview with Doug Carter- Q: Can you tell us what you think happened to those little girls that day in February of 2017? DC: We can't speak about what we think, we can only speak about what we know. Q: So, will you speak to us about what you know? DC: I'm not gonna go there. I will eventually tell you, but today is not that day. It might damage the integrity of the investigation. Q: Since you now have many other cities and states and countries and even the planet contacting ISP, are they asking you for advice? The reason I ask is, why would all these other people be asking you for advice, when you haven't even solved the 2 biggest unsolved crimes in Carroll County? DC: Because we've gained so much attention and likes and followers, that I even take trips across the country, to see my new friends, Megyn Kelly, Dr Phil, and even other law enforcement agencies. Q: Are the four girls that lost their lives in Flora just as important as the girls in Delphi? DC: Of course, they are totally different cases, but both share the same tragic outcome. And I don't care to ever mention Gaylin Roses name or Carrie Timmons name, because I am infatuated with Mike, Becky and Anna. They are so amazing. We've taking trips together, drank beer together. Q: If there are only 3k people who live in Delphi and you have received over 100k tips, can you explain why there are so many tips? DC: Because this case has caught the attention of the entire world, so if a guy in Bangladesh sends us a tip about the Delphi case, we would love to hear it. We don't want to listen to people who live in Delphi and Carroll County. Q: We understand that the girls were not shot, but stabbed using a sharp object. Can you tell us what that sharp object is? DC: I can't. I would love to tell you the story, but today is not the day. Q: While the case remained unsolved for 6 years, did the families and children of Carroll County have anything to worry about? DC: No way, people in Carroll County are smart and can make their own decisions and draw their own collusions, I mean, conclusions. Q: Can you tell us if the murders were ritualistic in nature? DC: I'm not gonna go there, but have you seen the guy on the bridge? Look at his movements. Notice how he walks. Don't look at the face, look at the legs. You can tell a lot about a person by their legs. Q: We were told there were obvious signatures at the crime scene. Can you tell us about that? DC: I can't, but have you looked at the two make believe sketches that look nothing alike? You might recognize one of them. Q: So if we feel one of the sketches look like someone we know, should we let people know and warn them or call our local police? DC: Do not do that. We don't want people doing any comparisons on their own. Call our tipline in which you could leave a recorded message that nobody will ever check. Q: Can you tell us anything about the actual crime scene found on Ron Logan's property? DC: I can not. But did you listen to the mans voice on the bridge, looped 28 times in a row? It might be someone you know. No tip is too small. Q: Is there a reason why the 2 biggest cases in Carroll County remain unsolved 7 years later? DC: Because this is small town America USA. It could've been my daughter, or your daughter, or your daughters friend. Big city crimes have touched rural Indiana and with the 12 cops employed, we don't need professionals like the FBI, or the ATF telling us how to run an investigation. We pride ourselves with nothing but Ego. Q: If the integrity of an investigation is mainly focused in what happens in the courtroom, and not tainting future jury pools, and since you think you have the murderer locked up, why not release any more information about the case? DC: I'm not gonna answer that. What's truly important is Mike and Becky and Annas feelings, and we don't wanna do that. They have fundraisers to do and shirts and bracelets to sell. Q: When you spoke directly to the killer through the camera on your press conferences, and said how you knew so much about that person, were you speaking to Richard Allen? DC: The judge signed a probable cause affidavit for the arrest of Richard Allen. Q: If Richard Allen is not the killer, do you feel bad that an innocent man is fighting for his life in a maximum security prison? DC: The judge signed a probable cause affidavit for the arrest of Richard Allen. Q: Being that Ron Logan, Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall and Elvis Fields were persons of interest within a week of the murders and were questioned numerous times, why hasn't law enforcement, Mike, Becky or Anna ever said their names one time in public or in any of their interviews? DC: The judge signed a probable cause affidavit for the arrest of Richard Allen. Q: Within a month of the murders, Mike and Becky were already taking out loans for a million dollar memorial park in the names of Abby and Libby. Why was that more important than finding the killers of those girls? DC: Aren't they amazing? They were able to take something so tragic and turned it into something profitable for them and the city of Delphi. And without any form of closure, the people in the community surrounded the families. Not all of the victims families, but mostly Mike, Becky and Anna. Q: Superintendent Doug Carter, is this case about Power to you? DC: Not at all. It's about pride and ego and money and protecting the integrity of the case. Q: Can you explain why there were so many press conferences in which no new information was revealed and no important questions could be answered? DC: It was basically for us to tell the world, "we know something you don't know" and it was also to build the pretend Reward Money up to $350k and it got us more likes and followers around the globe. Just this week I received 20 new tips.

"The Biggest Hero in the Delphi Case"
- March 6, 2024
--To me, the biggest hero in the Delphi case is Carrie Timmons, Liberty German's biological mother. I've had plenty of time speaking with her via facebook messenger and she truly is a sweetheart. Because of the gag order, she wasn't able to say who she thought did it, or didn't do it, and I respected that. The picture painted of Carrie, by Sheriff Leazenby and the Patty's was in a negative light, as if she was an unfit mother. Now I know, that is far from the truth. She wasn't a drunk or a drug addict. What really happened is that long before the murders, Carrie was caught cheating on Derrick. Derrick was always with his friends and always tweaking off meth and eventually she had enough and started talking to somebody on the side. The family shunned her for that. Carrie ended up leaving Derrick and married the man she was cheating on Derrick with and had 2 more daughters. Despite living hours away, Carrie and Libby were always in contact via social media or facetime on each others phones. Not an unfit mother whatsoever. I can tell that the death of her daughter had taken a toll on her, a real genuine, grieving of a mother. Although it hurts her to this day, she now has 2 more teenage daughters to live for. So she can't be sad moping around all the time, because she still wants to be a good mother for her teenage girls. I see her posting pictures of them 3 all the time laughing and smiling. Sad thing, law enforcement didn't keep Carrie posted on anything to do with the case, nor did they ever even ask her who she thought was involved. I couldn't even count the amount of times that Doug Carter would personally thank Mike, Becky and Anna, yet not once did he mention Carrie's name. So to me, Carrie is the biggest hero of the Delphi case. I truly hope she can get some closure. I never held back when telling her about my findings, and she never questioned me or judged me, she just took it in. I asked Carrie, but she understandably didn't answer, but I always wondered if she received any money from all the fundraising and donations that the Patty's received. She works full time and always has. In my opinion, she didn't receive a penny. Money was never an issue for her. Finding the truth and justice for her daughter was her only concern. Carrie has a heart of gold. I feel her pain just corresponding with her. God bless.

"Missing In Action"
- March 5, 2024
--Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall and Elvis Fields have disappeared online. Brad Holder stopped posting in October of 2023, which was strange, because since 2012, every day, without fail, he would post a picture of himself. Narcissistic Psychopath. And I looked at his facebook page today and it is now also gone. My guess? They are all being held in witness protection somewhere. Although they are protected by the 14th Amendment due to mistakes early on, I'm pretty sure law enforcement told them to shut the fuck up before they incriminated themselves enough to have a circumstantial, double homicide case brought against them all.

"Court on March 18"
- March 5, 2024
--I've said this before and I have been proven wrong every time so far, but what I think will happen in court on March 18 is that all charges will be dropped against Richard Allen and he will be released. My voice is very loud, so much so that I have been harassing Governor Holcomb, the Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita and every law enforcement agency in Indiana. I refuse to sit back and watch an innocent man get railroaded. Richard Allen deserves better than that. Due process is afforded to every single one of us. The shoddy PCA was garbage. I'm not an attorney but even I see that there is no probable cause in the affidavit. And the "smoking gun," which is the unspent round, is only based on speculation by law enforcement on what they think might've happened, not facts.

"Sketch #2"
- March 3, 2024
--Here are my recent thoughts about Sketch #2. For 2 years, Sketch #1 was in the forefront and shared worldwide. Why change the sketch all of a sudden if it wasn't important? Supposedly it was witnesses who saw this man and how sketch #1 came about. Why such a drastic change in sketches?
--What I now think is that the second sketch is from Parabon Labs and is genotyping and phenotyping. It's been used to solve other cases in Indiana and throughout the country. A rendering of a person from the DNA collected at the crime scene. Which is why Doug Carter always says that the murderer will be somewhere in between the 2 sketches. When phenotyping is done, it never shows an old man, it's usually a young person. I believe the second sketch is actually Ron Logan at a young age. Supposedly he was a handsome young fellow, so much so, that he was Prom King at his high school in Delphi. Why else would law enforcement release a second sketch if it wasn't important to the case? So of course nobody is going to recognize the second sketch, especially if that sketch is genotyping and phenotyping of someone at a young age. Ron Logan was 77 at the time of the murders, not 25 as the second sketch depicts. I might be wrong, but there has to be a very logical and important reason to completely change who law enforcement felt was the bridge guy. Unless you knew Ron Logan 50+ years ago, nobody would be able to identify him through a phenotyping sketch. Perhaps it was law enforcement trying to save face. 

"Extraction Marks on the Bullet"
- March 2, 2024
--The magical appearing unspent round supposedly connected to Richard Allen wasn't tested in the lab until 2022. Ron Logan owned a .40 caliber gun, Brad Holder owned a .40 caliber gun, and most law enforcement own a .40 caliber gun. If the bullet was around since 2017, and if those extraction marks were so important and crucial in the case, why weren't any other guns tested? Are we to believe that law enforcement and the prosecutor were psychic? What are the chances that no gun was ever even checked to see if they had the same extraction marks, but 6 years later, the only one they did test, happens to match Richard Allen's gun? Nice try Liggett and Leazenby, the switch out in evidence is a little too obvious. Show us any other tests that were done on any other guns in this case checking for extraction marks. There are none.

"Death Penalty"
- March 2, 2024
--By far, this case is the most brutal, senseless and highest profile case in Indiana history, maybe even the world because it was so heinous and ritualistic, yet, Prosecutor McLeland and the grieving Patty Family haven't asked for the Death Penalty? It fits all the criteria needed for such a case. Capital murder with aggravated circumstances. Sacrificial, sexual, ritualistic and tortuous. The worst slayings of two young girls in a very long time. Yet, no death penalty? The last thing Carroll County and the prosecutor want is the FBI to step back in, because they even know that Richard Allen is being railroaded. How about Governor Holcomb or the Indiana Attorney General? Somebody better step in because a lot of indictments are just around the corner for family members, many officials and a lot of different law enforcement agencies. Consider this a warning. It's about to go down in Carroll County. I am but one person, but my voice is loud af. I'm not going away any time soon and I will fight till the truth comes out. 

"Sketch #3 - ISP"
- March 1, 2024
--BREAKING NEWS: Just released in the Delphi Murder Case by ISP Supt. Doug "The Riddler" Carter. Doug Carter announced that the first sketch is now sketchy af, and the 2nd sketch is now secondary. This new  sketch is now the primary sketch until a new one comes out. We are one tip away. Can't wait to tell you the story, but today is not the day. We don't want to taint a future jury pool of an imaginary trial that will never take place. Call us up, leave a tip. The suspect either lives in Delphi, or might work in Delphi, might have a facebook friend in Delphi, or has heard of the case in Delphi. He's between the ages of 25 and 75, however he might appear to look older or younger than that. He's probably watching right now. He wants to know what we know, but we don't know shit. We've switched gears. Who would've thought we'd go from 1st to 2nd gear after pushing in the clutch? Tell us, what are you gonna tell your family when they find out you murdered those innocent little girls? I'm so fucking pissed off right now that if I was sitting in front of him I would politely ask him why? And offer him a hug. This is DC the Riddler sending a big fat shout out and a big thank you to the victims families, in particular, the grandma, Becky B. and step grandpa, Big Mike! Holla! They are amazing! Now look at the new sketch, but not his face, focus on his neck, you can tell a lot about a family member by their neck. Does he look familiar? You might recognize him. Look at his movements. Call the tip-line and share that information with us on a recorded message. No tip is too small. We won't ever respond to you, but it's ok, because once we are done with the 100k tips we've already received, we're gonna start all over and dissect every single one of them and maybe we'll call you back. Job security. Somebody knows. Somebody knows who knows something. Maybe you heard something. Did you hear that? He goes to sleep just like you and I, but no worries, we will never let them harm anymore children, so no need to be afraid that the killers are still on the loose. Visit the trails, go to the memorial park. Donate to the local fundraisers. Buy a shirt or 7. Get a pizza or a taco. We know it's all about power to you, said the remote control. Now that sketch #3 has been unveiled, we are one tip away. One tip away from finding those ruthless brutal killers that families in Carroll County should have nothing to worry about. This is any town America USA.
"Mike and Becky Patty"
- March 1, 2024
--Public Service Announcement and a Reminder directed to Mike and Becky Patty: You are Not the  Fuckin Victims! The victims are in a safe place and have been there for a long time now. If you are so sensitive about what is said publicly, then you must be a rapper, being all concerned about haters and ops. Either release an album, or get over yourselves, because you are nothing special. You have both known the facts since day one, when they told you who murdered the girls. Less than a month later, Mike was already getting bank loans for his already designed memorial park for Abby and Libby. Being defensive is not a good look for you Becky. You and Mike are NOT the Victims! Your cousin Nick saying leaks are re-victimizing the families?? GTFO! Leaks biggest concerns lay in the courtroom with tainting future jury pools, not the step Grandfather  and Grandmother and their crew and their poor feelings and having to hear about the case for another day. Wipe the fuckin tears and get over it, because this campaign has only begun! The girls are gone, so nothing is going to change that fact.. And nothing is going to change the fact that you lied when you said you didn't know the Allen family. Perhaps instead of saying Rick gave you the Abby and Libby pictures for free and that was something of a red flag, consider that maybe it was because he probably has a real heart, because he is a real human being, not shallow like all you money hungry inbreds.  Enjoy all your Fundraising Money and just shut the fuck up!

"The Unspent Round"
- February 29, 2024
--You might find this hard to believe, but I remember hearing something about the unspent round and who it was really found by. It was a stranger, not crime scene technicians, or the Sheriffs, or the FBI, or any law enforcement officers. It was over a week later, and the stranger that found it, was none other than, Mike Patty. How would law enforcement be able to explain and use that bullet as evidence with Mike Patty's name behind it? They can't. Conflict of interest. In Mike's own words, Mike Patty spent 2 weeks in the woods, searching for clues, looking for anything that might be associated with the murders. I'm not saying Mike did the murders, but he should be on the witness list for being the person who found the, all important, unspent round. There is zero chain of custody when it pertains to the bullet. And law enforcement keeps saying, it's not what we think, but it's what we know. Well in order to believe their story, they claim the killer most likely used the gun as a scare tactic and to control the victims and in addition, he cocked the gun back and an unspent bullet fell out, so he probably buried it in the dirt too, like wtf. That's what they think, not what they know. Make believe and pretend is all I hear. And once again, just another reminder, is that the bullet wasn't involved in the brutal sacrifice stabbings and killings that took place that day.

"Double Homicide Vs. Capital Murder"
- February 29, 2024
--By far, the biggest and highest profile case in Indiana. That said, when someone commits a murder, and part of the process was robbery or rape, or any other crime, it becomes capital murder. So why isn't Richard Allen's case a capital murder case? Two kidnappings and two murders should very much be a capital case. Did you know that when it becomes a capital case, the FBI is in charge? That's exactly why he was charged with double homicide. Once Richard Allen was arrested, the FBI stepped aside. They probably didn't want to be part of Carroll County's bullshit. The FBI were no longer at any press conferences after Richard Allen's arrest. It also explains why the first phone number for the tip-line since 2017 was through the FBI, and now all of a sudden, it's a local Delphi Indiana number from the ISP. I'm not saying Richard Allen did it, I know he's innocent, but with the crimes he is being accused of, wouldn't that normally fit into an obvious death penalty case? It's not. Let that sink in.

Capital crimes[edit]

The following constitutes first-degree murder with aggravating circumstances, which is the only capital crime in Indiana.[1]

  1. The murder was especially heinous, atrocious, cruel or depraved (or involved torture)
  1.  Indiana Code - § 35-50-2-9

--There are actually 8 more, but number one alone fits the criteria, twice. Ask the grieving families this: Why are they not pursuing the Death Penalty in the case concerning their Children and their Grandchildren? Why is Prosecutor McLeland not seeking a Death Penalty in a case that is so brutal and senseless as this?
(answer) Because the FBI would get involved and solve this case, release Richard Allen and then the truth would come out. And that's when all the indictments are going to start coming in.

"Conservation Officer Dan Dulin"
- February 29, 2024
--I was upset, in the sense that, why didn't Dan Dulin speak up about the supposed lost tip taken from him and Richard Allen? I now realize he wasn't at fault at all, and not only that, but the tip never came from him. The tip came from Conservation Officer Thomas Skinner from Rossville, not Dan Dulin. Thomas Skinner passed away in 2021, which means that not only did Liggett and company change the times, but they also changed the author. Dan Dulin is on the witness list but was told he can not testify, and it didn't make sense. Now it does. He can not take the stand to explain what Richard Allen told him, because he never told him anything. It explains why Dan Dulin has not been able to say anything about the case, because the gag order. Thomas Skinner was the original author of the tip that Richard Allen volunteered the information to, that he was at the trail that day. It also explains why Dan Dulin's recording of their conversation magically disappeared, because it never existed. 
"Abigail Williams"
- February 29, 2024
--Did you know that Abby had a thumb print in blood on her forehead? She did. And although I'm only speculating, I believe Abby was hung from a tree by her foot. There was orange rope found at the crime scene. When you stab someone and hang them by their foot, the blood drains out. It explains why her one leg was bent. It explains why Abby had no blood present and was redressed before being staged. Odintes drink blood from horns in their sacrifices. Brad Holder has been bragging to the world that he did it, and now we know why he has never been arrested or charged for the murders. The "Fruit." For someone to do something that heinous and knowing he can't be held accountable, is exactly what Brad Holder has been doing since the murders. The horns on Abby with sticks is mimicking the hanged man Tarot card with a halo burning brightly around the head. In Odinism, Odin is known as the lord of the hanged. In Tarot cards it symbolizes Sacrifice. Odinites are more of a secret society, which explains why most of us had never heard about it before. Brad Holder wanted to be loud about it, unlike anybody in the past. It's also why Patrick Westfall and Brad Holder had a fall out.

"Today is the Day"
- February 28, 2024
--"Today is the Day" was strictly a cash cow and a campaign for all involved in the cover-up. Money and greed. One piece away? Yet, you put out a second sketch and told the world to disregard the first sketch. Law enforcement says spreading rumors might effect the case and law enforcement also said if you see something, or if you hear something, say something, but make sure it comes from a reliable source, the reliable source being the Indiana State Police. Why do two different sketches to release to the public, and when people try to identify them, they are now spreading rumors? Please make some sense out of that for us. They are either asking for help or they're not, but it seems like both. If the sketches were made as a deterrent from the truth, it obviously backfired, because a town with 3,000 people, and 100k tips, who in the hell is doing all that work? Do the math. In the past, the tipline was through the FBI, and currently, it's through the Indiana State Police. Even the FBI wanted to wash their hands from all that mess.
--I've never seen so many people concerned about social media, instead of worrying about catching the killers of those girls. Including Mike and Becky, Doug Carter, the ISP, Nick McLeland. If the Patty's are so concerned what's said on social media, a very easy solution for them is to, Get Off Social Media! Do you want answers? Or do you wanna see if anybody has figured you guys out, Becky? Cuz the jig is up Patty's. Mike answered questions on Dr Oz, and he said it as if he works for the ISP. He was like, yes we continue to get tips, there's about 26k of them. Wtf? Ok Officer Mike and Becky Patty, who before the murders were in a motorcycle gang with bandanas over their heads living a boring life. The girls being killed gave them a purpose, but not a very good one. On Dr Oz Mike looks like a perverted gym coach or a probation officer and Becky, looks and acts like a typical entitled "Karen." In early March 2017, less than a month after the brutal slayings, Mike was already requesting bank loans for the memorial park, instead of finding the killers. 
--If the integrity of the case seems to be so important, then let's go that way one time. Protecting the integrity is for the judicial system to be able to follow through with a conviction, without tainting the future jury pool. So if the jurors and conviction is so vital, then why release little to no information about the case? Besides the bridge guy, and the sketches, the biggest release of information came from law enforcement, stating that Richard Allen has been arrested and charged for the kidnapping and murder of Abby and Libby. Law enforcement put the "T" in Taint. You told the world Richard Allen did it, and then sealed everything involving the case and put a broad gag order on law enforcement, the courts, the defense, and the families. Well played, but many saw right through that shit.
--I've never seen anybody pat each others backs as much as Mike & Becky, towards law enforcement and vice versa. Being that Mike and Becky are the official spokes people for the families, why wouldn't they demand answers? Instead they continue to thank each other publicly whenever possible. Everybody involved in the search, including the families, all mentioned that they thought the girls fell. If that was the case, then we are pretty sure that where the bodies were found the next day, were not there once abducted from the bridge or they would've been seen.
--It was mentioned that Brad Holder was on camera at the gym around the time when the girls went missing. There were multiple actors involved in the crime, and a couple of them knew that alibis would be very crucial. While the girls were in Ron Logan's basement/cellar, they only needed 1 person at a time with a gun to keep them quiet. So alibi's mean nothing if they do not have alibis for the entire 22 unaccounted hours that the girls were missing.
--The Reward Fund is 100% fraudulent. And the reason it's so high, above $300k is because it can never be collected. Not only must there be an arrest, but there must also be a conviction in order to collect. The "fruit" made it so nobody will ever be convicted of the crime, so the Reward is bogus and only brought up to continue all the fundraising, even years later. Carroll County became the cash cow.

--Why are prosecutors so powerful? Prosecutors are the gatekeepers of the criminal legal system. They decide whether to prosecute and what to charge. Their harsh and discriminatory practices have fueled a vast expansion of incarceration as the answer to societal ills over the last several decades.
Can a judge order someone to be gagged? Gag orders are sometimes used in an attempt to assure a fair trial by preventing prejudicial pre-trial publicity, although their use for this purpose is controversial since they are a potentially unconstitutional prior restraint that can lead to the press's using less reliable sources such as off-the-record statements.
The jurisprudence on ineffective assistance of counsel does not address the trial court’s responsibility for preventing violations of defendants’ Sixth Amendment rights. Ineffective counsel is seen as an issue for appellate courts to address years after a trial.
Holding: The Courts have held that evidence derived from an illegal search are 'fruits of a poisonous tree' and are inadmissible at trial. The Court held that a search must be legal at its inception by what it yields.
Under this doctrine, not only must illegally obtained evidence be excluded, but also all evidence obtained or derived from exploitation of that evidence. The courts deem such evidence tainted fruit of the poisonous tree. The origin of this doctrine is found in a landmark Supreme Court case.

"Fuck the Integrity of the Investigation!"
- February 25, 2024
--This is intended for Sheriff trailer park Tony Liggett and his right hand man, Sheriff Tobe sLeazenby, the entire ISP Indiana State Police force and the "Riddler" Doug Carter, Officer of the court, Prosecutor Nick McLeland, the Dishonorable Judge Frances Gull, the Delphi Double Homicide Task Force, the ICAC Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, to everybody who truly Backs the Blue and anybody else working or involved in the Delphi Murder investigation, so please pay close attention. According to ISP, when it comes to the Delphi Murders of Abby & Libby, after 7 years, there are supposedly 25 Agencies working with them, and they can't solve a double homicide which was a brutal, sadistic, cult like, ritualistic sacrifice of two young ladies, in a town with no more than 3,000 people? Too many chiefs, not enough Indians in law enforcement. If you don't get rid of the bad apples, they leave a seed, and grow a tree. Ask yourselves?? The murders, from the first time anybody laid eyes on the crime scene read, obvious signatures of a cult like killing, sadistic, most likely sexually assaulted, moved and staged. And with all that calamity, the only thing the public gets is a picture and video of a man who was on top of the bridge and a couple sketches that might resemble that man on the bridge. Fuck! Cmon If you back the Blue and have any logic, please tell these dummies, that even as big as a case that it is, why would they never publicly say it was a ritualistic style of murder? Protecting the Integrity of the Investigation? Why keep so many secrets from the public? You didn't have to show your entire hand, but the obvious cover-up only paints law enforcement as some inbred Roscoe Pico Trains. Weed out the bad apples, because an innocent 50 year old man, with no criminal record, who has been happily married for over 30 years, that worked at Walmart and then as a Pharmacist at CVS, is sitting in a prison awaiting trial for something he really didn't do, and 2 Sheriffs are the baddest apples in the bunch. How can 25 Agencies explain why all these secrets were kept from the world? We solved it over the internet, without you. Imagine a compromised crime scene and an illegal search by diehard, gung-ho cops that wanted to be the heroes. Fruity and poisonous. Comprende? 25 Federal, State and County Agencies working on the case, and an uneducated sleuth and a felon put the puzzle together? It's really making Indiana look bad. For anybody who works in law enforcement, besides the ISP and the Carroll County Sheriffs Office, if you truly Back the Blue, I'm politely and humbly asking you to please call Any police officer in the Delphi Police Department and ask them what they think about the Delphi Case. They all know, but can not speak on it. Gag order, remember? It's been known in that city that Richard Allen is not only innocent, but being framed by law enforcement officers Sheriff Liggett and Leazenby.
--Now, Whether on purpose, or on accident, deleting or recording over crucial evidence, such as interviews and phone locations from persons of interest in such a high profile case as the Delphi Murders, shows just how much you are protecting the integrity of this investigation. Like, oops. And then sealing and withholding all evidence from the public, confusing statements within law enforcement and always contradicting each other and constantly telling the world that they are protecting the integrity of the investigation. So, what does integrity mean in criminal justice? It means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. And, what is integrity in law enforcement? A police force with integrity is one with little or no misconduct or corruption. In the past, most studies viewed the problem of misconduct as one of individual problem officers, the so-called bad apples on the force. So, how about, fuck the integrity of the investigation, and start by showing the world that you have integrity in law enforcement. That's your job. That's what you get paid for. That's why you took an oath. That's why you can carry a badge and a gun anywhere you go. You are held at a higher standard, so start fucking acting like it! It's the job of the prosecutor to protect the integrity of an investigation, not law enforcement. You did what you needed to do to get the investigation to the courts. Your job involved with evidence is now in the hands of the prosecutor. Law enforcement was created and designed to serve and protect the people, not help a dirty prosecutor do his dirty work. Why would sworn in police officers, hired to protect the people, have gag orders put on them? You don't even trust your own Sheriff's and Police Officers? That speaks volumes all on it's own.
In closing, I do not speak on politics, because I am not a voter, never have, never will. And I fucking hate that shit. But just as everybody has seen the country change, especially around 2020-2021 ish , it's because of one thing, Trump. And it's obvious in the city council meetings. The political bloods and crips. And the strangest thing about this epoch of American History will always be seen as tens of millions of grown ass people decided to form a cult like devotion to, of all available people, Donald Trump. WTF? Fuck Politics, this is about 6 Murdered Children, 7 years ago, still Unsolved. Please just put down the koolaid, take your head out of your asses, and realize there is still No Justice for Libby, Abby, Keyara, Kionnie, Kerriele and Keyana.
I have yelled the real killers names for a long time now, but for some reason, people are afraid to publicly say their names, but I will. RON LOGAN, BRAD HOLDER, PATRICK WESTFALL, & ELVIS FIELDS. 3 out of 4 of those suspects were involved both cases, the Delphi Murders and the Flora Four Fire.
- Vinlanders - Odinism -

Those are the killers, but the reward can't ever be collected because it takes them being convicted, and because of the 14th Amendment, they are cleared for life. And if there is any Reward money, give it to Gaylin Rose. She at least deserves that.
"Fruit of the Poisonous Tree"

My Example of Doug Carter: I know you are watching. You want to know what we are watching. You want to know what we know, but you know that we ain't no winos. Does he know that we know and I know? I bet you didn't think we would switch gears did you, you Bozo? Here at ISP, we flip the script like that whenever the fuck we want Mr. Killer. What are you gonna tell your family when they find out your a cold hearted child killer, with a dick the size of a tictac? You might even be in this room right now. I'm speaking directly to you, baby boo. We might've even interviewed you before you died of Covid. You might even be at the Quikstop on Main St., but eventually, we're gonna find you! 

The suspect, or suspects, most likely live in Delphi or have lived in Delphi before. Might have family in Delphi. They might have a job at the CVS in Delphi. Probably grew up in Delphi, might've even driven through Delphi. Might've eaten a sandwich in Delphi or maybe even heard of Delphi in the past. . 

The suspect might be between the ages of  25 and 75. They might even appear to look younger or older than that, with a cap on the back from a trap. Perhaps one day, but today is not the day, Jose. No tip is too small. Call the tipline that was first put together by the FBI, and a few years later, now the tipline is from ISP. Even the FBI wanted to washed their fuckin hands of all those inbred losers. Although we have given you the least amount of make believe evidence that we can, the 2 sketches are both very crucial in this case. Look at them closely. We need your tips folks. Also, please don't compare the sketches side by side with a possible suspect. Instead, send us an email directly to, 

No tip is too small. Has someone you know started acting strange after the murders? Maybe started drinking or doing meth since the murders? Changed their hair color since the murders? Maybe they are brushing their teeth different since the murders. Maybe their farts smell stranger than normal? Compare those farts to one of the sketches, or the photo or video of the bridge guy. Look at his movements. Notice how we walks. Don't look at the face, just look at those wrinkled jeans and his feet. Is that someone you know? Does he wear a phone holster or a leather fanny pack? Do you recognize him? No tip is too small.

Simple Math: With a population of 3,000 and Over 100k Tips that have come to the tipline or emails, how long are we supposed to believe they are even working on the case? 7 years and instead of admitting your wrongs, you continued the charade long enough for someone named tony liggett and tobe leazenby to come up with a scheme?  Big case, big recognition, bigger paychecks, heroes to nobody.


- Justice for Liberty, Abigail, Kionnie, Kerriele, Keyara & Keyana -

"Why The Trial Will Never Happen"
- February 25, 2024
--There are many times when speaking with people via the internet about the case, and when they feel they have been proven wrong, the first thing they say is, "We will see what happens at the trial".... Normally I would agree and say yes, but with this case in particular, hell no, it will never happen. Nick McLeland didn't have enough evidence to convict, since Richard Allen was arrested. So nothing substantial will come out of any new discovery. Before an arrest is ever made, the facts and evidence of the case should have already been collected and gathered, in order for the prosecutor to bring charges, not while the defendant awaits trial sitting in jail, in this case, prison.

--Here is the reason I say that. To begin with, Nick McLeland only has circumstantial evidence. Then you bring in seasoned lawyers, Baldwin, Rozzi, Hennessy and others, with over 100 combined years of experience, and by far, some of the best attorney's in Indiana. Why I know there won't be a trial is because you could take one piece of evidence at a time and imagine the fun Richard Allen's dream team of attorney's is gonna do while they cross examine everybody involved. Can you imagine?

--Bullet- What we are supposed to believe, because nobody has seen it happen, is that Richard Allen used a gun as a scare tactic. Really? That's called make believe, or pretend when you're in the court room. So what they have us trying to believe is that in order for Richard Allen to get the girls down the hill and across the creek, he scared them by threatening them with a gun. Were the girls shot with a gun? Nope. Was the bullet shot in order to do ballistic tests? Nope, it was never fired. And can we be 100% sure that the bullet came from Rick's gun? Pseudo science, nobody in the world has been convicted because of that alone, ever. Was the bullet found between the two bodies as the state claims happen? Nope, the crime scene was actually compromised, and honestly it was found 2 weeks later by a stranger with a metal detector when the bodies were long gone. Were there pictures of the bullet before it was removed from the ground? Nope. I could go on and on, but the point is, can you imagine the cross examination that would happen? To Rick's attorney's, they are kids in a candy store. The bullet was never important until 2022, when Liggett got embarrassed by 2 seasoned Carroll County gentleman during a debate, Thomas and Hoard. Liggett was never going to win that election. Watch the debate. R&M Productions on Youtube. So the bullet that became so important to the state in 2022 in order to get a search warrant signed by a judge, is now absolutely nothing. And if a .40 caliber bullet was found early on and it was so important to the case, why not talk to all registered owners of .40 caliber handguns in town? The population is only 3,000. Richard Allen's name would've came up on that list then, not 6 years later in Liggett's make believe story. Real life, boots on the ground detective work, not framing Richard Allen in order to win an election.

--Dan Dulin- The recording of the encounter between Dulin and Rick has disappeared. So the lost tip with the notes was manipulated to fit McLeland and Liggett's timeline. Dan Dulin has more integrity than anybody in the department, and I know for a fact, that if he was questioned about what Richard Allen told him, he would tell the truth. Because Dan Dulin Never Claimed that Rick volunteered the information that he was there from 1:30-3:30pm at the trail that day. What he really said was that Richard Allen left the trails at 1:30pm. And if Richard Allen was at the trail till 3:30pm, his phone location should prove that. They don't have that proof. And Derrick German was there at 3:14pm on the Monon High Bridge, so in order to make the states timeline fit, Derrick German would of seen Rick, but he didn't. If and when it is proven that Rick left at 1:30pm, that lost and then later found tip is now null. Their timeline is fucked. Imagine the cross examination? The dream team would have a field day with them.

--The Confessions- Were the confessions signed on a piece of paper? Nope. Were the confessions made when Richard Allen was close to death? Yes. Being that the highest ranking correctional officers in Westville Penitentiary wear Odin patches on their uniform, could it be possible it was not only coerced, but even threatened to make him do it? Sit down IDCO Jones on the stand, a proud heathen of Odin, who walked Rick around through the prison with a dog collar connected to a chain, as inmates cheered him on. It was proven. How can he explain that? Liggett put him in Westville instead of the Carroll County Jail for Rick's protection, yet he almost died? Point being, Odinism is real af and not some dungeons and dragons crap. For people like me, who never even heard of Odinism before the memorandum was released, was skeptical, but proven wrong. So the coincidence that Odinism played a large part of the murders and the crime scene, and that the Law Enforcement in IDOC wear Odin patches, makes a connection you can't just make up. Liggett and McLeland needed a signed confession, or for Richard Allen to die. Neither happened. With large, muscular Odinist correctional officers threatening and standing over you 24/7, anybody would confess.

--Bridge Guy- If we are to believe that Rick is the bridge guy, there should be phone locations of exactly that fact, at exactly that time. They can't. If Richard Allen is the bridge guy, explain and prove how it's his voice that Libby recorded. If Rick was the bridge guy, why were his clothes so wrinkled? Rick isn't sloppy, he a Pharmacist at CVS and used to be a manager at Walmart. If Rick was the bridge guy, how would Libby have been able to record him, if he left the trail at 1:30pm?

--22 Unaccounted Hours- If Rick is the murderer, where did he take them, for those 22 hours without being seen by anybody? Home, where his wife is? If thats the case, Kathy must also know or even been a participant in order for that to fit. Wherever he took them, are we to believe that he then drove them back to the Monon Bridge and down the hill, cross the creek and murder the girls and stage the crime scene in the middle of the night, in an area unknown to him on somebody's else's property, without being seen by anybody?

--If Rick was actually the killer, do you think he would say exactly what he was wearing that day? Probably not. He's an honest guy. When asked by law enforcement to speak to them, Rick and his wife always complied. And 7 years later, if he was guilty, don't you think he would've got rid of the gun and the jackets and anything resembling the bridge guy by now?

--If the bullet can not be connected to Richard Allen with real ballistics and forensics, why is the bullet even brought up into this case? Because of facts? Or because what the state thinks might've happened with the magical appearing, buried in the dirt bullet, that wasn't even found before the crime scene was compromised? If Richard Allen is proven not to be leaving the trail at 3:30pm, and more like 1:30pm, Abby and Libby weren't even dropped off at the trail yet. If Rick wanted to confess, don't you think he would've sat down with law enforcement and made a statement of his guilt and sign it? He didn't. Odinists threatened him to do it. Rick had no criminal record and has never been in jail in his 50 years of life. If Rick was the killer, please explain why he used Libby's blood to paint something resembling a letter on a tree. And explain how he committed a ritualistic sacrifice, sexually assaulting the girls, cutting their neck from ear to ear, placing sticks in formations on their bodies, staging the crime scene, yet Sheriff Liggett said in a deposition in 2023 that Richard Allen has no ties to Odinism, yet the runes found were from Odinists.

--Now that we all know that Odinism is real and actually prevalent in Carroll County, and Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall and Elvis Fields are proud heathens of Odin, then perhaps those recordings of them taken in the first 48 hours are much more important than the state wants you to believe. And they either recorded over them, or the cameras weren't working, it can't be both. Just like the tv show, the First 48, information and details provided in the early days of an investigation are of critical importance and are often most accurate. February 22, 2017 - A Profile Emerges. The FBI and the Indiana State Police provided a detailed profile of the person likely responsible for the Delphi double homicide.

--Now, if Richard Allen can survive the transport by Sheriff Liggett to court on March 18, I believe he will soon be released and all of the charges dropped. McLeland has No Case. He is only postponing the inevitable. Something is terribly wrong in rural Indiana. Facade- fa·cade /fəˈsäd/ A showy misrepresentation meant to conceal something unpleasant; An outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality. see also: deception.

--Judge Frances Gull- I've bad mouthed her for a while now, being how biased she has been since she got on the case, but Lebrato said she is actually the best Judge for this case. That said, perhaps Judge Gull is allowing McLeland just enough leash to hang himself on, along with Liggett, Leazenby and others. If Lebrato is right, than what she has been doing is setting up McLeland and Liggett and Leazenby by allowing them to continue this pursuit against an innocent man, so that they will soon enough be accountable for. Whether I'm right or wrong, Gull has still allowed an innocent married man to sit in prison and almost die to this very day, so I still don't like her.

This is what it all boils down to:
--So if the DNA or fingerprints don't match Richard Allen, and he has no ties to Odinism or Abby and Libby, and the confessions were coerced, and the bullet plays no part in the case, and he didn't know or correspond with Ron Logan, and that he left the trail at 1:30pm, and that he is not the bridge guy or any of the sketches, the absolutely only thing the state can prove in a court of law against Richard Allen is that he was at the trail that day. That's it. By a witness? Nope, Rick volunteered that information when he heard about what happened to the girls. Did he volunteer that he killed them? Nope. He basically said he was walking on the trail as he had done many times in the past. Me personally, I would actually love very much for this case to go to trial, just to see the state get shitted on, but it won't happen. McLeland never intended it to go to trial. On the other hand, Baldwin and Rozzi have been ready for over a year. #TeamRichardAllen

"Ron Logan and Tony Liggett"
- February 25, 2024
April 26, 2014 - 9:49 p.m. – Burglary, 5858W. 300N., Delphi. Ron Logan reported finding a person in his barn who was not authorized to be there. The unidentified person fled the barn prior to police arrival. The suspect was not located. Liggett investigated.

"Reward Money"
- February 24, 2024
--Allow me to put a few things in perspective on just how White, Indiana really is. Masonically speaking of course. The Flora Four Fire, also in Caroll County, was determined to be arson, and four beautiful, innocent black girls were killed in the fire- Kionnie, Keyara, Keyana and Kerriele.... REWARD - $5000.... Abby and Libby, two innocent caucasian girls were killed 3 months later, about 15 minutes away.... REWARD - $325,000.... Are you fucking kidding me? Make that make any sense. I can't make this up folks. And please don't get mad cause I said how White Indiana is, because I'm part white too. I'm half Mexican and half Russian, I'm half of a half breed. AKA Beaner Schnitzel.
--Anyways, nobody helped put together any kind of fundraisers or shirts or a memorial park for the Flora girls. No motorcycle clubs or local businesses helped in any way at all. And I think that it's extremely likely nearing certainty, that 2 of the people involved in the Arson that killed those little girls is Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall, Vinlanders, Odinists and White Supremacists. Gaylin, the mother of the girls was dating a nice caucasian guy who later spoke with law enforcement more than one time. He was cleared of course, and so was Gaylin. 
--Patrick Westfall lived a block away from 103 Columbia St in Flora. On November 20, 2016, Brad Holder is visiting him and they performed fire rituals for whatever reason, relating to Odinists. There is a picture on Brad Holders page of them that evening in Patrick's backyard. Later that night, now November 21, 2016, in the early morning tweaker hours is when the fire started. Patrick Westfall and Brad Holder have been questioned by law enforcement more than one time for the Flora Fire and the Delphi Murders.
--And even though it was decided in a court of law that it was public information, Carroll County, still to this day hasn't turned over the 911 calls from the Flora Fire. The chief fire investigator on the case resigned out of nowhere. Now although their wasn't a gag order put on the case, it is public knowledge that ISP and the Sheriffs were all ordered to not answer any questions about the Flora Fire. The tax payers of Carroll County paid Fox59 News over $50,000 trying to not let the 911 tapes be released. Even when the court and the judge said they must release it, as it was public information. According to Carroll County they were already going to release it, and was ordered by ISP and the Sheriffs not to do it.
--The Flora Four Fire public speaker when it came to law enforcement was none other than the Riddler, Doug Carter. Racial Injustice should never be tolerated. And in Carroll County it's thriving like it never stopped.
--Very sad reminder. When Gaylin tried saving her daughters, she was burned badly and eventually airlifted to a hospital. But what she had to go through, I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. When she got out of the house, and before she got burned, she had to listen to her girls screaming for her. Heart breaking. Did you see her grieving when cameras were around? It was real, and genuine.
--Back to the REWARD. While the Patty's were living it up, bringing in money, going to talkshows and interviews in limos, having fundraisers sponsored by every business in the county and designing their Memorial Park, Gaylin and her girls were victims too and easily forgotten about. I wasn't gonna let that happen. They loved school. They had friends. Why would they be treated any different than Abby and Libby?
--So when I heard that Mike Patty was already designing the memorial park in March of 2017, it speaks volumes. And it also shows you that him and Becky already knew. Logan flew. Holder too.
--Being that Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall were both persons of interest in both the Flora Fire and the Delphi Murders, don't you find it funny that it took 7 years and a well done leak to even hear their names?
--Law enforcement and the families have been asking for help from the public, call the tip-line, look at the bridge guy and at the same time putting out misinformation. To top it off, a gag order was put on the families, prosecutors, defense attorneys and law enforcement. My question is this? If you are so eager to push the video and picture and voice of the bridge guy, yet can't even give us any other information, then why are you asking for help? And explain to me why sworn in law enforcement officers, who took an oath, and working fulltime for the people, have a gag order put on them by the prosecutor?
--Law enforcement is held on higher standards than us regular folks. And being they took an oath, you would think that the children who died in Flora and Delphi would be more important than their own lives, but it's obvious. Its truth and justice and integrity, not ego. All of you involved on any part of this corruption coverup bullshit have completely failed these children, Abby and Libby and Keyara and Keyana and Kionnie and Kerriele. And you have failed your communities, your towns and your county. 
--Were the leaks so damaging that it truly was about not re victimizing the families, or is it because the integrity of the case is based on not tainting the jury pool? Because I've heard both from law enforcement. And what I now know is that it's really not either one of them. What McLeland was afraid of was people finding out about the Odinist Ritual Killings that took place in their city, and how Richard Allen had zero ties to Odinism. It doesn't fit Nick McLeland's narrative.
--Gray Hughes this one is just for you. Earlier I'm typing comments on Nancy Grace's show about the Delphi Case. On a majority of my comments, Gray Hughes is trolling me, saying Richard Allen is the bridge guy. So Whenever I responded to his comments I told him I know Nick is paying you to put out misinformation you fuckin tard. Say Hi to Nick and Becky. Gray Hughes has his own cult following, but he is dumb as a rock, dripping in down syndrome.
--Brad Holder has been wanting to tell his story for a very long time. He is a complete narcissist. Brad Holder's biggest fan is Brad Holder. Why hasn't Becky and Mike or law enforcement ever say his name publicly for the last 7 years? Oh and those are the recordings that got deleted were of him and Westfall? Good luck with that one McLeland.
--So that's what makes me come to the conclusion that Brad Holder was involved, along with Ron Logan, Patrick Westfall and Elvis Fields. And did you notice that the public had never seen Ron Logan's search warrants till he was dead? Now Logan, Holder, Westfall and Fields hold zero 'get out jail for free' cards, so why are they being protected? They are all lowlife pieces of garbage. The reason is because the fruit was needed to arrest, charge and prosecute them. So they aren't protected by law enforcement. Law enforcement just fucked up, and instead of saying they were wrong from the start, they needed the case to just fade away in time. It might've worked, if Liggett didn't decide to cross the line, just as he had done many times before. Making someone a scapegoat. Liggett doing that only opened up Pandora's box. And now, honestly, once the shit really hits the fan, although I don't wish bad on any people, but in my opinion, from what Sheriff Liggett and Leazenby did, I wouldn't doubt if they each committed suicide. The shame and guilt and federal prison time was the last thing they planned on. But they framed an innocent man and accountability is in their near future. And law enforcement who already knew what really happened in 2017, now had to play along with their bullshit plan, because if they didn't, they will lose their jobs, so the gag order was put in place. No sworn law enforcement officers can speak about the case to the media, or nobody. Make that make sense, wtf.

"Delphi Indiana"
- February 23, 2024
Delphi, Indiana is very small, 3000 people tops. Any and all law enforcement and prosecutors all said publicly in the beginning that they thought it was going to be an easy case to solve. Small town. The coroner who did the autopsies was 18 years old and still in high school. Delphi is very small. The fact is, that diehard, gung-ho sheriff's and police officers did find out who killed those girls on the same day the bodies were discovered, but see, they went about everything by doing shit their own way, instead of following proper procedures and protocols, because every one of them wanted to be the one who solved this case and caught the killers. Some people who actually live in Delphi will tell you they remember that there was a search going on at Ron Logan's home, the evening of 2/14/2017, because they said it was obvious and there were all law enforcement as well as spotlights on Ron Logans home, not just the trail. They also said they remembered seeing news vehicles filming at his house. I haven't found the footage, but I believe the people who told me. And someone who lost their job because he opened his mouth, pre gag order, will also tell you that there was evidence collected from Ron Logan's basement/cellar. The cellar looks somewhat hidden, sunk into the ground, because you can see the tops of the windows from the outside. Ron Logan really did go to the fishstore in Lafayette, but not till around 4:00-4:30, because he knew he needed an alibi. He allowed it to happen in his cellar and he was the original ruse to abduct the girls. Brad Holder and company held the girls captive for the 22 unaccounted hours that the girls went missing. When the search parties were looking for the girls, Ron Logan made sure he stayed in the house because people came knocking. He never offered to help search, but he allowed them to search his property on the trail. Mind you, the girls are still in the cellar at that point. Ron Logan said he was fooling with his tropical fish while people were searching. We are to believe that for 8+ hours he was fooling with his fish? Hard to believe. In an interview a few days later, don't quote me, but Ron Logan was telling a reporter how he couldn't believe that a double murder like that would happen at his house, on his property. He definitely said house before saying on his property, because he's not a very good liar. Now if you intend to believe youtubers, elected sheriff liggett and leazenby, mike and becky patty and sleuths throughout the internet that Ron Logan isn't the Bridge Guy or that he isn't the voice recorded on Libby's phone, then you do not believe the entire FBI agency as well as law enforcement who aided in their investigation to come up with the info on Ron Logan's search warrant, and I find that nuts. Get it through your skulls that Ron Logan was the Bridge Guy. Once you accept that, you must now connect him to Richard Allen. It's already been said publicly that Richard Allen had no ties to the girls, Anthony Shots, Kegan Kline or Ron Logan. That said, explain how Ron Logan and Richard Allen are the killers? 

"Ritualistic Killings"
- February 23, 2024
For anybody who thinks it wasn't a ritualistic killing, allow me to point out a few things that law enforcement failed to mention. The girls were brutally murdered, cut ear to ear, Libby almost decapitated, and her blood was used to paint the letter "f" on a tree, they were undressed and redressed, one left completely naked, and sticks and tree branches were deliberately, carefully and proficiently placed on each girl in a certain arrangement mimicking certain runes. The entire crime scene was staged and the bodies were moved. This wasn't your normal everyday double homicide scene, it was horrific. Odinism is alive and well, not some Dungeons and Dragons game.

"Memorial Park"
- February 23, 2024
When someone does a memorial, it's normally for soldiers lost in battle, where we know who killed them, but we memorialize their name for their service. Like Memorial Day. Not when the murderers are still free and the case is still Unsolved. See where I'm going with this? The memorial park was already being designed in 2017. Make that make sense. I will. Mike and Becky knew. And Logan flew. Holder too.


At the same Masonic Lodge that Brad Holder attends, very interesting Nick.

"Mike Patty, This One Is For You"
- February 22, 2024
Let's remind everybody who Mike Patty is. He's the Step-Grandfather, and pretty much the victims spokesman of the family, and has been coached by law enforcement on how to answer questions. Why would a grieving Step-Grandfather need to be coached? Listen to his interviews. It's so obvious he's been coached, that he repeats 4 different answers for 4 different questions 4 times. He was taught on what to say, and what not to say by the infamous Riddler. Why? Because he is married to Becky Patty, and his sons are Derrick German, Libby's biological, drug addict, drug selling, convicted felon, father and Cody Patty. You see, Mike Patty and Becky Patty, close relatives of Prosecutor Nick McLeland and Law Enforcement, have known since day one, and kept the victim's mother's in the dark, being they received privy information. A grieving grandfather has no excuses for having to be coached when cameras are around, because if it was my step-grandaughter who was brutally murdered, and still unsolved, you wouldn't be able to shut me up. Watch Mike Patty's interviews. Notice Kelsi on Dr Phil and sitting right next to her in the audience, the Riddler, Doug Carter, in uniform. Kelsi is young and sometimes has a big mouth, and Doug Carter was gonna make sure he was there if she was speaking on national television. If the grandparents of 2 young girls are more concerned with fundraisers and selling shirts and building a memorial park in their legacy, instead of finding out who murdered them first is strange. And it began in 2017. Point being, Mike and Becky Patty know about the fruit in the poisonous tree since the beginning. It's also the reason that throughout all of the fundraising grandparents Becky and Mike's interviews, not once have they mentioned the names Ron Logan or Brad Holder. There is a big reason for that. Those names have been known since the start, beginning with multiple tips on the tipline for those 2 men. You spreading awareness is a bunch of bullshit to me. Reminder, Abby and Libby were ritualistically murdered, brutally, almost decapitating Libby, making letters in the tree with the victims blood, and laying sticks in specific places on the girls bodies, and one was naked, and the murders are unsolved, like wtf?. So if anybody is speaking about awareness it should be about that, or what awareness are you spreading by having a memorial park in their names. You both failed Abby and Libby, and put whoever was your narrative in the victims biological mothers heads. Grieving with Mike and Becky was like asking a politician questions. Trained by the riddler himself. The game is up Mike and Becky. Now we all know you have known, so can you explain the fundraisers and interviews on national television, cashing in those poor little girls bones? You should both be a shame of yourselves. Funny I remembered another thing. During an interview, Becky doesn't speak as much as Mike does, but one time she got mad at someone for asking a question. To be honest, I forgot the question, but why would she be mad at anybody if you are in front of cameras grieving trying to find answers, and that's the only reason reporters are there? Everybody was in that room to find answers on who murdered Abby and Libby, except Mike, Becky and Law Enforcement. 

"Former Prosecutor - Robert T. Ives"
- February 22, 2024
Robert T. Ives was the prosecutor of Carroll county from 1997 and retired at the end of 2017. He was the first prosecutor on the Delphi Case as well as the Flora Fire.

Q: The terms "characteristics" and "signatures" have been said by law enforcement. Can you explain?
A: Robert T Ives - I can only say that there were signatures and several observable physical characteristics of the crime scene that were strange and that one would note and photograph if studying the scene. Certainly if similar characteristics would appear at another crime scene they might lead one to believe the same person had committed a new crime. 

Q: Is the person in Libby's video, the man on the bridge, also the person that killed them
A: Robert T Ives - I think that it's extremely likely nearing certainty.

Interview: Short of having someone getting arrested for a new crime and somehow ends up confessing about the Delphi Murders, the case will be difficult to prosecute.

"ISP - Doug Carter - Multi Agency Task Force"
- February 22, 2024 -
Doug Carter - I think what we'll eventually be able to do is put the face of the murderer in between the 2 sketches and we'll be able to merge them together and become 1.

ISP Multi Agency Task Force - It is important to distinguish these points about the 2 sketches. They are not the same person. The person depicted in the originally released sketch is not presently a person of interest. The sketch released on April 22 is representative of the face of the person captured in the video on Liberty's cell phone as he was walking on the high bridge

All this speculation was caused by confusing and conflicting statements made by Law Enforcement since day one. You either want the help or you don't. But stop gaslighting the public. Ego has never solved anything.

"Law Enforcement for 7 Years"
- February 22, 2024 -
Can we ask you how the girls were murdered? LE: We can't answer that, but did you see the picture of the bridge guy?
Were the girls sexually assaulted? LE: We can't answer that because we don't want to damage the integrity of the investigation, but have you seen the sketches?
Can you tell us what the murder weapon was? LE: No we can't, but did you notice how the bridge guy walks and his movements? You might recognize him.
Can you explain to us who found the unspent round? LE: We can not, but did you listen to the bridge guys voice, you might know who it is. No tip is too small.

They could speak about the bridge guy, how he walks and what he sounds like, and the 2 completely different sketches made public, of someone walking the trail, but not one detail about the crime scene. That is by design. If there was Libby's blood painted on a tree resembling a letter, wouldn't that be important to mention to the public, if justice was what they were truly looking for?

Even if the world found out who the bridge guy and the sketches were, it still does not prove that he is the killer. It only makes him someone who was at the trail that day. However, a wealth of information and evidence was collected at the crime scene, not on the bridge or the trail.

Nobody uses diversion tactics better than law enforcement.
^^ Make that make sense. ^^
Anna Williams, Abby's mother said I was harassing her, so instead of arguing with her, I politely blocked her. Now she's mad that I blocked her. Wtf? She is also positive Richard Allen is the killer and according to her, what was on the CW last night was all youtubers lying. I said what about Connie Dillman? Anna said she just wanted her 15 minutes of fame. I told her Connie and the FBI said the bridge guy was Ron Logan, and her answer was, quit beating a dead horse. She is having trouble grasping the truth. Denial is a river in Egypt. Btw doesn't Becky and Anna have gag orders on the case? So why would they speak about it now? Because Becky wants to remove the truth. 

"Time To Throw Becky & Mike Under The Bus"
- February 22, 2024 -
-I have been polite, and for the most part, respectful up to this point, until today. By orders from Becky Patty, her and Anna Williams have posted a picture of my profile on various groups stating that if I post anything about Abby and Libby to report me. Report me for what? I must have touched a nerve. People spew stuff daily about the case, yet nobody gets mad. But me personally they are mad at? This is why.
 -The majority of my findings I have posted on this page I received from more than one law enforcement officer in Delphi and people who work in the prosecutors office and Carroll County. That's why they are mad. Before I explain more, please understand that I have never seen more fundraising going on for a murder in my lifetime. Is it really about Justice? Or is it about memorializing the girls and cashing in on their bones? I feel its the latter.
-Fact: Mike and Becky Patty are related to Law Enforcement and the Prosecutor Nick McLeland. That being said, they received information that not even the mother's of the children received, information from law enforcement and the prosecutor about the details of the case, including when the crime scene was compromised. There was an illegal search that happened at Ron Logan's home on 2/14/2017, in which a treasure trove of evidence was collected from Ron Logan's basement/cellar. All that evidence became fruit of the poisonous tree. Mike and Becky were given that information, and they shouldn't have. Law enforcement fumbled the ball big time. So Becky and Mike have known since day one that Ron Logan was one of the murderers and she also told the FBI while the girls were still missing that she felt Brad Holder was involved. That said, Becky and Mike have been touring the country, going to talkshows, Dr Phil, Dr Oz and countless other interviews, riding in limos, and not one time did Mike or Becky state Ron Logan's name or Brad Holder's name in 7 years. Because they can't. They were privy to info nobody else got. You see now that the truth is coming out, it's gonna make them both look like greedy pieces of shit, profiting from their dead grandchildren, making a memorial park, even though they have known who did it from the beginning.
-Lets let another cat out of the bag. Did you know that Sheriff Leazenby was actually supposed to meet Libby that day at the trail to speak to her about some concerns Libby was having? It's true. Did you know that Libby got into trouble for being nosy and getting into Becky's business dealings? She did. Libby heard everything she needed to hear to implicate Becky Patty in the Flora Four Fire. Did you know that Becky, Mike, Cody and Derrick all work together as property appraisers and handy men? Did you know that 2 weeks before the Flora Fire, they did an appraisal at 103 Columbia St in Flora, IN? Well they did. That is an established fact. Josh Ayres, the property owner and Becky Patty have some insurance fraud schemes they've been doing for years. I'm delving into those facts as we speak.
-Now, if I was spewing bullshit, I think it would be obvious. I have no reason to lie. I have never met anyone involved in the case, nor will my Mexican ass ever travel to Indiana, home of corruption, white supremacy and the good ole boys. People constantly ask me for the proof, and to give them my sources, like wtf? I don't have to prove anything to anybody. Take what I say at face value, or stop reading this shit, it's as simple as that. The ISP and Carroll County Sheriffs have told the world that Richard Allen was walking the trail that day, so he's the killer, and you believe that? Some people need to get their heads out of their asses and smell the truth, cause it nasty.
-If you have noticed, on this entire page, I am never speaking about me, because it's never been about me, but so everyone knows, I am a proud father of 9 children, I'm a musician, I work 2 jobs, I pay taxes, and I am a law abiding citizen. I'm clean from drugs for over 12 years. I am far from a conspiracy guy. I am a critical thinker and take the facts we do know and work from there. The fact that I made friends with certain individuals that work in Delphi and for law enforcement was part of this journey and happened to fall into place. Those same people felt there has been an injustice since the start, yet if they speak up, they get demoted or lose their jobs, and the gag order is to assure they keep their mouths shut. That's where I come in. There is NO gag order on me, and I am not afraid to confront the truth and question everything and everybody.
-Mike and Becky Patty know what was found in Ron Logan's cellar, and they also know that him, or any others involved could never be charged due to the evidence now being the fruit of the poisonous tree. In order to prosecute, it would now only be a circumstantial case, such as what is happening to Richard Allen.
-Ashleigh Banfield from Crime Nation spoke with law enforcement soon after the murders, and they explained how the crime scene was compromised, being that all law enforcement involved were unseasoned. They further explained to Ashleigh that they actually never got any training for a homicide till months after the murders. Compromised and Illegal Search are one in the same. Richard Allen is a patsy, and Mike and Becky Patty know that fact, yet he is still in prison awaiting a trial that will never take place.
-In closing, on the next court date, Judge Gull put an order in for Richard Allen's transport to court, and guess who is picking him up? Sheriff Liggett. The same guy who made Rick's search warrant, and the same guy who said in a deposition in 2023 that the DNA recovered at the crime scene does not match Rick and that he had no ties to the girls or Odinism. Court will be held in Allen County, yet Judge Gull decided to have Sheriff Liggett from Carroll County, to drive to Wabash County to pick Richard Allen up and take him to Allen County. Make that make sense. And knowing the facts that have come out recently, wouldn't it be a conflict of interest for Liggett to be the one transporting Rick? If he dies while in route, don't say I didn't tell you so.
-Becky and Mike, your grieving is a bunch of bullshit. Especially now that the world knows the truth. Fundraising, sharing awareness. Awareness of what? Odinism is prevalent in Delphi and Carroll County, and those girls were ritualistically and brutally murdered. Don't you think awareness would involve some of that, before other children die? Memorial park my ass. I am not going away any time soon Patty's, so come clean, or I will push it to the forefront. Mark my words.
-Today is the Day that Becky and Patty tell the truth, if not, it will come out anyways.

May 24, 2017, Liggett received training for new criminal investigators.

"Free That Innocent Man"
- February 20, 2024 -
I am so confident that Rick is not guilty, or even involved in the murders of Abby and Libby, that if you were to look up the word "innocent" in the dictionary, in my opinion, there should be a picture of Richard Allen. Now the truth is coming to the light, and it's only the beginning. When the entire cat is out of the bag, there will be suicides with people working in law enforcement and Carroll County and most likely vigilante justice coming for the real killers. Law enforcement crossed the line of no return a long time ago, and now the world is watching. Watch Crime Nation on the CW. They are truly making sure the truth comes out, one way or another. I feel I won't get much sleep till Richard Allen is finally released, a free man. And I don't even know the guy.
"Murder Weapon - Sharp Object"
- February 19, 2024 -
Why is it that when asked about what murder weapon was used to murder Abby and Libby, all law enforcement can say is that it was a sharp object. Why not just say a knife or knives? I think the answer lies in the weapon being forged and modified, making it one of a kind. While going through Brad Holder's facebook pictures, I noticed countless knives that Brad Holder modified himself, making every one of them, one of a kind. And also, being that a .40 caliber unspent round, all of a sudden became so important in this case, everyone should know that Brad Holder also owned a .40 caliber handgun.

"There Will Never Be A Trial"
- February 18, 2024 -
Many people disregard my findings and always say, just wait until trial in October, when I already know there will never be a trial. Nick McLeland has no case and he knows it. Fact: DNA recovered from the crime scene does not match Richard Allen. There will never be 12 jurors to unanimously vote to convict him for that simple fact alone. Maybe way back in the days, but not in 2024. In Richard Allen's PCA for the search warrant, there is 3 things pointing at Richard Allen, however, Ron Logan's search warrants have 30 things pointing directly at him. Richard Allen's PCA and search warrant were written by elected Sheriff Liggett, who is not a trained homicide detective, but the search warrants for Ron Logan were written by the FBI, trained and seasoned homicide detectives. I tend to believe the latter before I believe trailer park Tony Liggett. The trial has been postponed so many times and now stretched to October of 2024, which means McLeland hasn't been ready to go to trial since day one. A few things needed to fall into place for that to happen, and it just didn't. I am now questioning why Kegan Kline wasn't the fall guy, but maybe that was Liggett's first choice. But in time, Liggett even realized that Kegan Kline is unreliable and a habitual liar, and Liggett can't place him at the crime scene because Kegan looks like he hasn't walked a trail in his life, so how can Liggett explain him going down the hill? He weighs 400lbs. I'm guessing Kegan Kline wasn't a pushover as Liggett might've hoped for. In comes Richard Allen, soft spoken, polite guy, and easy pickings for Liggett. He volunteered the information 7 years ago that he was at the trail that day, and now it automatically made him the killer for Liggett. Without a written confession, or somebody saying they saw Richard Allen physically kidnapping and killing those girls, and with the DNA not matching, and Richard Allen having no ties to Odinism, there will never be a trial.

"Power Of The Fruit"
- February 17, 2024 -
Not only is the fruit gone, but anything needed to prove something in the murder case, needed the fruit to prove it. Fruit contained forensics and a treasure trove of evidence. So the crime scene and almost all the evidence collected is never talked about, because now it's all circumstantial. What about the DNA, and blood, semen, saliva and fingerprints on the forehead, or the tree, with a rune painted in Libby's blood? It can't be spoken about, being that the fruit is gone. That's why all the public focus by law enforcement has been purposely directed away from that evidence and never answering questions concerning them. We can't tell you what kind of weapon was used to kill the girls, but have you seen the Bridge Guy? Look at his movements and how he walks, listen to his voice, you might recognize him. Were the girls sexually assaulted? We can't speak on that cause it might damage the integrity of the investigation, but did you take a look at the make believe sketches that look nothing like the actual killers, you might recognize one of them. No tip is too small. Anyways, Richard Allen was the patsy, mellow dude, and easy pickings for the Carroll County Sheriff's Office. The plan: Liggett arrests Rick for the murders and he's the hero, now he needs him to sign a written confession in Westville, or die. Neither happened. He barely won his election 23 days later by 54 votes and was promoted to Sheriff Liggett, or as I refer to him by, Trailer Park Tony. In 2022, Liggett couldn't leave good enough alone, and with his overreach, he set up a hardworking, law abiding, married man to take the fall. Before that, Law Enforcement did what they had to do to cover-up their mistakes, legally. The sketches and posters were supposed to fade away with time, unsolved. "Fruits of the Poisonous Tree" explains just about everything weird we've seen about this case. Tight lipped about any evidence collected, sealing everything in the case, which is not normal, the gag order, and why the prosecutor is so concerned about the leaks, because they don't want anybody to put the puzzle together of all the law enforcement fuck ups. Violating someone's 14th Amendment Constitutional Rights are powerful, but not powerful enough to remove every other Constitutional Right afforded to Richard Allen. Westfall and Holders phone locations and interviews, gone. If Richard Allen's phone location was at the trail exactly when and where the girls went missing, don't you think law enforcement would've told us all by now? They didn't because it doesn't fit Liggett's narrative. Have you noticed that since the arrest of Richard Allen, nobody has seen Holder, Westfall and Fields, and now missing in action, probably by design, before they over incriminate themselves. Brad Holder, since 2012 posts all day everyday without fail on social media. Narcissist, with pictures of him and him and more of him. Nobody loves Brad more than Brad. Yet he disappeared?

"You Won't Believe This Shit"
- February 17, 2024 -
-I kept wondering why they have Richard Allen being transported to court, when it's a misconduct case against Baldwin and Rozzi, not Richard Allen. Although it's because of his case, he already wrote a letter stating he wants to keep Baldwin and Rozzi, so I didn't see a need for him to be there. Here comes what you won't believe. On the contempt charges against Baldwin and Rozzi, Richard Allen is the Defendant and in his corner, Prosecutor Nick McLeland. McLeland is defending Richard Allen in the contempt charges and trying to protect his 6th Amendment Constitutional rights of having fair adequate legal representation, at the same time prosecuting the same defendant on 2 charges of kidnapping and 2 counts of 1st degree murder. That's how crazy it is in that town of Delphi and Carroll County. To put it in another perspective, on the next court date, Richard Allen can tell the court that he does not want to press charges on his attorney's that have literally saved his life, court adjourned. The state can now bring charges against Baldwin and Rozzi on their own behalf. Make any of that make sense, but that's what's happening. Like I've said many times, there won't be a trial for Richard Allen for the murders of Abby and Libby. In 2024, anywhere in America, you will not find 12 people to unanimously convict Richard Allen for the murders. Especially not with circumstantial, tampered and missing evidence alone. If his DNA does not match what was collected from the crime scene, he will never get convicted. Slick Nick McLeland has lost his marbles. Deleting and recording over crucial evidence? All you did was fail Abby and Libby. Liggett and Leazenby are the ones you should be filing charges on.

"Ron Logan's Search Warrant - 3/17/2017"
- February 16, 2024 -
-RONALD LOGAN is a 77 year old male. LOGAN's physical build is consistent with that of the male suspect videoed by LG on the Monon High Bridge Trail. LOGAN owns farmland and cares for large farm animals. LOGAN appears to be in good physical condition. LOGAN has been interviewed several times. His voice is not inconsistent with that of the person in the video.
-During the processing of the crime scene investigators located unknown fibers and unidentified hairs which may later be used for comparison of similar fibers or hairs.
-LOGAN owns numerous weapons including handguns and knives that were observed by LEO's during the execution of a search warrant that took place at his home on March 6, 2017. LOGAN's home was searched as a result of a probation violation. The search was limited to the discovery of firearms and included only his main residence.
-On February 14, 2017 at approximately 9:20 A.M., LOGAN contacted his cousin, XXXXXX. LOGAN asked XXXXXX to tell the police that he came to LOGAN's home between 2:00 pm and 2:30 pm on February 13, 2017 to pick LOGAN up. LOGAN further told XXXXXX to say that XXXXXX drove LOGAN to an aquarium store in Lafayette, Indiana. LOGAN told XXXXXX to say they returned home to LOGAN's house between 5:00 pm and 5:30 pm.
-A receipt from Aquarium World in Lafayette dated February 13, 2017 with a checkout time of 5:21pm was found in LOGAN's home on March 6, 2017, during a probation violation search. LOGAN resides approximately 22 miles from the store. It would take approximately 30 minutes to get to the store from LOGAN's home.
-On March 6, 2017, during an interview with a LEO, LOGAN said he was picked up by XXXXXX around 3:00 pm and taken straight to the aquarium store in Lafayette. In the March 6, 2017 interview LOGAN said after he was done at the aquarium store, he was driven straight home. These statements were found to be factually false and intentionally designed to deceive LEO's.
-On March 7, 2017, XXXXXX was interviewed by a LEO. XXXXXX told the LEO that he was with LOGAN on Monday, February 13, 2017 and that XXXXXX drove LOGAN to the aquarium store in Lafayette. On March 9, 2017, XXXXXX was interviewed by another LEO regarding the trip to the aquarium. XXXXXX told the LEO that he had lied when he was interviewed by the LEO on March 7, 2017 at LOGAN's request. XXXXXX explained that LOGAN had never asked XXXXX to lie for him in the past. XXXXXX knows that LOGAN has driven his vehicle while on probation was/is prohibited from doing so. XXXXXX also said that LOGAN did not ask him to lie for LOGAN when LOGAN drove to the transfer station earlier in the day.
-On March 12, 2017, XXXXXX explained in an interview to a LEO that LOGAN called him on the morning of February 14, 2017 and asked him to provide the alibi for LOGAN's drive to the aquarium in Lafayette. This phone call was made prior to LEO's discovery of LG and AW's deceased bodies. Based on investigators experience it is reasonable to believe that the creation of an alibi prior to the discovery of a crime indicates culpability or knowledge of the crime.
-XXXXXX said he thought the photograph of the male that was released by the media of the man on the bridge looked like LOGAN.
-During her March 8, 2017 interview, LOGAN's ex girlfriend XXXXXX said that she knew LOGAN carried a gun everywhere he went. XXXXXX knew that LOGAN would carry a gun in a fanny pack. XXXXXX decribed LOGAN's fanny pack as one made out of a nicer material.
-During her March 8, 2017 interview, XXXXXX told LEO's when she first saw the photograph of the man on the bridge, she thought the police were looking for LOGAN because she thought the photograph was LOGAN. XXXXXX did not initially realize that the photograph was that of the suspect.
-A call placed using LOGAN's cell phone produced cell tower data that shows LOGAN's cell phone appears to be in or around his property on February 13, 2017 at 2:09pm. The tower data shows that LOGAN's cell phone was in the Delphi area in the area of the Monon High Bridge Trail.
-LOGAN met with LEO's on or about February 17, 2017 while they were on his property. LOGAN was physically able to get up and down the hill from his home to the crime scene.
-December of 2016, XXXXXX was in a sexual relationship with LOGAN on and off for approximately three years. During the interview with LEO's, XXXXXX said when she first learned that AW and LG were missing and then found dead near LOGAN's home her initial thought was that LOGAN was involved.
-The FBI has established a database for the collection and organization of tips provided by the public in this case. A search of the database has revealed 15 tips in which citizens both known and anonymous attributed the crime to LOGAN for various reasons.
-Based on the above aforementioned facts, LOGAN was in the area at the time the crime occurred and that he provided false information about his activities during the crime to law enforcement, has a prior propensity for violence, employed others to assist in deceiving law enforcement and plotted an alibi for a crime that had not yet been discovered.
-Based on the aforementioned facts, I believe there is probable cause to believe that RONALD LOGAN has committed the crime of murder and evidence of that could be found on RONALD LOGAN's property.
-Dated this 17th day of March, 2017 - signed: Nikkole Robertson, FBI

"The Crime Scene"
- February 15, 2024 -
Not sure if this is what happened, but it's an important thing to remember and note, that the actual crime scene was on Ron Logan's property, near Deer Creek. In order to process the actual crime scene, a PCA and search warrant would've been needed to do so. I haven't seen or heard of a search warrant or PCA for the crime scene. So when law enforcement fumbled the ball by searching Ron Logan's garage without a search warrant, they might've already messed up by investigating the crime scene without a search warrant. Either way, unexperienced law enforcement, detectives and investigators in the town of Delphi did whatever they wanted to do, just as they always have, however, they also didn't expect the case to get as big as it has. And they really didn't think they were going to have the whole world watching, but we are. They've gotten away with it many times before, but not this time.

"The Unspent Bullet"
- February 14, 2024 -
The cat is officially, out of the bag, now let the fuckery begin. The unspent round that the prosecutor and the state claim was found in between the two bodies, was never found in between the two bodies. It wasn't even found by law enforcement. The unspent round was found by a stranger two weeks later, dug up from deep in the dirt, in between where the bodies were, supposedly, recovered weeks earlier. How did the stranger know where the bodies were? Were there old school chalk lines? Now law enforcement is saying that they found it at the crime scene days later, after they re-secured the crime scene. You can not re-secure a crime scene. Crime scene technicians were out there for four days and never found the unspent round. The witness who found the bullet is not on the witness list. After checking the unredacted witness list, everybody else was accounted for except for him/her. Law enforcement never found the unspent round. There were never crime scene photos of the bullet in the dirt, or pictures of it even being removed from the dirt. Not only was the bullet a large reason the search warrant was even signed by a judge, but I must remind everybody that the girls were never murdered with a firearm, so the bullet is neither here nor there. So them saying it belonged to Richard Allen is complete speculation and 100% make believe of what could've possibly happen. Another reminder: Sheriff Liggett's police bodycam footage during the search of Richard Allen's home when he recovered Richard Allen's legally registered gun, has also magically disappeared. I stand corrected for blaming all law enforcement, because really, it was just two bad apples, Sheriff Tony Liggett and Sheriff Tobe Leazenby. Ron Logan also owned a .40 caliber handgun. In addition, in all of Ron Logan's search warrants relating to the Delphi case, the unspent bullet was never mentioned one time. The unspent bullet was found by a stranger using a metal detector 2 weeks later. It's important to note that on both search warrants of Ron Logan that went public, neither one of them mentioned the unspent round, yet in the Richard Allen case, now all of a sudden its very important. The girls were not killed with a firearm, so even that fact alone makes anything else complete speculation.

"Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine"
- February 12, 2024 -
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Delphi Murders - I have now put all the pieces of the puzzle together. For a long time, what didn't make sense to me is why the blatant and obvious coverup? Ron Logan wasn't being protected, the cops hated him and he hated the cops. And Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall and Elvis Fields aren't protected by the police, they are all losers, convicted felons, meth heads, and Odinists. So why would Prosecutor McLeland and Judge Gull continue this charade? Who are they covering up for? Mayor Yates? Doug Carter? No way, makes no sense. Why do they want an innocent man to suffer and get stripped of all of his constitutional rights?
--Prosecutor Nick McLeland and Judge Frances Gull know exactly who killed Abby and Libby and they also know that Richard Allen isn't one of them. So why wouldn't the state be trying to prosecute the real killers?

--Answer: "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine" which is a rule in criminal law that makes evidence that was derived from an illegal search, arrest or interrogation inadmissible.

--On February 14, 2017, there was a search done at Ron Logan's home. No probable cause affidavit was done, being that they were not serving a search warrant. It was a probation search. On the terms of his probation search, law enforcement can only search the home, not the garage or the storage sheds. Law enforcement knew Ron Logan was involved and decided to search the garage anyways. What was recovered was a treasure trove of evidence, including weapons, blood from the victims, articles of clothing taken from the girls, multiple knives, finger prints, DNA, everything. Being it was an illegal search, no evidence can ever be used that was collected against Ron Logan, or anybody. 
--Now that all the evidence can never be used, means the killers got away with it. Law enforcement can not say publicly that they did an illegal search, nor can they say that they found the evidence on who killed Abby and Libby. Which explains why law enforcement has been so tight lipped and the prosecutors office gets everything sealed, and why there is currently a gag order put on the case. And also why there was nobody charged for their deaths for over 5 years. Not only will it never be solved, but the killers can never be charged with those murders.
--Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall had a fallout soon after the murders. When being questioned, law enforcement told Holder and Westfall that they knew they were involved, but they also told them they could never be charged for it. Brad Holder, being the narcissist that he is, proudly told law enforcement exactly what he did, which angered Westfall, even though he wasn't going to get charged anyways. But regardless, Holder spilled the beans, and Westfall didn't like that at all. This also explains why the interviews of Holder and Westfall were recorded over. It was fruit of the poisonous tree. Those recordings would never see the light of day ever again. 
--Ron Logan at the time was on probation and they found more than one firearm in the garage, so why wouldn't he have been violated for being a felon in possession of a firearm? The gun was also fruit of the poisonous tree. That's why law enforcement, instead, violated him for driving when he shouldn't have been driving. Got sentenced to 4 years, did one and was released on house arrest. He died in 2021 due to complications from covid.
--Being this was now a case that by law will never be solved, due to the fact that the evidence collected was now null, time dragged on and there was some unrest in Delphi and Carroll County and in their communities and with the victims families. People wanted answers.
--In comes trailerpark Tony Liggett, running for Sheriff of Carroll County. In the past he was a correctional officer at Westville Penitentiary and knows the ins and outs of the prison politics. He came in trying to be a hero, but lying to do it, placing an innocent man as the killer of Abby and Libby. Did you know trailerpark Tony has an Odinist tattoo? Did you know that when the search warrant was served at Richard Allen's home, all the police bodycam footage ended up missing? Tony Liggett conveniently removed a bullet from Richard Allen's gun cartridge as evidence, and it was now the replacement for the bullet found in the woods. So the bullet in evidence probably did come out of Richard Allen's gun, but 5 years later, nefariously. Now Sheriff Liggett decided right away and requested and was granted to have Richard Allen housed at Westville Penitentiary instead of the county jail as he awaits trial, which has never happened in Indiana history. Liggett said he is in Westville for his protection, yet he's been tazed, beat, drugged, humiliated and almost killed. I bet that wouldn't happen in the Carroll County jail. Liggett's Odinist friends are the highest ranking officers in Westville, sporting patches hailing to Odin on their work uniforms. Liggett plotted for Richard Allen to die, making him the hero for bringing down the killer of Abby and Libby, and now that he's dead, the case will be closed, end of story. Well, the plan never came together.
--In comes Richard Allen's true saviors, Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Rozzi. They saw exactly what was going on with Rick, losing weight, being treated poorly and nearly close to death. Coerced confessions are common, even more common when the sworn officers housing the suspect is constantly threatening him and slowly trying to kill him. Baldwin and Rozzi acted quickly, putting the spotlight on Westville and explained how their client was being mistreated and that he was in danger. All of a sudden, things changed, patches were removed, cameras were being monitored, and Liggett's plan on him dying there failed. The ones he asked to get the job done weren't finishers. They were too busy torturing him, parading him through the prison with a dog collar on connected to a chain, as all the inmates cheered him on, yelling and spit on Richard Allen as he walked by.
--Becky and Mike Patty know exactly who killed the girls, being they are related to law enforcement and the prosecutor. But they can not say the truth because what was told to them was fruit of the poisonous tree. Which explains why Mike Patty was the spokesman. He was trained by law enforcement on what to say, and what not to say. Which is why he repeated answers a lot in his interviews, as it seemed very scripted. And why Doug Carter spoke to the world in riddles. Fact is, it's solved, but will never be officially solved, if that makes any sense.
--All law enforcement in Carroll County, including the PD, ISP and Sheriffs, all know exactly who murdered Abby and Libby. Some have spoken up and got reprimanded or demoted, because even if they know the truth, they can not speak about it, because the fruit of the poisonous tree isn't even considered evidence anymore, and the gag order makes sure they keep their mouths shut about it in order to keep their jobs. 
--At the end of the day, the murderers of Abby and Libby are Ron Logan, Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall and Elvis Fields. There might be other actors involved, however these 4 were definitely there and participated in the murders as well as the staging of the crime scene. 4 people that will never be arrested, charged or prosecuted for the Delphi Murders, being that all evidence collected was fruit of the poisonous tree.
--Richard Allen is completely innocent and became the fall guy, and railroaded by law enforcement and the prosecutors office. The DNA recovered at the crime scene does not match Richard Allen and he had zero ties to Odinism, according to a deposition in 2023 by Sheriff Liggett, who originally wrote the PCA and search warrant for Richard Allen. There will never be 12 jurors to vote unanimously on finding Richard Allen guilty, being that the DNA recovered is not his. Maybe in the past, but not in todays day and age.
--Summary-- "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine" can explain much of what we've seen happen in this case up to now. Law Enforcement staying tight lipped about the actual evidence collected at the crime scene. And why Doug Carter speaks in riddles every time he publicly speaks about the case. Why, the obvious bridge guy, Ron Logan was never charged or arrested for the murder. Why, Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall's interviews were deleted or recorded over. Why, Holder and Westfall's phone locations at the time of the kidnapping and murder simply disappeared. And why the DNA or fingerprints haven't been identified yet publicly. Why, it was a ritualistic killing, but was never spoken about publicly until Baldwin and Rozzi read the discovery and pointed those facts out. Why the state and prosecution does everything in their power to seal anything and everything concerning the case. Why there was a gag order put on the case. This is what happens when procedural issues aren't followed correctly. And why this case will never be officially solved, even though we all know who the murderers are. Imagine having all of the evidence to convict multiple individuals for a brutal murder of Abby and Libby and then it magically disappears. That's how powerful the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine is. Evidence becomes no evidence.
--Find another case where an illegal search and seizure ended up letting the suspect free. There are probably many countless cases, but you won't hear about it publicly. Not by the media or the internet, and especially not from law enforcement. Violating someone's 14th amendment is a powerful Constitutional right, afforded to us all, and a procedural error such as this, makes any crimes committed, having all charges against the suspect dropped, records sealed. It's as if what really happen, never happened. So this case was cut and dry from the beginning, Logan, Holder, Westfall and Fields, the killers. Law enforcement violated Ron Logan's rights, making evidence tied to many, now gone, end of Story. Law enforcement isn't dirty, they just messed up. Even though everybody wanted answers, law enforcement had them but could not discuss the details, so the case needed to fade away in time.
--However, Tony Liggett was running for Sheriff and needed evidence to replace the fruit that was lost, and found a patsy in Richard Allen as the official scapegoat. He was at the trail that day. He saw girls. Richard Allen was easy pickings. If Liggett could arrest an innocent man, knowingly, then why wouldn't he be able to destroy, replace, or tamper with evidence whenever he wanted? The bullet recovered at the crime scene was not found by law enforcement, and it wasn't until a week later that a stranger found it there. Crime scene professionals were there for 4 days detailing the crime scene, and no bullet was found? No metal detectors in the Carroll county? And the bullet was from a sig .40 caliber gun, standard issue to most if not all law enforcement officers. Sheriff Liggett needs to be fired and arrested, along with Sheriff Leazenby for allowing that to happen, even though he knew Richard Allen was innocent.
Culpable: Ron Logan, Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall, Elvis Fields, Tony Liggett, Tobe Leazenby, Nick McLeland
Prosecutable: Tony Liggett, Tobe Leazenby, Nick McLeland
Kelsi German and Cody Patty went down the hill to the private drive at 430pm on 2/13/2017 and found nothing. They would've seen the girls and/or the crime scene if the girls were murdered already. They weren't seen because the girls were being held in Ron Logan's garage for the 22 unaccounted hours that they were missing.
Lets not forget Libby's blood found on the tree as well as the noticeable fingerprints.

- February 11, 2024 - Ron Logan -
Ron Logan might be dead and gone, but if you still don't think he was involved in the murders, you are mistaken. He wasn't alone, but he was definitely involved, and allowed the girls to be kept on his property in his garage for the 22 hours they were missing and were later found deceased at the edge of his property. He was the ruse, the bridge guy, wearing a leather fanny pack with his gun in it. He lied about his alibi and asked his cousin to lie for him on the 14th before the girls were discovered. He was known to be abusive to his ex girlfriends. He had regular run ins with law enforcement. He was a known meth user. He knew both families of the victims. Cellphone records indicate that Logan's phone on the afternoon of Feb. 13, 2017, was in the area of the Monon High Bridge and near the banks of the creek where the girls' bodies were found. Just days after police released the photo of "bridge guy" in the investigations of the killings of teenagers Libby and Abby, at least 15 tipsters said the man was Ron Logan, according to an affidavit for a search warrant. Recently Becky Patty was heard yelling at Nick McLeland, a close relative of hers, that why didn't he do more about arresting Ron Logan. On Ron Logan's search warrant it stated “I believe there is probable cause to believe that Ronald Logan has committed the crime of murder and evidence of that can be found on Ronald Logan’s property.” An FBI agent stated that he believed Logan’s physical build “appeared to be consistent with that of the man seen on the video.” It's simple logic and the power of inference, that Ron Logan was involved, and got away with it. Being that he knew the families of both victims when they went missing, he knew they were searching. Don't you think he would be searching as well? Nope. Instead he was fooling with his tropical fish for hours. Wtf? Who fools with their tropical fish? Ron was an old timey farmer man and killed his own food on his own land. Where is his polygraph examination? And where is the Ron Logan's trailcam footage recovered by law enforcement? He had no power or hold within law enforcement, so why the cover up? Ron Logan had multiple search warrants served on him, including probation searches. You won't find public record of it, but on February 14th, there was a search warrant served at Ron Logans home, however there was never a probable cause affidavit filled out prior and did a probation search in his home, however they could not check the garage or his storage shed. Illegal search and seizure, and any evidence collected can not be used against him. Fruit of the Poisonous Tree. Ron Logan became untouchable so they ended up violating his probation and gave him 4 years, in which he did 1 year, released and put on house arrest. Perhaps law enforcement can't say the truth cause they fucked up, so instead, 5 years later, in comes trailerpark Tony Liggett running for Sheriff and finds someone to be the fall guy. Sheriff Liggett wrote the search warrant, Liggett searched the house, and Liggett put him in Westville Penitentiary, the same prison he used to be a correctional officer at, hoping and planning he got killed. So that way Liggett's the hero, caught the killer of Abby and Libby, and he dies in prison awaiting trial, case closed. It didn't go as planned, and that's the predicament they are in now.

-- February 10, 2024 --
Richard Allen, a family man, happily married, with an older daughter, had no criminal record and was a Pharmacist at a grocery store. Rick went from giving people their prescriptions through the drive-thru window at the local CVS, to getting pissed on, drugged, tazed, raped & sodomized, and treated like Hanibal Lechter, being paraded around with a dog collar on his neck connected to a chain, by High Ranking Correctional Officers wearing "Odin" patches, inside of a Maximum Security Prison as he awaits his trial, for the simple fact that he volunteered the information that he was on the walking trail that day in 2017. If Rick was being held in a prison instead of the county jail for his protection, than why did he almost die there? If he's never been arrested before in his life, why is he chained up with lockbox handcuffs on connected to his shackles on his feet? He's a 5ft 6in, hard working man and provider for his family. Terrorists at Guantanamo Bay are treated better than Rick is being treated. Innocent till proven guilty flipped upside down, with a prosecutor and judge that are hellbent on fighting him every step of the way. DNA recovered at the crime scene does not match Richard Allen, according to a deposition in 2023 by Sheriff Liggett, the same guy who wrote the search warrant. Maybe in the past, but in these days, there will never be 12 jurors that will convict that man for the simple fact that the DNA does not match. Where are the other killers? Free that innocent man before he dies, which is what the state was expecting to happen, by design. Richard Allen is simply and sadly, the fall guy. 
February 9, 2024 - Sheriff Tobe Leazenby
As many twists and turns and diversions in this case, Im here to remind people the facts of the case. Did you know that Sheriff Leazenby was supposed to meet Liberty at the Trail to talk with her that very day? Liberty had something to tell him. It's true and Leazenby said it publicly during an HLN interview, after Becky Patty reminded him of that fact. There is so much foul play going on in Carroll County and so many people involved in it that you would think it's all conspiracies. This is a real world, small town government USA, certified coverup. If Becky Patty didn't know she was going to the trail that day till she was gone, than how did Leazenby know Liberty was going to be there. Do polygraph examinations on Leazenby, Kelsi, Becky & Mike and the truth will come out. Until the entire truth comes out, there will be no justice. 
Message for Nick McLeland: What are you gonna do when the world comes crashing down on you? Is it worth your job? And honestly, is it worth losing your freedom? You are headed nowhere fast Slick Nick. You must have no conscience, knowing that you continue to pursue these charges on an innocent man. You are going down Nick, and its not a threat, but a promise. You brought this all on yourself. Prosecutor, soon to be inmate lol. You're not as Slick as you thought you were.
Vinlanders proudly holding up their gang signs
February 6, 2024
--22 Unaccounted Hours--
To put it in another perspective, if Richard Allen murdered Abby & Libby, where would he have taken them for the 22 hours they were missing? Exactly where the girls remains were found was searched multiple times by law enforcement, fire department, dogs, family and volunteers on all of February 13 and throughout the night. The bodies were placed and staged there some time in the early hours of February 14. The exact spot where the crime scene was next to Deer Creek, you can actually see from the Monon High Bridge. The last time Libby's phone pinged, near the bridge was at 1am. At that time, another search was started and later called off by Sheriff Leazenby. He said to get some rest and start again in the morning. For 2 missing girls? Never in the history of amber alerts have you ever heard somebody call it off for the evening and resume the next day. For the 22 hours, the girls were being held captive, dead or alive, elsewhere. Richard Allen is not the boogie man, and he is definitely not a magical ninja killer. If his DNA doesn't fit, than you must acquit. Locally, all of law enforcement also has a gag order. Why? Because police officers were removed and fired and reprimanded for speaking the truth about the case and going against the prosecutors agenda. Lawsuits were even filed because of just that. It's nothing but a circus in Delphi and Carroll County.
Judge Gull has crossed the line so many times that it's absolutely amazing that she is still on the case. When is the last time you heard of Judges getting in trouble for the overreach of power and abuse? Never. Judges have integrity and must not show bias. If a judge steps over the line too many times, somebody steps in and she/he is removed from the case, but not fired. Judge Gull has done so much overreach of power to this point, that any court of appeals will end up granting the defendant another trial. Every single constitutional right afforded to us all has been violated numerous times and continues to this day for Richard Allen. 
The Cast of Unsavory Characters
All of the 17 people in the picture above are either, the reason Abby & Libby were murdered, the murderers of Abby & Libby, involved in the murders of Abby & Libby, involved in the cover-up of the murders of Abby & Libby, or all of the above.
February 5, 2024
I can not say enough about these 2 frauds, Mike Patty & Becky Patty, grieving grandmother and step-grandfather of Liberty German. Liberty's biological mother had drug issues in the past but at the time of the murder, she was clean and still completely shut out by Mike & Becky. Liberty's biological mother hasn't been questioned or interviewed to this day. Law enforcement never even asked her who she thought did the murders. On the other hand, Liberty's biological father, Derrick German, convicted felon, habitual drug addict and drug dealer, who was at the trail at 315pm on February 13, 2017 to pick the girls up, has never spoke publicly or interviewed or heard from since her death. Coincidence or not? The same day the girls went missing, Derrick German and his brother Cody Patty, were both working with the FBI as confidential informants doing a drug buy on meth makers from Kokomo. Odinists, Vinlanders. Public record: The day the girls went missing and Becky Patty was asked who would've done such a thing? She stated that Brad Holder, an Odinist might've done it. And that Logan Holder, his son was dating Abigail Williams.
Since the murders, nothing from Libby's real mom or dad, however Becky Patty and Mike Patty became the official spokespeople for Liberty Williams and what happened in Delphi. For 6 years after the murders, Mike and Becky have been living it up, going to Dr Phil, Dr Oz, Dr Seuss, Oprah, Channel 13, 5, 9, CrimeCon, Youtube interviews, yet not one time did they say the name Brad Holder? Why not? Becky and Mike Patty know exactly who and why the girls were murdered. Libby was a nosy girl and heard and knew too much of what was going on including the fraud at the Flora Fire. Supposedly, Sheriff Leazenby was going to meet Libby that same day at the trail to speak with him. Becky Patty has been a Property Appraiser along with Mike the handy man for many years. Don't you find it strange that they inspected and appraised the Flora Fire house 2 weeks before it happened? Sheriff Trailer Park Tony Liggett lived on the same street as the flora fire. And the man in the middle, property and business owner, and insurance fraud professional, Josh Ayres. Now put together that the cause of the fire was arson, and nobody was ever arrested. The mother of the 4 girls that died was dating a White guy, and her and her children were African American. There are pictures of a ritual on the same night at Patrick Westfalls house a block away along with his buddy Brad Holder and other Vinlanders. It was a racially motivated hate crime. Perhaps an initiation.
And the nerve of Becky and Mike Patty wearing a shirt that reads: "Today is the day justice will be served for Abby & Libby" knowing all along exactly who did it. Cashed in on some merch, and even got a baseball field built for the girls by the city and donations. Becky Patty, the day that justice is served, is when the truth comes out and you will be exposed as frauds and 100% heartless. And knowing this whole time that Richard Allen is not the killer. Richard Allen was also dealing drugs.... Legally, working hard as a pharmacist technician at the local CVS. For 5 years, the posters of the bridge guy and composite sketches were posted Everywhere! Even in the CVS Richard Allen worked at, yet not one person came forward and said "I think you should look at Rick at the CVS?" Reminder, Delphi is small, population 3k tops. I feel for that man cause Rick is the unluckiest person I have ever heard of.

--IMPORTANT-- It was 2017, so phone locations of all friends, families, enemies and possible suspects is still attainable. And the most important thing is figuring out what happen and where were they physically in the 22 UNACCOUNTED HOURS that the GIRLS were MISSING. Where they were eventually found was searched numerous times on February 13th and through out the evening and the girls were not there. The Police want us to look at the Bridge Guy, and the Sketches and Listen closely to his voice, which is all diversion tactics. The crime scene itself yielded much, much more evidence than that. Including a slit throat, no blood, obvious staging, ritualistic signatures. There's a wealth of information obtained from the actual crime scene, not the Bridge.
At the time of the murders, Shane Evans was the Mayor of Delphi. He soon after resigned as mayor and is now working with the prosecution. Can Abby & Libby get Justice and can Richard Allen get a fair trial in Carroll County when the Ex Mayor, Shane Evans is the acting chief deputy prosecutor along with Nick McLeland?

February 4, 2024
Richard Allen is an Innocent Man. He will soon be Released, making the Murders of Abby & Libby still an open investigation. This case has more twists and turns than anything in History! So far we have connected over a dozen of mysterious still unsolved deaths connected to the case, including: The Flora Four Fire & The Monticello Fire & Vinlanders, the Heathens of Odin. Not dungeons & dragons games, but a real life Murdering Racist Cult even connected to top law enforcement officers in all of Indiana's Correctional Facilities. Richard Allen was used to begin covering up what has now been uncovered. Dirty prosecutors, Dirty Sheriffs, Dirty Prison guards, Dirty Judges. Now everybody is watching Delphi Indiana. The biggest case of Corruption, and Racially Motivated Hate Crimes across Carroll County and all of Indiana ever.
On legal court documents, Sheriff Liggett, who originally wrote the search warrant, now states that the DNA recovered from the crime scene and from the victims does not match Richard Allen, and nothing was found on all of his computers and electronic devices. Further more, Sheriff Liggett stated that Richard Allen has no ties to Odinism. We all now know that the killings were ritualistic sacrificial cult murders.
Judge Gull: 2nd Judge on this case. She appointed 2 attorney's for Allen's defense, and then removed them from the case, without a hearing, even though Richard Allen sent the Judge a letter stating that he wants Rozzi & Baldwin as his attorney's. The supreme court ruled in favor of the defendant being that the choosing of your lawyers are Constitutional issues. The day they were back on the case, 4 new charges on Richard Allen by prosecutor Nick McLeland, and Judge Gull denied 3 different motions by the defense, including a request for a "franks hearing". That Judge has the biggest balls in the state. She can't get away with all she's done, but she is. The person in charge of figuring out who is telling the truth, is completely leaning with the prosecution since day 1? Even if a judge is biased, they can't show it. She is running for Supreme Court. Please all eyes on Indiana. Many Unsolved Murders, all connected, and law enforcement is in on it. Not a conspiracy. Richard Allen was the fall guy, and almost died, by design, from people in the sheriffs department connected to correctional officers.
Richard Allen was arrested 5 years after the murder, at the same time Tony Liggett was running for Sheriff. It's not just a coincidence. Being that Richard Allen has never been arrested before in his life, he would probably await trial in the Carroll County Jail. But the now, Sheriff Liggett requested and was granted to take Richard Allen to Westville Penitentiary as he waits for his trial. The same penitentiary that is controlled by Odinists Guards and that almost killed Richard Allen. If Rozzi & Baldwin didn't step in, Rick would be dead, all by design. Case closed, the murderer died in prison. But the people in charge of killing him weren't finishers and in the time they had to do it. Instead, they put a dog collar around Richard Allen's neck, connected to a chain, that they proudly paraded through the prison on many occasions. Once alerted about what was going on, everybody had to abort mission. All eyes on Westville Prison. The pictures of him shackled from head to toe is humiliating. No past criminal record, the man is 5 ft 6. Why when visiting him in prison, his attorneys said they have him out to be Hanibal Lechter. He was the Pharmacist at CVS, calm ur tits. A happily married man with a daughter who had no criminal record ever.
This picture above is computer generated and I found it on the internet. With that said, I believe our minds are somehow trying to tell us that the bridge guy was wearing a long brown shirt under his jacket, which would obviously go all the way around his body. However.......
These are the pictures released publicly. If you noticed, the thing you feel is a shirt does not go all the way around his body, its only on his right side. I think the picture on the left was altered with a smudge tool on a photoshop program. However the picture on the right is not altered and you can clearly see its a fanny pack. You could tell by the shadow under it making it 3D. Records will show that Ron Logan's ex girlfriend stated that Ron Logan always wore a fanny pack where he carried his gun in at all times. When asked what color it was, his ex girlfriend said it was the expensive kind. My guess? Leather is brown and expensive. The reason I know the first picture was altered, is because if you watch the short video of the Bridge Guy walking, it's obviously a fanny pack, not a shirt. And even when he's walking, you won't see any brown on the right side of the picture if it was a shirt. I think to myself, why would a grown man be wearing a 4XL shirt under his jacket? Well, he's not.
February 2, 2024
Judge Frances Gull
Don't quote me, but I believe Judge Gull has withdrawn from the case. I knew it had to happen soon, because in order to keep her job, I'm sure she was told to step down. She has crossed the line publicly, one too many times. In Indiana, they seem to do whatever they want, but not when the world is watching. With a case this big, it was time to say Bye Bye Judge Gull. lol. What are you gonna do now Nick McLeland? My guess, Richard Allen will be transferred and then released without charges pending. Law Enforcement will publicly state that the murders of Abby and Libby is still an open investigation and leave it at that.
(Update 2/07/2024 I stand corrected, I was wrong, Judge Gull decided not to remove herself from the case)
January 31, 2024
Now lets be completely honest about the leaks. Since the leaks, nothing at all has changed. McLeland stated, "The amount of harm and revictimization that this has caused the families of the victims is unmeasurable and incurable." I call bullshit Nick McLeland. The same families you speak of, especially Becky Patty, stated to law enforcement when the girls went missing, that Brad Holder might be involved and that he is an Odinist and that his son Logan was dating Abby.

The most terrible thing that came out of the leaks is that someone committed suicide, leaving a wife and daughter behind because of it and his involvement.

Why all the covering up? My guess is that Carroll County is trying to save face by not being looked at as the most Racist and Corrupt county in the country, but it is. The good ole boys, small town government USA.

The crime scene photos aren't anywhere on the internet to be found, and the families already know Richard Allen is innocent. I say, that without the leaks, especially the memorandum written about facts only found in the discovery was crucial. Baldwin & Rozzi saved Ricks life. By design, Richard Allen was railroaded and was supposed to die in Westville Penitentiary.

Sheriff Liggett signed the PCA for the search warrant in 2022 and it was approved by Judge Diener. Since then, Judge Diener was removed from the case, and in 2023 in a deposition, Sheriff Liggett claimed the DNA at the crime scene does not match Richard Allen, and that Richard has no ties to Odinism, and nothing nefarious nor child porn was found on any of his computers or electronic devices.

Prosecutor McLeland, along with Judge Gull are both runaway trains. There will never be 12 jurors who convict a man who's DNA doesn't match the DNA found at the crime scene. Maybe a long time ago, but not in these times. They continue to push this case even though they have no physical evidence or DNA tying him to the murder or the kidnapping, and no witnesses came forward to say they saw it happen. McLeland will be removed and is probably looking at 5 years in the penitentiary. I doubt Judge Gull will be punished at all, but she should be.

A Painting on the left by Brad Holder. His son, Logan Holder was dating Abby. On the right is Brad Holders SnapChat posted on his facebook profile which was created before the murders. The numbers 213 are supposedly important in Odinism. It's also the date Abby & Libby were murdered. And the picture on the right is Logan Holder and Abigail Williams. They weren't just dating on social media.

January 23, 2024
If you know how to read between the lines, Brad Holder has been telling the world he murdered Abby & Libby since day 1. He's a certified narcissist and proud heathen of Odin. 7 years later he is still a free man.
Liberty German - Abigail Williams
Brad Holder

January 22, 2024

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The special judge in the Delphi double murders case handed down several rulings Monday.

Judge Francis Gull denied Richard Allen’s Motion for a Franks Hearing, denied Allen’s Motion to Suppress in Limine regarding ballistics, dismissed Allen’s Motion to Suppress the search of his home, took under advisement Allen’s Motion to Transfer and decided to set a hearing for the State’s Motion to Amend Information.

-Anybody who says Judge Gull isn't Biased, are clearly not paying attention to this case. The Supreme Court allowed Allen's original attorney's to be back on the case, and Judge Gull is mad. Judge Gull and Nick McLeland are both Runaway Trains headed nowhere fast. Corruption still hasn't been exposed. This case is the definition of Corruption. FREE RICHARD ALLEN!

January 18, 2024
Today, the Indiana Supreme Court Justices reinstated Richard Allen's original attorney's Rozzi & Baldwin, who were removed by Judge Gull for no legitimate reason.
On the same day, prosecutor McLeland added new charges to Richard Allen, including 2 new counts of 1st degree Murder and 2 aggravated Kidnapping charges.

Breaking News: 1/17/2024 - New Connection Made Public
The Monticello Fire that killed 2, including a Polygraph Examiner from the ISP Indiana State Police, Stephanie Thompson and her daughter Mya Thompson, was arson, and yet another connection to the Delphi Murders & the Flora Four Fire. In the early morning hours of Feb 17, 2022, the home was ingulfed in flames and it was said Stephanie and Mya died of smoke inhalation. Although the cause of the fire is supposedly still undetermined, it is an established fact that the ATF were brought in. The ATF's involvement in a house fire investigation is exclusively limited to incendiary bombs and complex-arson cases, therefore, we can reasonably deduce that the fire that killed ISP Officer Thompson and her daughter Mya was the result of arson, unless stated otherwise. Officer Thompson did many Polygraph Examinations in the Delphi Murder Case & the Flora Four Fire, including Joshua Ayres, Elvis Fields sister, and many others. In order to convict certain individuals, Officer Thompson would've  had to take the stand. There were rumors that lightning struck the house and caused the fire. And the power was out in the home before the fire. Stephanie Thompson was beyond most others, being she was such an extremely accomplished law enforcement officer and mother. A natural first responder. I highly doubt Stephanie & Mya wouldn't be able to react, unless they were drugged, or if they were tied up. Stephanie & Mya deserve Justice.
I also have a lot of questions. Stephanie Thompson was happily married to Judge Jason Thompson at the time of her death. The fire occurred at 2am at their home they shared together on the golf course, hole 6. Where was the husband and other daughter? I doubt he was at work at 2 in the morning. Where is the 911 call? Where is the ring camera footage? The picture above on the right was posted on January 3, 2022, a month before the fire that killed her and her daughter. The middle picture is from their backyard on the golf course which completely burned down. Stephanie Thompson, a seasoned 1st responder and her very athletic high school daughter couldn't escape a fire? And the power was out? Where was her husband Judge Jason Thompson at the time of the fire?
^^^^ All Connected ^^^^
Bringing the death count up to 8
The morning before the fire, a law enforcement officer was at the Thompson home, probably acting strange, being that Mya Thompson placed a 911 call that morning because of it. I do not know what was said on the 911 call, but it should be available. Who was the officer that was at their home that morning? They also had a Ring Camera in which it burned in the fire, but all the footage was saved remotely. What and who is seen on the Ring camera is going to make it very interesting. Until the Corruption & White Supremacy Odinism is addressed, there will be no Justice in Indiana! The highest ranking officers in the Indiana Department of Corrections, including Westville and Wabash, are proud heathens, with Tattoos on their faces and bodies and sometimes even patches on their correctional officer uniforms, showing their allegiance to Odin.
There are 8 deaths, all murders, unsolved. A law enforcement officer, a mother, and 7 innocent young ladies. Expose the truth. Read all the facts. Spread the word. Help bring justice.
-  P  L  E  A  S  E  -  S  H  A  R  E  -

M  U  R  D  E  R  E  R  S
The main suspects. Ron Logan, now deceased, is the Bridge Guy. He was the lure with a gun, a .40 caliber handgun as a matter of fact. Same caliber of the unspent bullet that was found near the girls remains. The bodies of the victims were located on Ron Logans property, the next day. Brad Holder, the ring leader, the coordinator and proud Odinist along with his righthand man at the time, Patrick Westfall. Brad Holder was going through a bitter divorce and was living with Ron Logan. Elvis Fields not only witnessed the murders, but was also involved. He has the IQ of a rock. Sorry. But he admitted what happened in detail to his sister and when his sister told law enforcement, they had her take a polygraph test to see if what she heard from her brother was the truth and passed. All four of the main suspects below were persons of interest in both the Delphi Murders and the Flora Fire and were questioned on more than one occasion. We never heard if any of the 4 were ever examined by a polygraph examiner nor the results. Elvis Fields sister got her polygraph examination by ISP Officer Stephanie Thompson. Ron Logan was an old school rancher and took care of horses and also killed them. He was an old time hunter. Libby was murdered by being cut from ear to ear, and the blood was nowhere to be found. She was bled out and later placed and staged. Including sticks on their bodies, and symbols written on a tree with Libby's blood. They were also undressed, redressed, and redressed once again. These are all Norse Pagan Asatru Odinistic rituals.
Brad  Holder  -  Patrick  Westfall  -  Elvis  Fields  -  Ron  Logan
- January 13, 2024 -

--Until Carroll County Publicly Links the Delphi Murders & The Flora Four Fire, there will be no justice.
An innocent man is still in prison awaiting his murder trial. The same Sheriff Tony Liggett that signed the arrest & search warrant for Richard Allen and the murders of Abby & Libby, has recently stated in a deposition that the DNA left behind at the Crime Scene does not match Richard Allen. He also stated that Richard has no ties to Odinism. It is now an established fact that it was a ritualistic murder with ties to Odinism.
--Judge Gull has shown bias numerous times against Richard Allen and his defense team.
--Before he was arrested, Rick had no criminal record and was happily married and was working, giving people prescriptions through a drive up window at the CVS pharmacy. If there is actual proof that Richard murdered Abby & Libby, he deserves to die in prison, but if he didn't, that man has had almost every single one of his constitutional rights, afforded to us all, outright violated numerous times, and continues to this day.
--And the real Murderers are getting away with it. Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall, Elvis Fields, Ron Logan & other actors Murdered Abigail, Liberty, Kionnie, Kerriele, Keyara & Keyana. All of the possible suspects named above have been questioned numerous times by law enforcement involving both, the Delphi Murders & the Flora Four Fire.
--Ron Logan, now deceased, owned the property that Abby & Libby's remains were found. Ron Logan was also the Bridge Guy. Zoom in on Bridge Guy & notice he is wearing a fanny pack. The 2 pictures released publicly were doctored. 1 shows the fanny pack, along with the shadow below it making it 3D. The other picture has the fanny pack smudged by a photoshop type of program. The 1st picture is the correct one. 
--According to his ex girlfriend, Ron Logan was known to wear a fanny pack in which he carried his gun, at all times.
--Most people think its a long brown shirt under the Bridge Guys jacket, but look again. It doesn't go all the way around his body, only on his right side. That is not a shirt, its Ron Logans fanny pack.
--Victims, dead or alive, were being held captive at Ron Logans home.
--22 Unaccounted hours are more important than the bridge guy or the recording or any smoke that law enforcement has been blowing up all of our asses. #1 - Crime Scene. #2 - 22 Unaccounted Hours of Abby & Libby.
--Reason for all the cover up?? Carroll County does not want it to be painted as the most racist county in the country. Because that is the only people being protected are known Odinists.
--Odinism isn't some kind of dungeons & dragons type of deal, it's a pagan ritualistic, devil worshipping cult of racists & murderers in real life. And there were ties of Odinism at Westville Correctional Facility & high ranking Officers where Richard Allen was being housed at and almost died.
--All the facts are here. Take a look yourself.
--Becky Patty, Libbys grandmother stated in 2017 to law enforcement that she thought Brad Holder did it and that he had ties to Odinism, yet for the last 7 years, after being on Dr Phil, Dr Oz, Dr Seuss, Oprah Winfrey, Becky Patty hasn't said the name Brad Holder one time. This isn't a theory, these are the facts. Becky Patty & step grandfather Mike Patty have apparently been living it up, as they cash in on Abby & Libby's bones taking limousines and selling merch.
--Becky Patty was a property appraiser and 2 weeks before the Flora fire, she was at that exact home. Coincidence? I think not. Becky Patty didn't murder Abby or Libby, but she has known who did it since they went missing. Why is she protecting him? Why was a gag order put on the case?
--And the man below, Derrick German is the elephant in the room. He is Libby's biological father, but hasn't said a word to anybody in 7 years about her abduction or murder. Because he also knows who did it, and was likely the reason Abby & Libby died.

- The Elephant in the Room -
12/16/2023 -- DERRICK GERMAN --
When it comes to the Delphi Murders, I was reminded about the elephant in the room, Derrick German. Low life, low level, drug dealer & addict, convicted multiple times for such. I also want to remind everybody that Derrick German is also Libby's biological father. Since Feb. 14, 2017, Derrick German has not given one statement to the public or the media, ever. It is also an established fact that Derrick & Cody were looking at some serious jail time around the murders for drug sales, until they agreed to give up some names of the Kokomo drug connections to the FBI. And then all of a sudden, his blood daughter & friend were brutally murdered soon after? Yes.
Killing Derrick German for snitching wouldn't accomplish much, but killing his daughter sends a genuine message of retribution and exactly what happens when you snitch.
Mike & Becky Patty knew exactly what happened with the FBI & Derrick & Cody being confidential informants & setting up the drug buy, because it happened at their home.
Derrick German has never even made a statement in almost 7 years, yet the step grandparents were the official spokesmen for Liberty German?  Doing countless TV shows? Yet never brought up who they specifically told Law Enforcement who probably did it, when the girls were still missing?
When Mike Patty showed up on the trails that day, the first thing Becky Patty said was "They have our girls"
It is important to note, that if you still think Richard Allen killed those girls & that he was on the trail till 3:30pm that day, explain why Derrick German never saw Richard Allen, even though it is now established that Derrick German was at the trail at 3:15pm that day.
And don't let Mike & Becky Patty fool you either. Mike is openly racist & a white supremacist. Before the murders, Mike & Becky were riding harleys in their biker gang & using meth. But as soon as all this happen, they cleaned up, got rid of the harley & were now the grieving step grandparents traveling the country telling their story, yet never telling the world who they thought murdered Abby & Libby, which is strange, because the day they went missing, when law enforcement asked Mike & Becky who they thought did it, Becky immediately said "Brad Holder" and that he is an Odinist & that Abby used to date Brad's son, Logan Holder.
- What in the Corruption is Going On in Delphi? -
10/31/2023 -- JUDGE FRANCES C. GULL --
What is happening in Carroll County is truly an Injustice. Today, in open court, with the defendant in the room, Judge Frances C. Gull Fired Richard Allen's Defense Attorney's & Appointed him Two New Ones. Are you fckn kidding me? WOW. I'm no dummy, but I know that the 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution, along with every other Rights afforded to us all, protects individuals of just such overreach of power. Due Process, the Attorney of Your Choosing, not the Judge's choosing that is supposed to, not be biased, to begin with, yet Rick is still locked up in a maximum security prison as he awaits trial. Always know that no matter what happens, the FBI has already stepped back in, doing their own investigation on both cases. 
Judge Benjamin Diener - The original Judge that recused himself from the case, & was also the Judge who Originally signed the Affidavit for the Search Warrant on Richard Allen. Judge Diener recused himself from the Delphi case on November 3, 2022, less than a week after Richard Allen was arrested.

- T H E   W A L K I N G   T R A I L   M U R D E R S -
case: Double Homicide - Kidnapping/Abduction
Operation: Start All Over. Regathering of the facts. No Names, just facts & inference. Being just how deceiving law enforcement has been & continues to be, we must toss what we think we know, based on what they've told us & what's been reported in the news.
this is what we do know:
-DROPPED OFF- In the early afternoon of 2/13/2017, two teenage girls were dropped off near a walking trail close to a bridge, by the sister of one of the girls. 
-MISSING- Couple hours later, when they were supposed to get picked up by family, they were not anywhere to be found. Within a few hours, law enforcement was called & the teenage girls were officially missing. 
-SEARCHES- Even though there were grid searches going on anywhere & everywhere near the trail by, family, friends, law enforcement, fire department, neighbors, volunteers & reporters, there was  still no sign of the missing girls.
-TIME MISSING- The girls were not heard from & physically missing since approx. 2:00pm on 2/13/2017. 
-FOUND- After 22 unaccountable hours, the victims deceased bodies were discovered near the creek & the bridge, near the walking trail at approx. 12 Noon on 2/14/2017.

- The victims were murdered using knives.
- Fingerprints were recovered from the crime scene.
- At least 1 DNA profile was recovered from the crime scene. 
- The victims had been moved & staged, presumably, post mortem.
- Numerous, noticeable signatures were left behind by the killers.
- All of the signatures resemble those of said ritualistic cult. 
- Some articles of clothing had been removed & put back on the victims.
- Victim 1 was left undressed.
- Victim 1 was almost decapitated.
- The murders seemed directed towards Victim 1
- Most likely than not, both victims were sexually assaulted.
- There were random sticks intentionally placed on both of the victims as signatures.
- Another signature of the killers was left behind on a tree with the blood of Victim 1. Looked similar to the letter "F"
- The victims bodies were not found hidden, or in shallow graves, quite the opposite. It was staged enough to say that the killers definitely wanted the bodies noticed & found.
- The lack of Victim 1's blood at the crime scene might point to her being bled out at an unknown location.
- Time of death: Unknown 
- Unidentified hair was recovered from the crime scene. 
- Unknown fibers were recovered from the crime scene.


- Were any shoe or boot prints recovered from the crime scene or anywhere near by?
- Were any tire tracks left behind anywhere near the crime scene?
- Were any foreign objects or cigarette butts or pieces of wood with letters on them recovered anywhere in or near the crime scene?

-The 22 Unaccounted Hours & Phone Locations of all Friends, Family Members & Possible Suspects could narrow the field down. We know Where the Girls went Missing From, & we know Where they were Found, but Unaccounted Time is the window needed to be looked  into to Help Solve This Case.

-Disregard Victim 1's cellphone, just for now.

-Most importantly, disregard what person witnesses saw on the trail that day & the 2 sketches of the possible suspect. Even if someone figured out exactly who the bridge guy was & the person who matches both sketches exactly, the only thing he would be guilty of, is being on the trail that day. Other than the killers, there are no other witnesses to the actual murders & there were no reports of anybody witnessing a kidnapping that day.

-Trying to use the power of inference, the teenage female victims were abducted & taken to an unknown location, or at least off of the trail. Reason being, searches going on for 22 hours while they were missing, including grid searches through out the woods & the city & there was still no sign of the missing girls. The inference being that if the girls were dead or alive, they would've been seen or found in the woods within those 22 hours of searches.

-Time of death is crucial. It's never a definitive answer, but more of a 3-6 hour time window. Time of death could let us know if they were killed while being held captive in an unknown location close by, or if they were brought out to the crime scene & killed near where the bodies were found.
-Where were they being held for all of those hours? Where were the phone locations at during that time? From the victim/s, family, friends & possible suspects? 
-The murders seemed as if it was meant to send a message. Sick pedophile acting out on sick impulses or even an opportunist doesn't seem likely, being there was no attempt to hide what has been done. What message is being sent? If they wanted it found, along with the multiple signatures left behind, why leave so much pointing to themselves, unless they wanted to get caught? Leaving behind DNA, fingerprints, hair & unknown fibers shows their lack of being seasoned criminals or killers.
-Why leave the victims in the same location that numerous countless searches were being done? Why not take the bodies to a nearby town instead? Because the unknown location that they were being held at is very close to where the crime scene was.
-Knowing that countless searches were going on through out the evening, the killers still took the bodies out there with no urgency whatsoever. It seems they took their time moving & staging the crime scene without fear of being seen? It's someone who knows that area like the back of their hand & lives within a square mile of the crime scene.
-The victims were brought out of hiding & to the crime scene most likely well after the 2:30am search, probably within the tweaker hours of 4:30-5:30am.
-Motive- We have information that some or all of the signatures left behind by the killers are actually runes & points these murders to a possible religious, ritualistic killing. Without this crucial information, the murders would still have no clear motive.
-What is known about this religious cult so far: Drinking blood is often done during sacrifices. Undressing, dressing & redressing victims is also part of their rituals. Sticks placed in certain configurations have different meanings. Rituals for this cult often take place in the woods in the evening time. This Cult is heavily Racist & come out more as White Power, than just White Pride. They use Witchcraft & Black Magic. Been known to sacrifice animals & humans. 

-Something I noticed, is that law enforcement & the prosecutor have been so tight lipped for so long, that anything that was said was probably a crock of sht diversion tactic. Saying anything to do about the crime & the crime scene could jeopardize the entire investigation according to law enforcement, but look at this guy on the bridge. Look how he walks. Listen to his voice. Look at the 2 sketches. Too much emphasis on the walking trail & who was there & who people think they saw. Focus on the crime scene & where the girls were for 22 unaccounted hours.
Detective 101- You don't start your investigation on a possible suspect who was seen on the trail. You start at the crime scene, using the wealth of information that has been collected. Who in tf cares who was on the walking trail that day, when fingerprints & DNA were collected at the crime scene? The bridge guy is simply, just that, the bridge guy. The killer/s however left behind DNA, fingerprints & tons of clues, at the crime scene, not on the walking trail or on the bridge.
-Law enforcement stated they have fingerprints. Perhaps, there were no hits on the IAFIS registry?
-Law enforcement stated they collected DNA. Perhaps, there were no hits on CODIS?

Free Richard Allen
Andrew Baldwin & Bradley Rozzi
The Flora Fire & The Delphi Murders being intertwined & somehow connected, is now an Established Fact that Both Cases are linked to the Vinlanders & the Vinlanders Social Club, including: Brad Holder, Patrick Westfall, Brien James, Johnny Messer, probates: Elvis Fields, Rod Abrams & other Actors.
The Odinites and White Supremacy groups work in tandem. Branches of White Nationalists are all linked, from the Dirty White Boyz, to the Hoosier State Skinheads, to the Hammerskins, to the Outlaw Hammerskins, to the Vinlanders, to the Vinlander Social Club, to the American Front, to the Proud Boys, to the American Guard, to the Aryan Brotherhood, to the Hells Angels, to the Ku Klux Klan, to Neo-Nazis. Hate Groups & Domestic Terrorists & all with same White Separatist Ideologies.
 -Racially Motivated Hate Crime -
The Flora Fire was 100% a Racially Motivated Hate Crime, so maybe that's why the news seems to ignore that fact. But Racial & Social Injustice must be confronted head on. If nobody else wants to speak on it, I WILL! And I am not going away anytime soon. 
- Crime Scene Photo -
Some tried to say it was blood splatter on the tree. That is not blood splatter. That is intentionally done using the blood of one of the victims. There are also visible finger prints. That would seem to be the Rune "Ansuz" which closely resembles the letter "F." In modern Norse neopagan belief, the runes have also been associated with spiritual & magical significance, & Ansuz is associated with Odin & Odinism.
FLORA FOUR FIRE - November 21, 2016
DELPHI MURDERS - February 13, 2017
Both Murder cases happened in Carroll County Indiana. Population: 20,400. Delphi, IN is 8 miles away from from Flora, IN. Delphi Population: 3,000 - Flora Population: 2,100.
- Justice for Liberty, Abigail, Kionnie, Kerriele, Keyara & Keyana -
In 2008 The VSC Vinlanders Social Club was known far & wide in the White Supremacist Underworld, its ranks having swelled to the point that it had eight chapters in six states. In 2023, there are now VSC chapters in almost all 50 states. The VSC was formed to be a Leaderless Brotherhood of fiercely independent Skinhead Warriors that practice Odinism as their Religion.
VSC Vinlanders Social Club
-- NORSE GODS ASATRU -- Odin the God, whose name means Master of Fury. As the god leading the souls of the dead to the Otherworld, Odin may have then been identified as the chooser of the dead. Odin leads the dead through the storm behind a pack of ghostly black hounds with red eyes. For the living to be out of doors when the Wild Hunt is riding is to risk madness or death; this is Odin in his oldest and most terrible form, an aspect that few indeed are prepared to meet. 
- Odin - Norse Gods - Asatru -
- Vinlanders -
Every single member in the picture above is holding up the Vinlander gang sign. First 2 were probates, then Micky McGinley holding the horn, Brad Holder(involved in both murder cases & a proud heathen), Johnny Messer(Vinlander recruiter & leader of the Indiana chapter of the Proud Boys), & Patrick Westfall(involved in both murder cases). The picture above was taken in Patrick Westfalls backyard in Flora, IN.
Brad Holder - May 10, 2013 - Facebook - Logansport, IN  · 
"Okay, I became Asatru about two years ago. I'm pretty new at this. My father is a Christian minister. If I would have followed his foot steps I'd be fourth generation minister. Why Asatru you ask. Well that's a long story. Lets say had a near death experience about twelve years ago. Father Odin appeared to me. Not Jesus, not Jehovah. Odin! He has appeared to me several times after words also. This is my story in ruff form."
- Brad Holder & Patrick Westfall -
-- THE DIRECT LINK TO BOTH MURDER CASES -- There is no need to look much further than Brad Holder & Patrick Westfall. There were other actors involved, but these 2 are the direct link to both murder cases. They used to be best friends, they were both Vinlanders, & they both practice Odinism. They were both possible suspects in both murder cases & have been questioned by law enforcement on more than one occasion. The Flora Fire was Racially Motivated & the Delphi Murders were due to Drugs & Snitching. 213. Johnny Messer & Elvis Fields were also involved.
- Liggett - Leazenby - Kingery - Yoder -
- Odin's Children Inc. -
Brad Holder proudly holds up his business license for his religious corporation, ODIN'S CHILDREN INC. And currently, Bradley is holding up Justice by not simply telling the truth now. This narcissist has been dying to tell his story, but only on the proper platform or venue. He prides himself on being a Charles Manson type of God in his Fantasy World, but at the end of the day, he's No God, he's just fuckn Brad Holder from Logansport, Indiana, a Proud Racist, & Cowardly, Pedophile, Convicted Woman Beater, Tweaker, Odinist, Murderer.
- Andrew Baldwin & Bradley Rozzi -
- Mike & Becky Patty -
Directly from the Memorandum, page 50:
Trooper Purdy began assisting with the investigation in March, 2017. However, the first time that Purdy ever even heard the word “Odin” or “Odinite” was “at least May or June” of 2017. It’s also important to note that the first time that Trooper Purdy heard the word “Odin” or “Odinite” wasn’t even through Unified Command or any other law enforcement officer, but rather through Becky Patty, who is Libby German’s grandmother. Becky Patty, while talking to Trooper Purdy, informed Purdy that Abby Williams had dated Holder’s son (Logan) and that Logan’s dad was an Odinist named Brad Holder.

More from the Memorandum, page 87:
On April 14, 2017, another tip came in to law enforcement claiming that Brad Holder had changed his appearance following the girls’ murders. This tipster further indicated that Holder even attended the girls’ funeral, and that although he typically did not wear glasses, he was wearing glasses at the funeral.

Within days of the girls’ ritualistic sacrifice, law enforcement started receiving tips from citizens who thought Brad Holder was possibly involved in the murder of the girls. For example, a report identified as “DIN-C00048” was submitted at 7:21 pm EDT on February 16, 2017. The Narrative on this report stated the following: Father of Logan Holder, ex-boyfriend of Libby social media shows him a member of Vinlanders, posts of half dead women and fascination with Gothic figures and symbols out of tree branches. On February 17, 2017, the FBI interviewed Holder at the Delphi Police Department. The turnaround on interviewing Brad Holder was very quick as only 3 days had passed since the girls were found murdered.

Conclusion of Part IV - Defense Attorneys for Richard Allen
They don’t teach you in law school what to do when your client, who is accused of murder, is being guarded by members of a religious cult whose members, evidence strongly supports, were the actual murderers. Yet, that is where we are. At some point in time, coincidences cease to be coincidences. The fact that Liggett did not want Richard Allen to be removed from Westville purportedly over “transportation issues” is curious. The fact that Odinites are guarding Richard is very concerning, or at the very least curious considering the evidence discussed in this memorandum. The fact that Sgt. Robinson stopped wearing his “In Odin We Trust” patches within days of Jerry Holeman and the Unified Command learning that the Defense was fully aware of the evidence linking Odinists to the crime scene and that the Unified Command had avoided investigating Odinists is curious. Again, the Court must determine whether Liggett acted intentionally or recklessly when he omitted, or lied, about information when he (Liggett) drafted the Affidavit for Search Warrant. The Defense would ask the Court to consider that Liggett objecting to Richard Allen’s transfer to Cass County over “transportation” issues is evidence of intentionality in that Liggett wanted Allen to remain in Westville, guarded by Sgt. Robinson and Sgt. Jones and any other Odinite that the Defense of whom the Defense has not learned works at Westville. 

^^ 136 page Memorandum ^^

- Free Richard Allen -
-- RICHARD M. ALLEN -- This family man, happily married, with an older daughter, had no criminal record, was the Manager at Walmart & then a Pharmacist Tech at a grocery store. Rick went from giving people their prescriptions through the drive-thru window at the local CVS, to getting pissed on, drugged, tazed, raped & sodomized, inside of a Maximum Security Prison as he awaits his trial, for the simple fact that he volunteered the information that he was on the trail that day in 2017. Other than that, nothing ties this man to the murders of Abby & Libby. Sheriff Liggett stated in a deposition that the DNA collected at the crime scene does Not match Richard Allen. Westville Correctional Facility is almost 80 miles away from Delphi. WTF? Ran by Odinites. They recklessly & intentionally were planning on him dying in Westville, but their plan involved inmates & correctional officers that weren't finishers. Lucky for his defense attorney's, he is now probably safer than he has been since he arrived there. 

- Sheriff Anthony Liggett -
Today on, "So You Think You Could Be A Sheriff". Tony Liggett is Tony Liggett's biggest fan, & he went from Trailer Park Tony, the racist tweaker who was really good at darts, into a law enforcement officer, Sheriff Anthony Liggett, with a badge & a gun. This reality show has gone too far. Liggett is a walking fraud.
-- SHERIFF ANTHONY LIGGETT -- The jig is up Trailer Park Tony. You lied on your resume to get the job, we get it. But, it's now very obvious that law enforcement not only did terrible investigative work on the murders, but also gave false information in order for a Judge to sign a search warrant for the man they say killed the girls. Why was law enforcement so tight lipped about questions being asked about the investigation? Why has Prosecutor McLeland gone well out of his way to seal anything & everything about the case for 6 years? 1 memorandum came out & the truth was exposed. The fact is that there is nothing tying Richard Allen to the murders & he was an innocent man completely railroaded & drug through the dirt, & he is still suffering. France C Gull what kind of judge are you? What is taking so long? Can't you put that franks hearing in the important to do list? Obvious corruption and falsified statements should be enough to fire all involved, & most importantly, free that man. If the truth is out & people are still trying to cover it up, those are the first people you question. Sheriff Tony Ligget is the most culpable, along with Nick McLeland & Tobe Leazenby. Liggett secured a falsified affidavit for the search warrant, he arrested Richard Allen, he searched his home & it was his idea to move Rick to a Maximum Security Prison instead of the County Jail. Liggett also transported Rick to Westville Correctional Facility. Tony Liggett is an established Odinite & also used to work as a Correctional Officer. That trailer park pos should never be wearing a badge. Sheriff Liggett, your time has come. You have been exposed Tony, so be sure to tell Kathryn Peeler Liggett that you are not as honorable as you said you were & that you will be terminated within 2 weeks. Blatant, obvious, outright corruption doesn't fly. Everybody will be held accountable. Liggett, you are a walking fraud & a poor excuse for a man, & you abused your power. Expect federal time Liggett. Every day that innocent man is in jail, almost every single one of his constitutional rights are being violated. And after doing some research, there has never been a suspect awaiting trial, that had to be housed at a Prison instead of the County Jail in Carroll County in History.
Do you believe in coincidences? The Flora Fire happened at 103 E. Columbia St, Flora, IN. At one time, Sheriff Anthony Liggett lived at 238 E Columbia St, Flora, IN
-- PREDICTION -- You thought the Delphi Murders was a big deal, it's only just begun. Fact: Delphi Murders & Flora Fire are Connected. There is gonna be a shitstorm once the Corruption is acknowledged & fully exposed & its not gonna be looking good for Carroll County, Indiana. My prediction, Indictments on Law Enforcement, the Sheriffs, Correctional Officers & the Prosecutors Office & now even Judge Gull. Because even if the courts continue on this path of prosecuting Richard Allen or not, the FBI has already been looking into it. Being that the Sheriff's & the Indiana State Police threw the FBI's name out there one too many times, it was important they stepped back in, but on their own investigation into the murders of 6 innocent girls from Carroll County.
-- LEAZENBY HLN INTERVIEW 2021 -- Sheriff Tobe Leazenby states there is fingerprints, DNA, & most importantly, about Signatures left behind at the crime scene. Also about bringing in a dog from Missouri was a mistake.
- Sheriff Tobias Leazenby -
-- SHERIFF TOBE LEAZENBY -- In the History of Missing Children & Amber Alerts in America, when is the last time Law Enforcement ever called off a search for Children that are still Missing & for everybody to get some rest & start searching in the morning? Never. When asked why Sheriff Leazenby called the search off, he said it wasn't just him, it was community members & emergency responders who came with the consensus to call it a temporary stop on the search. They weren't in the position to tell everyone to stop so people kept searching. Eventually, they, law enforcement made it optional, to go home & get some rest. In an interview Sheriff Leazenby stated there was more video but because whoever is responsible for this might be listening themselves & to a certain degree they are playing a game of poker.
Who in the hell are they playing this 6 year game of Poker with?
Sheriff Leazenby: "We've had our share of double Homicides, but this one got a Whole New Twist on it, that even I as a 30 year veteran have never seen"
What sets this double Homicide different than any other one Tobe Leazenby? What is it that you have never seen before in a homicide after 35 years in law enforcement? What is the twist you speak of? The Odinites? Or is the twist actually the cover-up? 

- What in the Crystal Meth is Going On Around Here? -
-- IDAHO STABBING MURDER SUSPECT -- Prior to the murders, Bryan Kohberger had no criminal history & his DNA was not in any national databases. DNA recovered from the sheath of the knife was recovered. That DNA came back to nobody, so law enforcement sent it away & did Genetic Genealogy with what DNA was recovered & traced it back to Bryan Kohberger. Familial DNA & Genetic Genealogy figured out who the killer was within 17 days, Kohberger. That being said, any case with DNA recovered from the crime scene is 100% solvable, & if it's not, that is by design, & continues to try to cover-up for outright blatant corruption. 
- Justice for JonBenet Ramsey -
-- JONBENET RAMSEY -- Not Connected. Another case involving the blatant corruption of law enforcement & the district attorney's office is in Boulder, Colorado in the murder of a 6 year old innocent little girl on Christmas 1996. To the point: Nick Wolf murdered JonBenet Ramsey. He is 80 years old & living his best life in Baudette, Minnesota. Click the link below.
-- THE UNMENTIONED -- The unmentioned doesn't mean not important, but sometimes it's something to throw you off like a red herring at times. IMO the Unmentioned are Libby's Phone, we don't know what she did other than what law enforcement & family has said. Picture of bridge Guy and the video didn't come out till 2 years later, like wtf. Down the hill, I disregard because law enforcement & the prosecutors put a gag order, and has sealed anything & everything in the case, yet they could release "down the hill" or what Libby did on her phone. Bullsht. Whether she was lured there by snapchat or not, law enforcement should've had access to all of that, disregard snapchat. Kegan Kline and Anthony Shotz, disregard. Kegan Kline is an established, professional liar and a child predator. Involved or not, his fat ass never walked on a trail in his life. 
- Deputy Kingery & K9 Grim -
K9 Grim has been working for Carroll County since 2011. In 2017 there were 3 K9's employed by Carroll County. The obvious question is, why did Sheriff Leazenby state publicly that he was waiting for K9's coming from Missouri in the Delphi Case? K9's don't just sniff for drugs, but they are also trained for tracking. Carroll County is going to fall apart right in front of our eyes. You can only make so many mistakes & make up so many lies without someone exposing them, & the fact that they are law enforcement is truly an injustice.
K9 Grim retired in 2020 after 10 years of dedicated service for Carroll County.
- What in the Corruption is Going on in Delphi Indiana? -
ISP - Doug Carter -
-- DOUG CARTER -- a.k.a. the Riddler. A reporter once asked Carter why the public doesn’t know how the girls died. “Because only the killer knows that and so do we. But remember, while people starve for information, particularly for sensationalized events like this, we can’t show our hand. We just can’t,” Carter said.
Now that we know the answer, thanks to the recent memorandum put together by facts directly from the discovery, show us your hand Doug Carter. This playing poker sht about evidence in the case is the direct opposite of transparency. Quit lying to the world, or you will be held accountable too.
- Ron Logan - The Bridge Guy -
-- REAL LIFE DETECTIVE WORK -- In 2017, there are many avenues detective's could've taken to solve this crime a long time ago. #1 Phone Locations of every friend, family member & possible suspects in the case. #2 Polygraph examinations with every friend, family member & possible suspects in the case. *note* Polygraph Examinations & their results can be used in a court of law in the state of Indiana.
-- DRONE FOOTAGE 2022 -- ^^ picture above ^^ I took a snapshot from the drone footage taken in 2022 & what you are seeing is directly across the creek to where the bodies were found. Not saying it means anything, or it might've not even been set up like that in 2017, but it's still strange, nonetheless.
-- CURRENT MOTIVE -- I was not there, so IMO, based on what is known today, it seems that no matter what or how it happened, Libby had to die & Abby was collateral damage. Ritualistic, yes. Sexually motivated? Very possible. Knowing that these bodies were going to be found, it was still important to these killers to stage the entire crime scene. Why leave so much evidence behind such as runes & the bodies moved & posed, including horns put on Abby's hair using sticks, & somehow leaving DNA behind, & fingerprints on accident, oops.? Perhaps not all the killers wanted to be caught, but one in particular saw it as, bad publicity is good publicity. If you've seen Brad Holder's photos on facebook, nobody loves Brad more than Brad. Everyday or every other day, like clockwork, selfie. Narcissistic sociopath. Delphi was a really nice city, until it wasn't. Although the entire killing of the girls was orchestrated by the head Odin at the time, he was not the ringleader that put this entire murder in motion. That person is Becky Patty. Established business owner of Real Estate, Appraisal Companies, & queen of making some extra bucks through Insurance fraud & accidental fires.
Prosecutor Nicholas McLeland
-- STEPHEN MCLELAND -- Carroll County Prosecuting Attorney, Nick McLeland, the underqualified lawyer doing everything in his power to put a gag order & seal every last document & evidence in this case & keeping this pointless fassade going, when everybody knows he does not have enough evidence to get a conviction on Rick, cause he never did it. Hey Nicholas, your father was a real piece of work & lucky for us all, he passed in 2019. All of that sealing of the records that you are so good at doing, with all of the court documents & countless motions & yet, you couldn't even seal your own dad's records? SMH. Anyways, Congratulations Nick, none of us knew that your father was a real life volunteer Fireman!
McLeland, Stephen D.
03/20/2009 State Plaintiff State of Indiana / Show all charge details / 35-43-1-1(a)(1)/FB: Arson
35-43-1-1(a)(3)/FB: Arson / 35-43-1-1(a)(3)/FA: Arson Resulting in Bodily Injury
35-43-2-1(B)(i)/FB: Burglary - Break And Enter Dwelling / 35-43-1-1(d)/FD: Arson
35-48-4-11/MA: Possession Meth/Marijuana/Hash Oil/Hashish / 35-50-2-10(b)/: Habitual Substance Offender

 Little Nicky is a runaway train running full throttle, headed to a trial he can not win. Nick will be held accountable for his malfeasance. And if he's doing it to please Liggett & Leazenby, he's wasting everybody's time, because those 2 sheriifs will be looking at federal charges & prison time in the near future. Nick is headed in the same direction as them. Choo choo
You are somewhat of a volunteer Fireman too Little Nicky, the way you blow smoke up everybody's asses on the daily, acting like you know what you're doing. Hey Nick, just so you know, there is no gag order on me, you dumbass. Seal this!
-- ODINISM -- Odonism has been around for a long time, but for some odd reason, none of us have ever even heard of it. Apparently, floating under the radar has been working well for the Odinites. Blending in with the crowd, & doing nothing to bring any unneeded attention. And then Brad Holder steps into the picture. He was hooked & wanted to be the biggest Odinite ever. Odinite & meth, Mr Showboat Brad has been living his life as a movie ever since & waiting, holding out hope that he might get recognized, or if not, the movie he wrote wouldn't fit. He has been boasting for years, teasing the family & law enforcement, but nothing yet. 

-- ODINIC RITE (OR) -- Many white supremacists who have turned to an ancient heathen religion known most commonly as Odinism. The Odinic Rite (OR) is a reconstructionist religious organization named after the God Odin. It conceives itself as a folkish heathen movement concerned with Germanic Paganism, mythology & runes. As a white supremacist organization, the Odinic Rite limits membership to white individuals, holding the belief in Heathenry as the ancestral religion of the Indo-European race. Odinists worship ancient Norse Gods such as Thor & Odin. They typically wear pendants of Thor's hammer around their necks & meet for rituals in the woods, where they drink alcohol and/or blood from a communal horn, read ancient poetry & occasionally slaughter animals & humans in sacrifice to the Gods. Neo-Nazi, Anti-Semitic, White Supremacists Hijacked Ancient Nordic Religion for Hate.
- Delphi, Indiana -
-- DELPHI, INDIANA -- So just imagine when all the sht hits the fan & all of the corruption is exposed in Carroll County. That entire region will be painted as the Racist, Corrupted capital of the country, ran by the good ole boys & some religious cult called Odinites. A movie in the making. And don't even start writing your movie, cuz it's only gonna get crazier from here. So if you happen to be traveling near the Delphi area, just keep it moving, it might be in your best interests, unless you live there, have a sister cousin, or an uncle brother. Roscoe Pico Train
-- BLATANT CORRUPTION -- It is important to note that for Carroll County, Richard Allen had to go down, by design. Because if he didn't go down, then another innocent man would have to go down, so the corruption & the odin connection wasn't exposed. Because if it was, then a lot of people would go down instead of just one. Eventually a cold case team was gonna get a hold of the information McLeland wants to keep sealed so bad, & figure all of this out. 6 years later, fresh out of the trailer park & then a Correctional Officer, Anthony Liggett was running for Sheriff. Guess who won after arresting the pharmacist at CVS for the murders? Sheriff Liggett. He wrote the obviously fabricated PCA, he arrested Rick, he searched Rick's home, he later transported Rick per his own request, to house him in Westville. Tony Liggett is a fraud & an established Odin. Sheriff Leazenby didn't work on 2/13/2017. Remember Libby was going to tell Leazenby something? Leazenby & Liggett orchestrated the cover up, down to being sure Ricky was transported to Westville Correctional Facility, where the Odinites run that prison & even more powerful than that? The Highest Ranking Correctional Officers in the E-Squad are Odinites. If Richard Allen lives, he's a survivor, because that is not part of their twisted plan. Corruption: Leazenbys, Liggetts, McLelands, Pattys, Ayres, Germans, Odinites, Mendels, Holders, Robinsons, Jones, Fields, Maxwells, Kingerys, 

Becky Patty has a Lot of Explaining To Do!
-- TODAY IS THE DAY -- Truth & justice is served for Abby & Libby. Becky Patty, let the world know what really happened that day. She knows that Richard Allen is a scapegoat & was railroaded. Rick worked at CVS & had no ties to the Odinites. Not only does Mrs. grieving grandmother Becky Patty know who killed those innocent girls, but she has known this fact since 2017. Let that sink in.
- The Blue Moose -
-- PURPLE PT CRUISER -- Found out Tobe Leazenby & Mark Mandel both owned purple PT Cruisers, one darker than the other.
-- BRAD HOLDER & MARK MENDEL -- Brad Holder & Mark Mendel are friends & in the past they worked together at the Indiana Packers Corporation in Delphi. Shannon Holder, Brad's ex-wife is still working there.
-- THE BLUE MOOSE -- Mark Mendel was a suspect early on in the case & was dismissed. Mark & his wife own the Blue Moose frozen yogurt shop in Delphi since 2015. Mark & his son, Nick Mandel were on the trail that day. Mark could fit the bridge guy profile. Mark Mendel is friends with the Patty's & All Law Enforcement in town. Mark Mendel was Kelsi's boss at the Blue Moose at the time of the murders. He would walk Kelsi out to her car at night after work because of what happened. Mark Mendel is a known Odinite. Blue Moose Frozen Yogurt was about to shutdown in 2017 until the murders happened. Since then, Mark & Tricia Mandel have been cashing in on Abby & Libby's bones ever since. 
- The Grand Wizard & Mastermind - Becky Patty -
-- MOTIVE -- Before the Odinite angle, admit that no matter who you thought killed Abby & Libby, there was never a clear motive. I will admit that. No matter what circumstantial evidence you find for your suspect or suspects, why it was done never made sense till now. Not only that, but 2 Motives, including revenge for snitching, & let us show you what happens when you snitch. A ritualistic sacrifice in which Brad Holder seems to boast about. Patrick Westfall is heartless and involved in both murders in Delphi & Flora, and Elvis Fields ain't the shiniest diamond in the collection. If they sat him down in an interrogation room, he will spill his guts. He doesn't want to go to prison. Ron Logan didn't give a fck what they did at his house. They were all on meth anyways. While the girls were being held captive, Brad Holder went to the Gym for his alibi, and after he got back home, Ron Logan went to the fish store for his alibi, meanwhile Patrick Westfall kept them quiet.
-- METH DEAL -- I can only tell you that the meth deal happened from a very solid & reputable source of mine that the FBI was there that day. That being said, this means that Becky Patty, Mike Patty, Derrick German, Cody Patty, the Indiana State Police, the Carroll County Sheriffs, the Delphi PD & the FBI all knew about this meth buy? Nobody put 2 and 2 together? Are we to believe that we have a bunch of inbred tarded people working in law enforcement in Indiana? I highly doubt that. The guy's who were snitching to the FBI had a little niece & daughter that was missing & ended up murdered the next day.
- Derrick German & Cody Patty -
-- BECKY PATTY -- This rabbit hole goes deep. Between the Delphi Murders & the Flora Fire that killed 6 innocent children, there are very few common denominators, but one stands out more than the rest. (1) In 2017 after the girls were found, there is one person in particular who brought up the odinites, and that is Becky Patty (2) I'm in CA and I have family in Delphi, and none of us have ever even heard the word Odin or Odinite before in our lives, let alone a hate group or a cult. (3) If Becky thought it was the Odinites, it explains why law enforcement said actors and the group they got involved with when Doug Carter was speaking in riddles. (4) Becky said to law enforcement Odinites might be responsible, yet in 6 years, other than her, not 1 person said, hey, it might be those Skinhead dudes tweakin and burning stuff all the time? (5) If Dan Dulin's blunder was debunked, when people were blaming him for forgetting about the tip, it comes out that Ricky called the police with the tip that he was on the trail, and Dan followed up. But blame is not Dan Dulin's at all. It's the entire Indiana State Police, the Sheriffs dept and the Delphi PD for not following up & at least documenting and/or recording anything that came in on the tipline, it was 2017, not 1917. (6) Back to the most common denominator, Becky Patty. Becky and Mike and Derrick all own a business that does appraisals for homes, example, when a homeowner is planning on selling their home or apartment or business. (7) Two weeks before the Flora Fire that killed 4 young girls, Becky & crew went to do an appraisal at Gaylin Rose's apartment, the mother of the 4 girls & the exact apartment where they died & later found that they were murdered, being that an accelerant was used in the fire. (8) Their interaction was strictly business. Derrick took pictures & they left. So I am not saying she started the fire, but she is still the most notable common denominator. (9) Don't quote me, I might be wrong, but I was told that Gaylin was dating a white man at the time (10) IMO- We now know that Patrick Westfall & Brad Holder are responsible for all six murders, & maybe others, but they were all 100% racially motivated hate crimes, using their bullsht viking religion pagan antler horn Odinism to try to explain why they are sick in the head & murder innocent children for their own gratification & entertainment. Heartless garbage. (11) Not sure why Becky Patty is the common denominator in everything that happened from November of 2016 to February of 2017, but she is. (12) Becky Patty told law enforcement about the Odinites, yet 99.9% of the rest of the world, including myself, have never even heard of them (13) Point being, for 6 years, there was the Indiana State Police, the Carroll County Sheriffs, the Delphi PD & the FBI on this case, but nobody wrote that tip down, or took notes when Becky was talking? Or a voice recorder? (14) Before the memorandum came out, no matter who your possible suspect or suspects were, there wasn't a legitimate motive that fit. It wasn't sexual for the most part, even though clothes were removed and redressed. Odinism is & was their motive. (15) So prosecutors & law enforcement were trying to keep everything about this case sealed for a reason. Why? (16) Now its slowly leaking, but pointing in the wrong direction by design. We now know some of what law enforcement already knew years ago, which is why they said actors, and why everything is sealed, even though they have their supposed killer locked in a cell. And how law enforcement knew and publicly stated the bodies were moved & staged. If law enforcement didn't make it such a secret, and allowed the public to help, and let any of the strange details of the gruesome murders known, it would've been solved a long time ago. But instead, law enforcement is doing the opposite & trying to keep the details of what happened away from the public. Whenever I say by design, it's because they can't speak about certain things because of a procedural issue, is what I'm guessing. So Ricky ended up bein their scapegoat for the underqualified Sheriff & Odonite, Anthony Liggett to get the job. And was hoping Ricky died, so a trial would never happen, which was never going to anyways. And breaking his spirit was what they tried to do & succeeded, but he survived, & we all know that correctional officers & sheriffs go together like peanut butter & jelly. In Los Angeles County, when you become a sheriff, your first 4 years are in correctional facilities. Not sure how it is in Indiana, but Liggett is the one that wrote the fraudulent PCA and the one who wanted him at Westville and the one who transported him there.
-- LIBBY'S CELL PHONE -- Discrepancy along with proof of malfeasance by law enforcement and the prosecutor. This discrepancy alone can have the search warrant quashed and the case tossed.
(1) PCA - The documented affidavit stated that the cellphone was found under Libby's body.
(2) Memorandum - Motion for Franks Hearing, presumably taken from the Discovery states that the cellphone was found under Abby's body. 
-- LOGAN HOLDER & ABBY WILLIAMS -- Online, people said they were dating, and then people tried to debunk it, saying they were talking via social media only, that's all, so I figured this picture above needed to be posted. It has also been said that Logan lured Abby & Libby to the trail that day via phone.  *Note* Brad Holder's snapchat is "Badbrad213" ..... death date?

-- ELVIS FIELDS -- According to what Mary Jacob heard her brother tell her was that Elvis described forming horns out of sticks and placing them on Abby’s head. Sure enough, crime scene photos confirm Elvis’s statement. Nobody until now has even seen or heard about Abby having 2 sticks in her hair like horns. It was found in the discovery and first heard about in the memorandum to the public, which apparently is now sealed. 

- Brad Holder - Patrick Westfall - Elvis Fields -

-- BLOOD ON THE TREE -- I had trouble believing the Odinites angle, until I read what was said in the memorandum, taken straight from the sealed discovery, that there was an "F" painted on a Tree with Libby's blood. That small fact alone changes everything for me. 

-- THE PLOT THICKENS -- According to the memorandum, Amber Holder did take a polygraph test and passed stating that Brad Holder told her the truth about killing Abby & Libby. Brad Holder & Patrick Westfall were responsible for the murders of Abby & Libby, and also for the Flora home of the deadly 2016 fire that killed 4 young girls. This was in the report, so don't kill the messenger. If the Odinite angle is true, Brad Holder & Patrick Westfall need to be interviewed asap. Elvis Fields was also there when Abby & Libby were murdered, according to what he told Mary Jacob, Elvis' sister, and she also passed a polygraph.

- Polygraph Examinations -

-- POLYGRAPH EXAMINATIONS -- I found out today that Indiana is one of 20 states that polygraph examinations are admissible in a court of law. That said, are you kidding me? Even if it wasn't admissible, why not use it? Being it is admissible, why hasn't every possible suspect in the case, including sheriff liggett been tested? It's amazing to me that with the amount of tools that ISP, the Sheriffs and the FBI have and had in 2017, why wouldn't these be implemented in this case, or any cases in Indiana? DNA testing is expensive, but polygraphs are in house. There is no excuse for the many lies that have come from law enforcement showing us all that there will never be justice for Abby & Libby. In 2022, the gag order was put on the families, law enforcement, the attorney's and the media. What nobody knows is that any law enforcement that had anything to say about the case that was against the grain, had gag orders put on them too. 

-- RICHARD ALLEN THE KILLER -- Let's try to compile everything we know about why Richard Allen is possibly the murderer or if he isn't. -- When Dan Dulin was sent to CVS to follow up on the tip, Richard Allen voluntarily gave him information stating he was on the trail that day on the Monon High Bridge and he might've seen the girls. If Richard Allen never called the tipline offering the information that he was on the trail that day, would he have ever come up on the radar with law enforcement for the murders? -- For 5 years, nobody randomly called the Police or Sheriffs or the Tipline & said, "You better take a look at that creepy Richard Allen guy." -- And for 5 years, nobody called the Tipline and said, "That bridge guy looks exactly like my Pharmacist Ricky over at CVS." -- Not one of the younger witnesses that saw a man in jeans, a jacket and hat on the trail that day, pointed out Richard Allen as the man that they saw. -- The unreliable adult witness who said she saw a man who was muddy & bloody that day, never pointed out Richard Allen as the person they saw. -- The witness who gave the description for the sketch of the possible suspect stated she saw a 20 year old man. -- According to experts, whoever the bridge guy is, he was definitely the killer. Agreed. Nobody has ever proven that the bridge guy is Richard Allen because it's not him. -- According to experts, whoever that bridge guy killer was, unknowingly had his voice recorded on Libby's phone. Agreed. Richard Allen was eliminated as the voice that was recorded. -- Because a missing report came out 5 years later in which Dan Dulin stated that Rick told him that he was at the trail from 130-330, automatically makes Richard Allen a killer, is what we are forced to believe. -- Whenever there has been any interaction between Richard Allen & his wife & Law Enforcement, Rick & Kathy were nice, respectful, polite and honest. Whenever they were asked to come in to the police station for questioning, they always showed up. -- Rick looks scary with his bald head and his goatie, just like millions of other people. -- Richard owns a carthartt jacket, like millions of other people. -- Rick owns guns and knives, like millions of other people. -- Richard Allen has no criminal history. -- Rick has never been known to be violent. -- Rick was a part of the community, including playing billiards and a local pub. -- Rick was a home owner and a tax payer and happily married with an older daughter. -- Rick was employed for well over a decade as a manager at Walmart and then a Pharmacist Tech at CVS. -- Rick has never been known to be a pedofile or a child predator. -- Rick volunteered the information that he does own guns & knives & they are at his house. -- Rick & his wife both volunteered the information that Rick does have a carthartt jacket, more than one, and they are in the closet. -- Richard Allen is so honest and polite and respectful with law enforcement, that if he killed those girls, he would have told them he did it.  -- In closing, did you ever see the video of Richard Allen drunk at the bar playing pool & he got so fckn pissed off that he wacked a guy to death with a pool stick? No? Cause it would never happen, & that is just not in his character. Sheriff Liggett assassinated that a long time ago.

-- MOTION FOR FRANKS HEARING -- ^^ Click the link ^^ Filed on 9/18/2023. Tony Liggett has testified under oath that there is no DNA linking Richard Allen to the crime scene. Liggett further has testified that he is unaware of anything that links Richard to the crime through his phone, computers or electronics. Liggett has further testified that he is unaware of any evidence that links Richard Allen to any weird religious cult group. Richard Allen is not connected to these horrific murders in any way. Liggett attempted to convince Judge Diener that evidence of the murders would be found in Rick’s home over 5 years after the girls were slain based upon lies and poor judgement. If Liggett had been honest, then Judge Diener would not have signed the warrant. Liggett wasn’t honest though. Richard’s lack of any connection whatsoever to the crime scene combined with Liggett’s lies and concealments merit a Frank’s hearing.

- Justice for Liberty, Abigail, Kionnie, Kerriele, Keyara & Keyana -
-- PANDORAS BOX -- I first opened up a can of worms and then I let the cat out of the bag, yet, no results. Now I have been forced to open up pandoras box. *On 2/15/2017 search warrant (A) was served at the home of Ron Logan. *On 2/16/2017 search warrant (B) was served at the home of Logan Maxwell. You will find no public record of either search warrant or their probable cause affidavits. FBI and Law Enforcement have even publicly stated that nothing was taken from the Maxwell residence (B), yet there is video and photos of Law Enforcement removing guns from the home. And although there were search warrants served at Ron Logan's home on 3/6/2017 and on 3/17/2017 that is public knowledge, search warrant (A) on 2/15/2017 is not known to the public.
Search Warrant (A) & (B) were put together by Law Enforcement & the FBI and yielded all of the evidence needed to solve the murders of Abby & Libby, including DNA of the girls found at (A).
**Problem** Whenever an illegal search warrant has been served and it has been found to have violated the defendants 4th Amendment Rights to unreasonable search & seizures, the warrant is tossed and all of the fruits obtained in the search are suppressed.
Amendment IV - The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree doctrine is a rule in criminal law that makes evidence that was derived from an illegal search, arrest or interrogation inadmissible.
**Bigger Problem** Search Warrants (A) & (B) were both found to be illegal searches, and being that the FBI & Law Enforcement were involved in both, the FBI stepped away and pretty much said, you guys handle it.
All Law Enforcement & the FBI involved in the case know that Ron Logan and Logan Maxwell were the ones who murdered Abby & Libby, but can not say anything about it. They saw the evidence collected. And even though a gag order was put on the family, law enforcement, attorneys and the media in 2022, any law enforcement since 2017 who spoke about the case had a gag order on them, or were reprimanded.
-OVERVIEW- by 2/16/2017, all law enforcement and the FBI knew who killed Abby & Libby. The reason why no information was ever released about search warrants (A) & (B), is because all the evidence linking those men were suppressed. The man in prison being blamed for the killing is not the killer and Sheriff Liggett is to blame. The FBI stepped away so there was no blood on their hands. So because proper procedure wasn't followed, the real killers of Abby & Libby can never be publicly named by law enforcement or any government agency. Ron Logan & Logan Maxwell are the killers, and possibly others, but we will never know. No Justice for Abby & Libby.

"I'm Losing My Marbles"
- February 23, 2024
This is my I don't give a fuck post. I'm sick of people asking me for proof of my findings, so allow me to just throw out a couple little nuggets. First off, you might not know this about me, but I was born at a very young age. Second off, fuck you and your feelings cause I am not writing this to make any friends. I am an uneducated felon. Busted for sellin. Keep talkin shit and I'ma pop you in your melon. Now, Prosecutor Nick McLeland aka SlickNick or Nick the Dick, has family in law enforcement, Delphi PD to be exact, Clint Eastwood McLeland. Sit him down and ask him who he thinks murdered Abby and Libby without being arrested himself. He hasn't liked Nick the Dick for a long time and says he has problems with meth in the past. Clint also knows the truth, ask him. Nick McLeland's father was convicted multiple times for arson, and arson causing injury, a real fireman I tell you. Nick forgot to seal his fathers documents. His dad was a convicted drug addict as well in possession of meth, oh we see where Nick the Dick gets it from. I don't want anybody to think I'm an asshole. I want them to be muthafuckin sure of it. I am a certified asshole, I kill people with words. Jailers give me information for free like its the thing to do. Advice: Avoid queef jerky. Lotta free masons around, they built that county from the start. Have a sit down with Don Doolin, and ask him what time Richard Allen said he left the trail? But he can't. Gag order, remember? I bet you $5 dollars, under oath that Dang Doorman will tell you the truth, which was 130pm, not 330pm. Ask Dexter Dalin if he thinks Richard Allen is guilty. Dave Delin is listed as a witness, he won't lie, unless they do not put him on the stand which is what's already planned, as a special witness. Silent unless directed to do so. Darwin Dulindo will tell you if he gets permission first. Who manipulated the times that Richard Allen was at the trail? Liggett the Piglet and company. In my opinion, same sex marriages are totally gay. See the gag order was placed in 2022. Did you know that many law enforcement officers from different departments and county's including the tippecanoe and tippecaboat sheriffs and others, stepped up, and were told to shut up. Talk to the Embrey's who works in the da prosecutors office, always good for some juicy info to give me. The Peeler connection is always good for new info. Im in California, so how in the fck would I know that 2 weeks ago, Becky Patty old and snatchy, was seen yelling at her relative, Nick McLeland, something about why he didn't do more to prosecute Ron Logan. Hulk Hogan wasn't involved. Intimate family details? How would I even know that? But I do. Tony Liggett who wrote me a ticket, has family of his son who passed, that doesn't like him at all and knows a lot. Read between the lines and you'll be just fine. Speaking of slime, Ask Liggett why his police body cam was off when he searched Richard Allen's house and retrieved his gun, cause I heard the footage disappeared. Isn't that weird? What a coincidence. MURDERERS- Ron Logan - Brad Holder - Patrick Westfall - Elvis Fields - using forged knives in the cellar. Take that clue and you could run it all the way to the bank i tell you. 213 Odin also death date. Coroner at the time of death was 18 years old and still in high school. Delphi is something else I tell ya. Talk to the Thompson family. Judge Jason Thompson was happily married and was not home at 2am when the house was completely ingulfed in flames and when his wife and daughter died. I'm pretty sure he wasn't at work. Hole 6 on the golfcourse. Talk to his living daughter. Fire in 2022 still unsolved. Marie Embrey and her cousin Debbie gave a lot of juicy goodness, in the form of information involving the delphi and the flora case. Justice for Abby and Libby is right around the corner, next to the QuikStop. Tik Tok. Becky and Mike, wheres ur bike? You went from biker gang to dr phil, nice come up. How much for them abby and libby shirts? Sure like to help by buying a few to help get money for becky. Roses are red, I'm going to bed.
"ISP Doug Carter - Caught Slippin"
- February 26, 2024
Today is the day! If you can prove one thing is fabricated on the PCA, then the entire PCA is fabricated.
Doug Carter, while speaking with Megyn Kelly on her talkshow, about 11 months after the murders, right after they were speaking about bridge guy, was then asked if there were any witnesses of bridge guy, and Doug Carter said NO! 

I am about to rant, but please understand why. Being that there is so much coverup going on in the Delphi case, I couldn't wrap my head around, why? Or who? McLeland and Gull are going full throttle on a case that can never win, so why continue the covering up? I needed to find something else in common with the Delphi Murders, the Flora Fire and the Monticello Fire, and guess which 2 names kept coming up? Doug Carter and Kamron Yates. Head chief superintendent of the Indiana State Police and mouthpiece for the media as well as the Mayor of Delphi, who used to be a firefighter. The Flora fire, the 1st responders were Officer Drew Yoder and Fire Captain Kamron Yates. Supposedly Yoder was burned trying to save the victims. Not smoke inhalation, but burns. Doug Carter and Kamron Yates are very close. Yates along with Liggett both lived in Flora and are friends with Josh Ayres. The reason I find them sketchy is because McLeland and Judge Gull are chickens with their heads cut off trying to protect the false integrity of those cases and perhaps 2 powerful men in the Delphi, Carroll County area. Just about everybody is having doubts about Richard Allen being the killer, but they continue to push their narrative. Of course this entire rant is speculation, but using the power of inference, I continue to put things in front of me trying to make some sense, and it doesn't. I always felt Doug Carter was sketchy by what he said and what he didn't say publicly about the Delphi case. He wanted us, the public, to look at the Bridge Guy, look how he walks, listen to his voice, look at the sketches. The fact is, that there is a wealth of information collected at the actual crime scene to help solve the case, not the bridge diversion. Multiple signatures were left at the crime seen according to Sheriff Leazenby in 2021, not on the bridge. In 2023, in a deposition, Sheriff Liggett stated that the DNA recovered at the crime seen does not match Richard Allen and that he had no ties to Odinism. Without ruining the integrity of their investigation, if they could speak about the bridge guy, why wouldn't they still say something about the ritualistic murders that took place? Whether Doug Carter and Kamron Yates have anything to do with it, I don't know, but they definitely know who was involved, and Richard Allen isn't one of them. Connect the Vinlanders to Odinism, Ron Logan the bridge guy as the ruse and allowed what happen on his property, and Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall. Elvis Fields told law enforcement he was there and that he spit on one of the girls. Where is his DNA? Becky Patty knows exactly who did it, even though she has changed her mind a few times. When the girls went missing, she thought it was Brad Holder, years later it was Anthony Shottz, and today its Richard Allen from CVS because he didn't charge her for the pictures. Becky Patty quit bullshitting the world. And allow people to know that saving Derrick German from spending time in prison got Abby and Libby murdered. Im still ranting. Bet you never heard of the footage found on Ron Logans trailcam recovered by law enforcement. Did you know that while Brad Holder was going through his divorce, he lived at Ron Logans house? Did you know that Ron Logan was known to carry a .40 cal gun in his leather fanny pack at all times? according to his ex girlfriend. Look at the Bridge Guy again and notice he is not wearing a long shirt under his jacket, but its a fanny pack on his right side. McLeland is related to the Germans and the Maxwells. Nick McLelands father was a drug addict firestarter causing injury and convicted multiple times. He sealed everything in the Delphi case, but forgot to seal the records of his father. Terrorists are treated better than Richard Allen. Looking like Hannibal Lechter, ankles, shackles, box handcuffs, chains, like WTF? He's a 5ft 6in married with children pharmacist with no criminal record. He's not gonna try and get away. Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall stopped talking because of something that happen that day, February 13, 2017. Why would law enforcement give Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall a pass? Still makes no sense. But as we all see, the truth is all coming out as we speak, little by little. Free that innocent man so he could get back to his wife and daughter. I'm afraid that if Richard Allen continues to be housed in prisons run by Odinists, that time might run out for him. And now we found out that interviews done in 2017 with Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall disappeared. And phone locations of Brad Holder and Patrick Westfall disappeared as well. Cmon now! Yet nothing else disappeared or was recorded over? Richard Allen has a dream team of lawyers that will set him free and let the truth be known. All praise to Baldwin and Rozzi. FREE RICHARD ALLEN! When Doug Carter was speaking publicly about the movie "The Shack" which is Religion based, about faith, grief, Heaven, evil, death and eternity and a shack. He was hinting back then, yet he still signed the probable cause affidavit for the search warrant of Richard Allen. Kelsi German also spoke about "The Shack."
And if law enforcement really wanted this case solved, they would take the DNA recovered from the crime scene to a Genetic Genealogy Lab. Idaho stabbing murder suspect Kohlberger was not in any national DNA database, yet through Genetic Genealogy they knew who's DNA it was in 17 days, so quit bullshitting. Release the innocent man and find the real killers. It's a big circus and clown show in the Delphi and Carroll County judicial system.


From Federal Informant - If someone wants to decipher this mess, there is actually pertinent information amongst all the blabbering. Involves Gabe Ellis and the Kokomo Crew

For those of you who say the sons of odin issue isn't a issue in delphi are about to be proven wrong ! Couple months before delphi Fbi Joint terrorism tasked me active still fbi informant with two groups both considered to be threats to life and deemed domestic terrorism threat . Sons of odin as well as a militia group some members of this issue belonged to as well. Here soon multiple text between me and Agent Michael Curtis now retired the agent over me when I turned into Federal witness when I stopped and helped karena mcclerkin for almost 4 hours  on my way home.  When her case turned into active missing person with strong chance foul play involved the 13th it officially turned me into federal eyewitness on her case . This was further proven when I had to meet the investigation proscutor howard county Don Whitehead more then once when KPD and themselves wanted to get me for with Holding information for a year . Mr.whitehead was shown and read aloud messages with me and Agent Curtis who was saved in my phone under alias Mike Fries instead of agent ... during subsequent meetings Mr.Whitehead documented the text between me and Agent Michael Curtis including texts where names of individuals sit on my informant records and on documented messages between me and agent he reassured me he was writing this all up and on the record multiple times as you will soon see. Down to it is already on the record in regards to the delphi case . The fbi joint terrorism task force admits yes indeed it was already carrying out an investigation in delphi surrounding areas prior to the girls case ... the sons of odin and a local militia issue was that very case and in person servalance as well as documenting of address of suspects what real reason they were there in town . As well as actions that were taking place near and on Ron logans land ... many these same suspects and the criminal network they belong to are further showing around multiple cases 74 across indiana and 19 of which are children's cases ...

 @CriminalNetwork  i was still fbi informant for joint terrorism task force the agent over me now retired agent Mike fries in my phone is Michael Curtis field service agent with joint terrorism task force ive done a lot of good see federal cases like Bruce Doucette fake sovereign citizen threats to kill real judges ... 38 years ... indiana isis couple and many more ... there was a murder where agent forced a local kokomo suspect of theirs on me to get close keep tabs was supposed to habe got paid by fbi and then the payment to him for a cover up tat supposed to been done at an apartment ... was called off after he helped his friends in gabes ring and others invovled in karena kill a witness that was about to go informant before he could talk Jeremy Patterson 96 days after delphi . Yet again suspects sitting in my files some longer then others went on to commit crimes many names involved karena mcclerkin I was active fbi informant stopped to help her then making me federal witness in her case and others tied back to hers ... Tara capps a recent case indy 2018 I have a indinapolis impd officer admitting same criminal drug network shows back to cases there and in fact ties and connections back to karena delphi to others there facts !  Now my community wall post see how some high ranking politicians and elected officals  even local pd sit friends with multiple dealers and even more the cartel king pin famlies kokomo and surrounding areas the real estate fake buissnesses number one ways to clean cartel momey usa wide issue facts ... now what is a dealer beside her own dad doing among others around same criminal network own dad and uncle Dale wood dealt for same ring that took girls and others lives 2021 bust   multiple killers sit behind bars Boone County Sheriff's Deputy Jacob Pickett murder ... look up how proscutors used New law dealers and their drugs in event of death usually meant for overdose can be charged with murder  their drugs led to deputies life being taken ... 3 others rob Pitts Terre Haute Police officer Greg Ferency their killers show back to same criminal network.. two deputies Pickett and howard county Deputy Koontz guess what ring ... same one high ranking politicians are either friends withbmany in that criminal network hell partners even ... but Blaine mcleland dealing 2014 whos his fam ... neda duff son dealing own son house ... but notice some ranking and former ranking people their real estate buys and fast no work done at times flip and revalue rate is way up there like howadd County main commissioner... among others ...protect ring and killers all cost the truth comes out who and what appraisal companies was making banknote that ring dealing and more then one way to make money drastically upgrading property and houses up they sale it they make a nice bit of clean money ... truth is known whos who and whats what ... murder of children especially needs to be victim centered investigating style 19 kids 74 across state of Indiana and all these cases are areas of operation of this ring .many names sit in my informant files and show back around them and the organization they belong to now see the we are not scared we have friemds in high places comment more then one case comes blurted out by suspects ... lot of politicians names and further advancements on line ... but ask self I didnt stalk down add a senator and dealers among others in this ring to stalk multiple pages of mine down stalk my every word but many peopels tampering allowed me to see the social media network analysis able to be seen criminal network is sitting wide open for view on social networks ... should see the latest threats know where I live plan to see me soon ... hell agents lies disregard negligence I had to get a protective order on suspect involved karenas case on federal record documented invovled against them while still active informant ... acts on my life as on he knew ! And same time frame Florida Uvalde and pulse shootings look up years and time frame fbi knew intel refused to act cost many kids and adults lives ! But forgpt why is on liberty Germans Facebook dealers and ones in and around the drug ring doing on her page as friends of hers ?

 @CriminalNetwork  like I left brad a message today its what the fbi isn't saying thats still on record let them go ahead get rid omitted delete i have hard records and the more then ome visit with investigation proscutor Don whitehead Howard county ... think the local and state dtf don't already know this and politicians ranking peoples famlies ties they want fbi and feds to notice that . What needs to happen is that ring as a whole every dealer needs to be charged multiple county's every case that ties back to that drug ring needs charged like they barely did in Pickett case Boone County there is a whole lot more needed to be added including his supplier garret kirts and others

 @CriminalNetwork  ive got multiple people behind federal bars knowing how and being taught exactly what they need to make a rock solid case both the real world the ties and connections offline criminal network analysis showing and then how to go online and thru easy searching to find and pin point the social media network analysis showing of that exact same criminal network only online ! Then new case like Tara capps many peoples mistakes stalking my social media pages and then ones in my files yeah ive got abilty to remember and retain a ton years as informant you'd be looking at this group then still needing to retain that then able to stop go over whole new group and do same ... helped reading at senior in collage reading and retention like 3rd grade life of hell growing up wasnt the best especially a around 10 yrs my senior sick member of family distant cousin ... long story short also grew up that red headed step child uncle hated the most why is knew I was adopted by his brother my dad age one his friend my bio dad didn't want to let it be known who he got with and had step sister after I was 1 just had her so fam and friend secret uncle knew about ... get the whole beat by him along with little bro all we had to do was call one his kids a name be mean and he would man handle mom while dad was at work come in lat in on us ... but the sexual assault was by distant cousin come to find out his mom did it to our dads as kids ... for almost 4 yrs growing up ... so retaining reading escape reality as a kid I got into books  bigger they was the better Harry Potter books took ones aroundnme to read in weeks id pass our pizza on Friday if we read this many points in books larger ones more points two Harry Potter size books in a week pass the prove we read it test boom pizza   hey could knock put two those in a week so teacher wanted me to test and see    3rd grade reading and retention what I read collage levels high at that floored them later it got in school more it was a bore by high-school trouble was more fun then school got to where 10th grade 17 facing explosion 2 days into it signed out parental consent army I went lol   my recruiter didn't even get to go to lunch let alone leave smoking a cigarette before getting to car 20 mins after dropping me off at meps shortest hey passed my asvab where you at out smoking a cigarette if you hurry lol yeah already smoked and near 18 so no one gave a darn few months off had my own im smoking before we get back to recruiting station ... bad timing a colonel was leaving and looked oh he hasn't picked his mos yet done said we need and put me down heard the boss but but no butts boss orders your doing this wth ... but its weird when im able to get mobile people will be able to see where I can recount a like blue print of if im in an area for period of time I can like photography memory recall it back and if I was better painter or knew how to draw lol I can give you rough sketch places I lived places ive been friends houses its weird areas I go I can make a blue print inside or out if I seen it enough times builds up more times I visit recall where doors and all are ... but there is few places locally want to film the crime scenes one is aka blood brother of gabriel ellis where he said real crime scene of karena mcclerkin is finally got out of him after I figured out her moms riddle would only give me Harrison Street next to a alley and not far from where she used to live spoke truth and i got lucky called the one in charge of renting that property out ... yes it was gabes daughters apartment and what the prop manager said when getting rent in case from gabe her response on if gabe could have done delphi karena she was one who said it yes I can see him do both she would just get money from him and dart not even count it til in car driving away gave her the creeps and didn't want to deal with him more then she has to same company two locations only one apartment each one same time ripped out redone the one they are trying to say was crime scene but own grandmother and others admit she left flints house alive . Flints apartment ripped out redone as well as gabes daughters apartment after she moved out only those two redone in full both places only same time !

 @CriminalNetwork  ive got multiple people behind federal bars knowing how and being taught exactly what they need to make a rock solid case both the real world the ties and connections offline criminal network analysis showing and then how to go online and thru easy searching to find and pin point the social media network analysis showing of that exact same criminal network only online ! Then new case like Tara capps many peoples mistakes stalking my social media pages and then ones in my files yeah ive got abilty to remember and retain a ton years as informant you'd be looking at this group then still needing to retain that then able to stop go over whole new group and do same ... helped reading at senior in collage reading and retention like 3rd grade life of hell growing up wasnt the best especially a around 10 yrs my senior sick member of family distant cousin ... long story short also grew up that red headed step child uncle hated the most why is knew I was adopted by his brother my dad age one his friend my bio dad didn't want to let it be known who he got with and had step sister after I was 1 just had her so fam and friend secret uncle knew about ... get the whole beat by him along with little bro all we had to do was call one his kids a name be mean and he would man handle mom while dad was at work come in lat in on us ... but the sexual assault was by distant cousin come to find out his mom did it to our dads as kids ... for almost 4 yrs growing up ... so retaining reading escape reality as a kid I got into books  bigger they was the better Harry Potter books took ones aroundnme to read in weeks id pass our pizza on Friday if we read this many points in books larger ones more points two Harry Potter size books in a week pass the prove we read it test boom pizza   hey could knock put two those in a week so teacher wanted me to test and see    3rd grade reading and retention what I read collage levels high at that floored them later it got in school more it was a bore by high-school trouble was more fun then school got to where 10th grade 17 facing explosion 2 days into it signed out parental consent army I went lol   my recruiter didn't even get to go to lunch let alone leave smoking a cigarette before getting to car 20 mins after dropping me off at meps shortest hey passed my asvab where you at out smoking a cigarette if you hurry lol yeah already smoked and near 18 so no one gave a darn few months off had my own im smoking before we get back to recruiting station ... bad timing a colonel was leaving and looked oh he hasn't picked his mos yet done said we need and put me down heard the boss but but no butts boss orders your doing this wth ... but its weird when im able to get mobile people will be able to see where I can recount a like blue print of if im in an area for period of time I can like photography memory recall it back and if I was better painter or knew how to draw lol I can give you rough sketch places I lived places ive been friends houses its weird areas I go I can make a blue print inside or out if I seen it enough times builds up more times I visit recall where doors and all are ... but there is few places locally want to film the crime scenes one is aka blood brother of gabriel ellis where he said real crime scene of karena mcclerkin is finally got out of him after I figured out her moms riddle would only give me Harrison Street next to a alley and not far from where she used to live spoke truth and i got lucky called the one in charge of renting that property out ... yes it was gabes daughters apartment and what the prop manager said when getting rent in case from gabe her response on if gabe could have done delphi karena she was one who said it yes I can see him do both she would just get money from him and dart not even count it til in car driving away gave her the creeps and didn't want to deal with him more then she has to same company two locations only one apartment each one same time ripped out redone the one they are trying to say was crime scene but own grandmother and others admit she left flints house alive . Flints apartment ripped out redone as well as gabes daughters apartment after she moved out only those two redone in full both places only same time !

Now my community wall and there is two videos after jamey noel bust now proven money laudering as well ...  what I call the good ole boys club ... more then one raid kokomo wise surrounding areas. The good ole boys club im about done working on the slides and all multiple raids and then the social media network analysis  of the same criminal cartel ring... now thanks to some locals and ex of one the king pin familes son what he kept doing to her got her connected to someone federally to spill all she spilled to me ... so yes dea Chicago made sure had all those names as well !

And to answer your question it started years back the homeland security see something say something and how I was able to pretty much give agents clear picture years back the name its not like locals give you a number or some weird crap in fbi as informant you are given a name . And when paid its two agents one payor in cash and other as a witness agent to the agent over their informant payment of x amount in case on this day last payment got pushed back supposed to been 11 on servalance investigation  again same issue on 12 ... 13th delphi happened and was on rush wasnt able on 14th but finally on his way back to delphi Michael Curtis paid me under strict orders by boss all the days up there was supposed to have paid informants besides me few k in cash separate bank envelopes each hap amount and the code name on it ... after servalance was done they was going to pay the closest out to the farthest on way back to indy .. but yes ive still got the texts with forst agent involved in delphi. It was my intel and suspects in my files had them in delphi ! Down to where at in delphi makes me sick a agents single agent lies disregard negligence and im wondering if they knew the room mate in their eyes was a snitch like it came out leaked out after kpd meeting and then proscutors meetings oh shit yes speaking truth am who I said from start I was ... and Google infiana largest Klan the arrested inside it . Then the infighting disbanded it guess who was informant at time blue color crimes years back went to streets and bounced around to much so they closed my informant name out years later instead of blue color white color crimes domestic and foreign terrorism again see something say something and when I seen what I seen around karena and others later on . But before that before any of the stand offs right and left wing extremism things I was hearing oh hell years back remembered the blue and white color crime ordeal as informant for them for like 4 years doing that there at start ... went mia for few years and then brought up some things and what I was hearing threats to life judges and few others hell nah so rang them up at department of homeland security details and all . Pretty much where to look what at and where who and all on silver platter like agent Curtis would put it on do all the line graphing th3 criminal network many times from within . So hell still active informant for them I was gaining them some major intel passing along to the criminal task force from within parts of that ring and issues motorcycle clubs and such  pretty much leaving agents jaw dropping more then once how I can bounce and mold into where I needed to be to get get more intel on things they had no clue of knew about the corruption but oh same good ole boys club see ties with dealers and some high up its all areas of operation... now should see what the school resource officer flora and delphi girls school resource officer retired kpd took the job just because it was about the lucrative $$$ not for there to be safety for kids ... another former kpd retired officer Kevin summers 2019 look up how he used the corruption and ties to ring him and many he knew had as well to keep son out of jail then what kpd said when son who like dad shows around many dealers more then one raid ... kpd refused to hire him yet hired someone isp told them not to hire ... state and locals over children online sex crimes greeno laughs but spoke truth and these officers laugh 40 child exploitation cases sitting on isp maimi County post one of which was in fact liberty German and keegan kline account 2018 interview I was tired of them after proving was informant and who told me not to talk to them ! Agent over me ! Even knew about keegan kline and libby connection cant tell me he dont the right hand dealer another one in power over keegan they sent him to Vegas not for weed for meth the live I did with only after karena mcclerkin Blaine admits he was there and same bathroom her mom took tour of told me it all matched what she's documented of saying and right after meeting her let the agent know every word down to who and names of even the fire fighter who her mom named killed her ... there was another one who spoke up saying oh yes look at him yes look there here is why but had a felony against them after their actions to a ex who was kpd at time ... so makes me wonder if her mom who still shows around so many high up within this ring she isn't only one derrick Dale wood Joshua lank Logansport fire victims dad found dead Daniel Hite... the two who survived belong to gabe best buddies him and his part the ring many who yes fbi know the odinism ties back to him ... wait til you see brad holder who isnome sitting in my fbi files even more then once click was able to see I spoke truth only wanted intel on brad and thats it not on the others... wait til you see his friends list in full and who all the dealers go back to ... hate to speak truth but idk if Richard knew them but social butterfly wife knows a few back to kokomo ring same with brad ... the sons of odin that exact name only look this area towns named is in a text between me and agent Curtis months before delphi it was that months long and im still screaming look at gabe and many the names sitting in my files oh all I can do is right this all up and pass it to criminal network wtf you mean its already proven karenas cousin let boyfriend know karena was dead 48 hours missing same family that gabe ellis underage now overage so can say sierra daily gabes gf at time she didn't have acess to big daddy so she now sits with and another kid with gabes son ... makes me wonder who real baby daddy is ... what I got out of her cousin did she go was she there when gabe and his ring went and did delphi response was just this I DONT THINK SHE WAS !!!! AND REST MY MESSAGE DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU JUST TOLD ME SHE BLOCKED ON FB AFTER SHE REALIZED OH YEAH YOU JUST ADMITTED YOU KNEW SO DOES SHE WHO ALL WAS INVOVLED KARENAS DELPHI !

And even after no longer an informant think I didnt let it be known down to this day like impd already knows the ties and connections same ring criminal network areas of operation...

But the slides im about to show just like I would if it was an agent over me the criminal network itself then where they took that criminal network digital hell within last week there was one dealer 2018 raids started to follow my tiktok ... its these idiots tampering with still federal witness and even attempt on my life more then once while active informant living victim federal wise . Helps proving still active when I had to get relief after delphi things and this rings threats if I would keep talking im next to vanish tyler French knows where I live email plans to see me soon and when they come cant run of wait your in chair cant hide behind a screen when they come why because I was active informant federal witness and living victim I myself can get them behind bars threats tampering with federal witness and victim allowed to become ome by agent who allowed suspect to help kill his room mate for ring ... Jeremy Patterson 96 days after delphi and nichole bowen were not rolling on drugs it was the murders ! And who was invovled who tf you think leaked it out ahead of time to ring stfu or else it takes the good ole boys and all down ! If they did only damn thing is with me its already recorded documented and some brothers and sisters have it all in event of they kill me its like wiki leaks but only worst for this ring it all falls down like the castle made of glass not blown of sand ... I listed around 34 mostly local cases and we will show the rings ties to 4 badges deaths ... every dealer past and present needs charged for the serial killing this rings been still doing ! The law is rarely used but been a law for years and the police accountability issue showing rampant delphi case its been a law after delphi look both the dealers and murder charge mostly for overdoses and news even letting it be known never used made sure to barely hit ring but just a few after a badge ! Kirts criminal network analysis showing as well as online social media network analysis back to his hometown and where he really lived and dealt right beside actually supplied them for gabe and his ring there another area of operation kokomos ring Terre Haute as well Pitts case there was militia members same militia group brad belonged 5o many of them got his knives he woukd make ... the tat he did on Amber's back many their friends go back sit on Tony slocum friends list including a former sheriff played major role more then one federal armed militia stand off ... on my fbi joint terrorism task force fbi indinapolis files for years Frank castillo and over dozen militia members and got the agent in text saying fbi deemed it a security issue when state and locals wpuld show up friemds either left or right extremist especially violent suspects like frank ... my files I know who and still habe hard copies ! And can easily gain acess to the data if need be one cell ive kept along with more then one SD cards packed backed up hard copies one thing agent taught me 4 ive had over the years already knew document everything how ever big or small may not make sense to me but may be that last piece for them to act on a case ... well when he was allowing suspects innmy files to go on do and their criminal network to act in other cases I was only let go for going above his head its part I let be shown I was let go for going over his head and over fbi doj dhs and dea let it be known my real name my informant name the agent over me name . And then he really put icing on cake his permission go talk to locals after I did and to prove who amd what I was still active as I was let go for letting it be known wtf he and fbi knew kpd and howard county wanted to lock me up with holding under his orders not to speak a thing or name to locals only him and fbi for over year and still during and after delphi I was still active hell like I said the protective order while active informant more then once allowed to be victimized by this ring and ones invovled karena why for being mere fact they found out federal informant turned federal witness knowing their names sit in my files as all three now look up when deaths are invovled and im able to prove goes back suspects the criminal network they belonged to and being all three more then one case ive been attacked for what they know I know on them! Are they going to let me be killed easy dont habe to admit same time frame same task force as Florida agent knew intel and his lies disregard negligence on one missing and murdered he had fbi informant stopped helped and was getting solid intel omes invovled her case same them and names same ring shown around others ! Hands down will they let me be next one dead to silence like they did Blaine after admitting yes voukd see gabe involved and here is why the live hebdid with me wasn't long after he died and guess who Paul Wyman spoke on behalf of knowing him for years at his funeral gabes right hand dealer cartel ring put in place new Vegas meth route opened up after kokomo woman married in there in Vegas gabe gabe and that ring New direct route fresh Blaine and others in emails and other means let it be known time frame the local sleep dope was killing and not the high people wanted for years been that way needed new route and that marriage by kokomo woman into new route no new none sleep dope the fine meth made in Mexico direct connection was made and why does a isp state trooper need federal and local policia as well as both sides border at the same spot Texas and Mexico border riddle me that Carter. .. one you have a big name over delphi more then one issue and one really sits lot of names ones in my files!

 @CriminalNetwork  wait til the mask comes off a few tied up to this ring and many dealers and killers showing back to karena mcclerkin case then to cases like Jamie beasley her cousin and friend all kokomo ties got their drugs while in town ... recently visited one on weekly trips for driving and delivering for lowes Tony cline ... here soon about to piss a few wanna be singers and production aka companies off ;) some these singers gping by stage name oh ive got a hand full real names and the facts don't lie the use the aka stage name to hide their real name for a reason.... but some wont like it when ones who know them coughed up their real names ... by time all 74 cases are dropped the full graphing and network its already done saves clouds more then one and got trusted ones with acess in event something happens to me editing done or not it drops forst the 34 or so cases ive named on my community wall wait til some these singers and oh a group flaunting their crimes making a dpcuseries now on Amazon few others oh yeah its that sick the aka singers real identity but using stage name pages to be buddies with their friends and ring they all belong to oh its all been seen

 @CriminalNetwork  lovely thing is no one knows what congressional reps im talking to and what committees they belong to not just that but another agency im talking to and with lovely thing no one knows who I am or am not talking to law wise nor who the lawsuits are going to be on and when those federal lawsuits will drop nor what is contained lot in leaving out even on the case break down public information only will be shown the harder intel I know what I can and can't say and well public information is one thing . Can easily break that all down  and stay within legal laws and not break any with whats said know my laws know my rights ... and damn well at that so know extent is crossing the line saying to much so know where to draw line and only LE and legal will know like my federal lawyer... trust me I've made damn sure this castle of glass not blown of sand gets hit with one hell of a geronimo it falls that glass mwth castle and sex and human trafficking goes down in full no matter what ! Also reason the video  im working on drops here soon not going to be anything like before but making sure it is publicly known and lists a few things so its known anything happens to me I did not do it myself not of that mindset nor wish to die . But threats to my life ones who did it actions taken against me the stalking the tampering its been even on youtube world tyler and others let that be known like one the dealers and his family 2018 raids in response a question by me and what I said on my page made post got asked some gay shit today ... what real name is this isn't it think I didn't add two and two kept last name going by nick name now on social wife kept same name as in raid with you and oh im an idiot... but yeah comes to some local rappers and singers be surprised who and what I know on who ... I shock some the most unsuspecting ones coming poking ... know few go back to some you may know ... who knows what I can see off quick glance

Now smart thing I've done is my cloud and other accounts are connected to more then one biological electronic device to my devices lets say like a dead man switch im given a amount of time to put proper password and biological pass code it will ask for ... its set up all my devices moment I flat line its a dead man's switch set up to get the intel where it needs and all hard copies where they need to go back up ones ive trusted served with 3 of these people also how I got help gear and arsenal but here recent events got more protections around me and ones I know what no one knows is who working with now and on what one national and one international investigative reporter with well known names are of two who have it all ... so yeah actions on me further theres already been actions by ring on myself as well as family ones around me already done made this personal not just what I was and who I was it for ... when actions again me and a toddler tried to run me and her down knowing I'm a cripple easy target that didn't work so shortly after the issues front porch leading up few weeks later all them armed and on film audio including the 911 call I recorded that call among others including when I got the king pin famiky names ;) but yeah there is cases outside of indiana tied back to this ring and many times some who moved to those states showing around cases in that state 10 states now ... and more then one person law wise has it 

.. geronimo is bigger then indiana wise 10 states then one invoved karena delphi allowed to re victimize didn't help with one who Florida attorney General went after Daniel metz and his partners like sitting proscutor howard county same bs Florida went after him took that and came used New rehab best of both worlds momwy drug sales and related clients its revolving door money cleaning and fake helping addicts former employees speaking up on federal record now is amazing


#delphi #delphimurders #truecrime #abbyandlibby #libbyandabby #bradholder #patrickwestfall #elvisfields #richardallen #ronlogan #searchwarrant #dandulin #loganmaxwell #cvs #indiana #doublemurder #delphicase #libertyandabigail #abigailandliberty #libertygerman #abigailwilliams #monon #mononhighbridgetrail #walkingtrail #delphiindiana #thebridgeguy #bridgeguy #indianastatepolice #sheriffliggett #deathcertificates #murdered #innocent #snapchat #kegankline #breannamaxwell #tonykline #walkingtrail #truecrimecommunity #murder #unsolvedmurders #truecrimeobsessed #podcast #coldcase #coldcases #missing #mystery #libbygerman #abbywilliams #mononhighbridge #fannypack #caseupdate #downthehill #crime #serialkiller #horror #serialkillers #truecrimefan #truecrimedaily #gagorder #abigail #liberty #abby #libby #crimescene #criminalhistory #wabashriver #souvenirs #affidavit #insideedition #guilty #notguilty #coercedconfession #maximumsecurityprison #nikkolerobertson #fbi #isp #volunteers #ballistics #40cal #coverup #phonelocation #dna #mushroom #lsd #publicenemy #1 #fibers #unidentifiedhair #goodoleboys #ducttape #personal #tonyliggett #tobiasleazenby #mikethomas #dougcarter #nicholasmcleland #clintmcleland #ryanmears #jameschadwell #danielnations #johnweaver #derrickgerman #codypatty #joeysandifur #danielpearson #mikepatty #beckypatty #ivanbrumbaugh #darylbrumbaugh #ericalter #randygravitt #davidlucas #jasonjensen #robertives #rhondalogan #jeannielogan #olivialogan #jessesnyder #shaneevans #brittanyzapanta #craighrentfrow #kkk #rodabrams #johnnymesser #sarahleazenby #rebeccamesser #garettkirts #nedsmith #joshuarobinson #florafire #raciallymotivated #odinite #odinites #odinists #hoosierstateskinheads #hammerskins #vinlanders #vinlanderssocialclub #americanguard #kukluxklan #skinheads #aryannation #odin #pagan #whitesupremacy #whitepower #vikings #runes #woods #brienjames #outlawvinlanders #ritualistickilling #dougcarter #nicholasmcleland #mcleland #corruption #delphipd #carrollcounty #carrollcountysheriffs #gaylinrose #tracierose #keyana #keyara #kerriele #kionnie #arson #searchwarrant #quashed #suppressed #inadmissible #judgediener #judgegull #unreasonablesearch #indianacorrectionalofficers #westvillecorrectionalfacility #prison #trial #idoc #odinism #whitenationalists #bloodtribe #racewar #spencerkingery 


Dusty Crum said…
Well I agree with you wholeheartly, but I have one or two more things to add to it that I think you missed.For one I'll start with the odd things Becky Patty did in the six years of the case either seen and heard in interviews and once heard by others at the trails . Your right that Becky knew from the beginning who had the girls , maybe not the individual/individuals but the group . Why, because when Mike first arrived at the trails that day Feb.13,2017 at 5:00 pm Becky was over heard saying to him ,"They have our girl/girls." That to me shows knowledge of her knowing there was a threat. Which I believe were all members and friends in the Kokomo Drug Dealers Crew/Sons of Odin/Odinist/Vinlanders/etc.. Hate Groups and their reasons for the murders were the retribution for Derrick German snitching on their main members to LE causing them to lose alot of money !If you haven't noticed the big fat elephant in the room that's been missing since 2017 is Derrick German .Where has his ass been all these years and why has he not been at none of the press conferences not a one. Because he's in hiding supposedly in the family basement ? Maybe , maybe not.But why has the one family member who was not only first to miss them and Libby's father not say one word to help find her in all this time. Also why did Derrick or Tara not ask Cheyenne and Cheryl if they had seen the girls as they walked past them leaving? Why did Derrick go down the 505 trail instead of to the Freedom Bridge entrance ? Was it because he knew well the hidden spot under the bridge that was used by the drug dealers and users in Carroll Co. ? He should he was busted there . Why also would Becky think it was a good spot for the girls , Kelsie and Libby to hang out at rather than all the other trails that are connected to parks and recreational areas knowing Derrick and his buddies a gals partner there ? Was the drug use and dealing so ingrained in their family members and friends lives that it was the norm ? Was Becky protecting Derrick by feeding us a false narrative and is that she had such a hard time remembering it was because it was . Is that was she sent someone secret messages during her interview in Libby's bedroom like showing the book "I Promise Not To Tell " book .Mike Patty throwing White Supremist signs during their interview in their kitchen. And what was all that Masonic signing throwing during interviews and press conferences between him and , Holeman , FBI agent Daviss even Superintendent Doug Carter at the 2019 presser.Slap your head one more time Doug . Holeman signed so many times he must have been doing some form of majek to make us believe the shit that Mike was laying down possibly ? Now add this to what you already wrote and it will be perfect.
Anonymous said…
The lawyers were removed for a legitimate reason: leaking evidence from a murder trial.
Anonymous said…
.5 miles from the bridge. If that is where the bodies were found seems very risky. Yet on the 13th that spot had been cleared till the next day at noon. I believe that the girls couldnt be dead when they were searching the woods on the 13th.22 hours later there bodies were found posed. Libby's phone pinged the tower at 1pm on the 13th. What about the time stamp on the video? If this is the case why would it not have pinged again on that same tower. We know that Ron Logan's phone pinged the tower 20 meters from where the bodies were posed. Where were they held between time take to time posed
The police chief called off the search that night of the 13th. Why? Could he actually be involved? Someone posed the bodies after the search was called off.
If you look at Ron Logan he had the ability to hide the girls for the time in question. In the bridge video the ball cap looks camouflaged. Also the step which was taken on the video looks like a slip or a drunken step. How long was the video on the bridge? At the end of Crime Nation they said Ron died due to covid. He was the only one able to hide the girls during that 22 hrs. Also he would of known when they called off the search. Thus able to move the girls and then killed them.
As for Keigan he is a pedophile. If he was involved there would of been pictures on his phone or computer yet nothing was ever found.
Now third suspect Richard Allen he was there. He stated that whwn police took his first statement. He is also not tall enough in the video to be tje bridge guy.
Now let's look at Sheriff Tobe Leazendy. Take off his uniform put him in street clothes he could also look like the suspect.
I don't believe the girls went willingly, that they could of run but something was stopping them,thus the gun. Also the video has it been scrutinized? Or taken apart. The voice on the video was too muffled by the wind.

Anonymous said…
I wrote a statement about how my ex husband was in a cult and how he was the man on the tracks. How this cult hurts people. How he works on cell towers ND owns a cell tower simulator. ISP put me in jail. Said It was harassment. I wrote this in Sept of 22. A yr before his defense team said anything. My ex worked in delphi all the time. This is covered up and I fear for my life. They make sure no one listens to you