Showing posts with label Earth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earth. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2025

2032 - Asteroid Hits Earth


In 2032 an asteroid will hit our planet. The way I see it, we have over 6 years to enjoy our lives on earth. The asteroid is large enough to wipe out all civilization on this planet, like, bye bye. Cya, hasta luego. Life is precious. Seize the day folks, every single day.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Why Is Everything Perfectly Round?


Why is everything perfectly round? To this day I have not heard an answer that explains it logically to me. Off top, I'm an uneducated felon, tryna learn. 
(still working on this)

Friday, January 10, 2025

Climate Change - Is it happening? Yes, it always has.

- Climate Change -

I'm no rocket scientist, but as an uneducated felon, in my opinion, "Climate Change" is simply a label used to generate funding. The Earth and Mother Nature are two things I believe we don't need to worry about. When the Ice Age was happening, were people calling it climate change? No. It seems many disasters follow patterns. Just because we mark a specific date as the "first day of fall" doesn't mean Mother Nature adheres to our calendar. The Earth is magical, yes, but can we really control how nature runs its course? This planet has been here for billions of years, and it will likely be here for another billion. We should be thankful we got a chance to have a "parking spot" on this big, flying water ball. Imagine an asteroid—like the universe's way of saying, "Hold up, these people on Earth in 2025 are crazy AF!" Many people seem willing to watch the world burn. "Climate change" may sound like a cool label, but in reality, it's just the Earth doing what it was made to do. Mother Nature doesn't run on mankind's clock. As if we call all the shots around here. No we don't.

signed: Alexander Fuckov - 1/10/25

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Other Side of the Moon

The other side of the Moon. It's fascinating how everything around us—whether it's stars, planets, or other celestial bodies—spins in space, some faster, some slower. Yet, the Moon is different. We can never see its far side from Earth, which raises an intriguing question: why is that? We’re aboard this habitable, water-covered ball, hurtling through space, spinning endlessly. What could be on the other side of the Moon? Who knows—maybe a hidden satellite or some mysterious mechanism controlling the planet. It seems strange that in a universe where everything spins and rotates, the Moon remains locked in such a way that it only shows us one face. It’s a curious mystery that rattles the mind.


chatgpt question. If everything in space is spinning, why don't we ever see the other side of the moon?

The reason we always see the same side of the Moon from Earth is because the Moon is tidally locked to our planet.

Here’s how it works: The Moon rotates on its axis, but it takes the exact same amount of time to complete one rotation as it does to orbit Earth. This is about 27.3 days. Because of this synchronous rotation, the same side of the Moon is always facing us, while the other side remains hidden.

This tidal locking happened over millions of years due to the gravitational interaction between Earth and the Moon. Earth's gravity has slowly slowed the Moon’s rotation, eventually causing it to synchronize its rotation period with its orbit.

So, even though both the Moon and Earth are spinning, the Moon's rotation is "locked" in sync with its orbit around Earth, keeping one side turned towards us at all times.

The other side of the Moon, often called the "far side" (but not the "dark side," since it gets sunlight, too!), wasn't seen by humans until the Soviet Luna 3 spacecraft took the first photos of it in 1959.

2032 - Asteroid Hits Earth

  In 2032 an asteroid will hit our planet. The way I see it, we have over 6 years to enjoy our lives on earth. The asteroid is large enough ...