UPDATE 1/19/2025-- A few reputable people reached out to me and hopefully they could get in touch with Nick Wolf and/or his family. I am never giving up. John Ramsey should rightfully be able to obtain the foreign DNA recovered at the crime scene and entered into CODIS, but the Boulder Police Department, who has not solved the case in over 29 years, refuses to part with it. This case has been solvable for decades.
The following information was obtained from the Colorado Bureau of Investigations, specifically from ex-CBI Agent Bob Sexton, who worked in the Special Crimes Unit. This information was confirmed and corroborated by Susan "Jameson" Bennett regarding the unsolved murder of JonBenét Ramsey. Both Sexton and Bennett acquired their insights from notes left behind by Detective Lou Smit (RIP) and Private Investigator Ollie Gray (RIP), both of whom had Nicholas Leo Wolf high on their list of possible suspects. Additional details about Wolf's life were gathered through our own investigation. Currently, Wolf, born on December 5, 1943, is 81 years old and living in Baudette, Minnesota.
- (1) Nick Wolf was identified as a possible suspect early in the case.
- (2) A nun from his church reported that Nick was acting strangely immediately after the murder.
- (3) The nun mentioned that they gave Nick a pair of Hitec boots from the donation box.
- (4) During his time in Boulder, Colorado, Nick lived at his church on the Abbey.
- (5) Nick has never been tested or cleared using his DNA.
- (6) Family members have stated that Nick was a known pedophile.
- (7) In a police tape recording, the nun recalled Nick saying about JonBenét, "That girl got what she deserved."
- (8) On December 26, 1996, the day after the murder, Nick removed the Minnesota license plates from his green Jeep and spray-painted it primer in a rented storage facility, despite the cold Colorado winter.
- (9) He then placed the Jeep inside an enclosed car trailer and never drove it again, selling it a couple of months later.
- (10) Nick left Boulder shortly after the murder.
- (11) He is an ex-military member who served in the Air Force from 1961 to 1965.
- (12) Beaver hairs recovered from the crime scene and on JonBenét's body can be traced back to Nick.
- (13) Nick was born and raised in the St. Boniface Catholic Church community and grew up on the abbey.
- (14) He graduated high school in 1961 from St. Boniface High School. (SBHS)
- (15) At St. Boniface High School, Nick was a member of the Typing Club run by his teacher, Sister Cathel. (SBTC)
- (16) In the 1940s, the United States Air Force adopted the motto "Victory by Valor."
- (17) Both Detective Lou Smit (RIP) and Private Investigator Ollie Gray (RIP) included Nick high on their suspect lists.
- (18) Nick has been completely off the grid and missing since 1997.
- (19) No missing persons report has ever been filed for Nick.
- (20) There is no death certificate on file for him.
- (21) Nick is openly gay and bisexual.
- (22) It has been reported that Nick lives in a small, secluded cabin in Minnesota, very close to the Canadian border.
- (23) Since the murder, Nick has never been interviewed or questioned by law enforcement or the media.
- (24) Nick Wolf's daughter, Jenny Fisher, has expressed to authorities that she is convinced her father was responsible for JonBenét Ramsey's murder. His ex-wife, Lois (Wolf) Gard, is the mother of Jenny Fisher.
- (25) Nick is currently 81 years old and living in Baudette, Minnesota.
- (26) To date, no arrest record has ever been found for Nick Wolf, which may explain why he is not listed in CODIS or any other national DNA database.

Note: Please understand, that even with all these findings, obtained from very reputable sources, including a Detective, a Private Investigator, an Ex-CBI Agent & a very well known sleuth named, "Jameson," nobody seems to wanna believe me, or even hear me out.... Nick murdered that girl.... For well over 8 years now, the Boulder Police Department & the Boulder County District Attorney's Office have completely ignored me & went so far as to block all of my emails.... The Boulder PD, the District Attorney's Office, Crime Stoppers or the Tipline have never replied to me with an email or a phonecall to this day, 1/19/2024.... If it's an Open Investigation, according to BPD, than why aren't any tips or leads being followed up on for decades...? I am but one voice.... Please help by sharing this, so JonBenet could get the final word & most importantly, Justice....! We at least owe her that.... Like Lou Smit said, so people could quit cashing in on those little girls bones....
The only agency that ever responded back to me was CBI, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, requesting records & I was always directed to the Boulder Police Department....
Plot Twist: Dear Boulder Police Department, my name is Alexander Zabel Jr. dob 12/29/1971 & the Maglite Flashlight associated with the JonBenet Ramsey Murder Investigation, inscribed with serial# D37248748, is Registered to Me & I'm humbly requesting for it's prompt return. You could keep the batteries. The flashlight was originally purchased in Denver, Colorado, and you can verify all of this information through the Maglite Corporation. What if I told you that I've known Nick Wolf for well over 30 years? Would you listen to me then? Thank you for your time.
- A L O N E W O L F M A K E S H I S O W N F O O T P R I N T S -
Don't you all find it strange that 27 years have gone by since her death, yet, you have never even heard of the name Nick Wolf before when it comes to the JonBenet Ramsey Case...? It is now an established fact that he was a suspect early on in the case & Nick Wolf was high up on the Possible Suspect Lists left behind by Detective Lou Smit & Private Investigator Ollie Gray.... If you know anything about the Ramsey Case, that should tell you enough.... In addition, Nick Wolf's DNA has Never been Collected to Verify or Eliminate him as a Suspect.... What the Boulder Police Department tried to sweep under the rug & hoped would go away forever, has come back to haunt them.... Technology was moving a lot faster than the cover-up planned on.... It is painfully & sadly obvious that the Boulder Police Department does not want this case solved....
- G E N E T I C G E N E A L O G Y & F A M I L I A L D N A -
The Idaho Stabbing Murder Suspect Bryan Kohberger was not on any national DNA database when the murders occurred.... With DNA taken from the knife sheath left behind at the crime scene, Kohberger was identified in 17 days using Genetic Genealogy.... So the Boulder Police Department has run out of excuses.... This case has been solvable for decades....
- D I S G R A C E D B. P. D. O F F I C E R T H O M A S T R U J I L L O -
Boulder Police Department's Commander, Thomas Trujillo was In Charge of the Ramsey Case & was recently Reprimanded for Misconduct for not doing any work on that case & others since 2019.... Punishment: 3 days no pay.... Is this a joke to you all...? Legally, that is Non-Performance of Duty under the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials in Colorado.... You are all Cowards, by every definition of the word.... And that goes for everybody at the Boulder Police Department & the Boulder County District Attorney's Office & the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) & Governor Jared Polis & Mayor Aaron Brockett & D.A. Michael Dougherty & Chief of Police Maris Herold....!
Disgraced Officer Thomas Trujillo has actually been involved with the Ramsey Case since day 1.... Something that most people don't know is that Trujillo was told to stand down soon after the murder when he was found stalking & harassing young Burke Ramsey.... Something is seriously wrong with that man.... Now that he is no longer on the case after 26 years, the entire world can smile....
- E V E R Y B O D Y F A I L E D T H E R A M S E Y F A M I L Y -
If the Boulder Police Department honestly thinks everyone is gonna sit around & wait another 27 years for them to solve this case, than they must think we are all idiots.... Reminder: This was an Unforgivable, Intentional, Brutal Torture & Killing of an Innocent Young Girl & it remains Unsolved to this day & in 1996, that was the only homicide in Boulder, Colorado.... JonBenét Ramsey & her family deserved better than this....

- C A S T OF C H A R A C T E R S -
The fact that just about everyone involved in the case, family members, friends, acquaintances, ex-employees & neighbors have all been cleared through DNA, must mean that it was someone the Ramsey's did Not know.... A stranger must have murdered JonBenét.... In 2023 a picture of Nick Wolf was shown to John Ramsey & he confirmed he does not know him and does not remember ever seeing him....
- W O L F I N S H E E P ' S C L O T H I N G -
Stranger on stranger crime.... Not sure where JonBenét caught Nick's eye, whether it be church, or a pageant, or parked on the Ramsey's street, but she became his obsession....
- P A C K O F W O L V E S -
Random Fact: In the Ramsey case there are many people with the last name Wolf, somehow connected to the case, however, none of them know each other & none are related.... There's Christian Wolf - Nicholas Wolf - Michael Wolf - & Denise Wolf.... Cleared Suspect Christian Wolf actually sued the Ramsey's for defamation of character for naming him in their book. Court Case- (Wolf vs. Ramsey)....
- R A N S O M N O T E D E C I P H E R E D -
One thing nobody has ever done in the history of the Ramsey case is decipher the Ransom Note.... So not only must the DNA match the UM1, but the suspect & the ransom note must be connected as well.... Not just some of the note, but the entire thing.... Not speculation on how it was written & no handwriting experts, but the actual substance of the ransom note & why it was written.... We feel we have completely deciphered the ransom note from beginning to end....
- P R E - W R I T T E N -
Not only did Nick know she was dead when he left her in the wine cellar, but he still neatly placed the ransom note on the spiral staircase as he left.... He knew he was going to kill her and leave her there from the start, because he most likely didn't have a place to take her, & why would he take her, when he already got what he wanted & exactly what he came for...?
- G E O G R A P H I C A L T I M E S C A L E F O R N I C K W O L F -
MINNESOTA - Birth 1943 to 1992 = 49 Years....
COLORADO -1993 to 1997 = 4 Years....
MINNESOTA -1997 to Current = 27 Years....
- 1943 - Born December 5....
- 1961 - Graduated high school....
- 1961 - Air Force.. Served 4 years....
- 1965 - Married....
- 1989 - Divorced....
- 1993 - Moved to Boulder, Colorado....
- 1996 - Death of JonBenét Ramsey....
- 1997 - Moved back to Minnesota....
- 1997 - to Current: 100% off the grid....
- 2024 - Currently 81 years old....
- S T B O N I F A C E C A T H O L I C C H U R C H -
Nick Wolf was born into the St. Boniface Catholic Church (SBCC) & went to high school at St. Boniface High School (SBHS) & was also in the St. Boniface Typing Club (SBTC).... His entire life, including all of his family members were raised around the St. Boniface Catholic Church & the SB letters, all linked back to Minnesota....
- D I V E R S I O N F O R H I S P E R V E R S I O N -
Nick didn't plan on taking her out of the house & he never intended to call & get the ransom money.... A complete diversion of his sick perversion.... He obviously had plenty of time alone in the house that evening waiting for the Ramsey's to get home.... The lengthy ransom note didn't seem rushed at all when it was written.... Quite the opposite....
- T H E R A N S O M N O T E -
When dealing with ransom notes in a kidnap for ransom, it's been said that they will portray themselves the opposite of who they really are.... Nick's entire life has been encompassed around the Church, yet there is not one thing religious or spiritual written in the note.... He is disassociating himself from who is doing this & cleverly placing the blame elsewhere, especially towards John & the family.... Not one cuss word was used in the entire note.... He can't disassociate himself from every aspect of his being, so using cuss words isn't in his comfort zone.... Despite the substance of the note, it was actually written in a nice tone.... For the most part, besides the military overtones throughout, the rest of the note can be attributed to many different ransom & vigilante type action movies from the 70's, 80's & 90's....
- I T W A S N E V E R A K I D N A P F O R R A N S O M -
If it was a real kidnap for ransom, & he was already able to grab her out of her bed & get her downstairs without waking anybody up, then why continue to the basement....? He could've gone out of any door he wanted, but he didn't.... The motive was completely sexual in nature.... Acting out his sick fantasy, knowing he was going to kill her....
- B I G G E S T C L U E I N T H E C A S E -
If JonBenét was dead before he left & after using gloves & leaving no fingerprints, & wiping the body down, why would he leave so much evidence behind such as a ransom note....? It's by far the biggest clue in the case.... Nick didn't have to leave the note, & if he already did, he could have grabbed the note as he was leaving, but he didn't.... Instead, he placed it neatly on the spiral staircase.... That diversion obviously had to be done, in order to buy some time & for the ruse to work.... All of the calamity surrounding the ransom note & the entire case was to cover up why it even happened: Self Gratification.... Nothing more, nothing less.... So far it has worked for over 27 years....
- C L E V E R B U T N O T A R T I C U L A T E -
Although the ransom note was extremely clever, it wasn't articulate.... A couple misspellings, speaking in 1st & 3rd person, & a couple run off sentences.... He knew of the Ramsey's, but didn't personally know the Ramsey's.... Most of the personal information found on the note, connected to John & the family, could've easily been found snooping around the house & going through John's desk & his records.... The name "JonBenét" was never mentioned one time in the 3 page ransom note.... Nick might've known her name was JonBenét, but most likely didn't know how to spell it.... The only things on the ransom note actually connecting the family is: The killer knew the family was wealthy & that the fathers name is Mr. John Ramsey & that he's married, & that he has a daughter, & the specific number $118k.... Nothing else....
- A L L B Y D E S I G N -
Some say the ransom note was vengeful, perhaps even an ex employee, but that was all part of the plan.... How many ways can you point your finger in a different direction, was by design, as well as the overall theme of the note....
- K E E P T H E W O L V E S A T B A Y -
The most brilliant thing Nick did with the ransom note was make it personal, even though him & the Ramsey's didn't even know each other.... And personal enough to blame John for what happened, by not following the rules, & that the killer was only doing his job.... The killer already knew John wouldn't be able to follow all the countless, detailed, make believe instructions on the note.... In reality, nothing was John's fault at all.... Him & his family woke up to a nightmare that forever changed their lives.... Nick even made the ransom note personal enough to make most people think, to this very day, that the killer wasn't a stranger, but someone who knew the family.... Simple yet brilliant....
- T H E S I G N A T U R E -
When Nick decided on a signature for the ransom note, it was simple.... SB something, being that St. Boniface was his upbringing in Minnesota, so nobody would make the connection all the way in Colorado.... Perhaps he underestimated how big the case would become.... Big enough that someone finally connected the dots 26 years later....
- T R I G G E R I N G E V E N T -
It's textbook.... JonBenet's killer likely had a similar event prior to the murder.... Divorce.... Termination.... Break-up.... Family Trouble.... Something made him finally act out on his fantasy....
- T H E O N E & O N L Y R E A S O N -
The killer wrote the ransom note hours before the murder & the one & only thing on his mind, was sexual in nature.... Someone did not show up to extort money from the Ramsey's & somehow messed up by murdering the girl on accident.... Nick Wolf is a sexual deviant.... It's the only reason he broke into the Ramsey home.... It's the only reason he patiently waited for the parents to fall asleep.... It's the only reason he abducted her out of her bed.... And It's the only reason there was a girl found murdered in her own home....
- R E A L M O T I V E : S E L F - G R A T I F I C A T I O N -
It wasn't about money, it wasn't a friend, it wasn't an enemy, it wasn't about revenge, it wasn't about jealousy or envy, or someone disgruntled from work, it wasn't a pedophile older brother, or a mom that got mad, or a little brother throwing a fit with a maglite.... It was a sick & very twisted grown man that acted out on his pedophilic impulses.... It's pretty sad to think that an innocent 6 year old girl was tortured & strangled, sodomized & murdered & simply for an urge & 15 seconds of self pleasure.... Sociopathic, psychopath, narcissistic, pedophile....
- T H E U N M E N T I O N E D -
If you noticed, a lot of things were never even mentioned in these findings, being that they weren't necessarily needed while trying to solve the case.... Please note: They are all still very important, but a lot of them become more of a distraction from analyzing the most important evidence & facts in the case.... Avoid the countless rabbit holes if at all possible....
The Unmentioned: The Bowl of Pineapple, Beauty Pageants, the Stun Gun, Secret Santa, Point of Entry, the Flashlight, Duct Tape, the Grand Jury, the 911 Call, Access Graphics or John's Bonus Check, the Paintbrush, Burkes Swiss Army Knife, Footprints in the Snow, Contents of JonBenét's Stomach, the Basement Window, the Blue Suitcase, Bedwetting, the Wine Cellar, the Garrotte, Barbie Dolls, or Handwriting Experts.... And most importantly, it was Solved without having to use the UM1 Foreign Male DNA that was Collected from the Crime Scene & Entered Into CODIS.... Just good ole detective work & some late night sleuthing, that's all.... The UM1 will match Nick Wolf....
1106 22nd Ave NW Baudette, Minnesota 56623
- P L E A S E S H A R E -
Help Bring JonBenét Ramsey's Killer To JUSTICE....!
He knew she was dead when the killer left the house, yet he still left the ransom note neatly on the staircase, a note painting the killer as someone who knew the Ramseys, in an attempt to cover up his tracks, after acting out on his sick fantasy and self gratifying himself. He had to kill her, so as to not leave any witnesses behind.
Stranger - Intruder - Sexual Deviant - Child Predator - Obsessive - Meth Induced Psychosis - Movie Buff - Religious - Outsider - Loner - Blends In - Meticulous - Handi-Man - Bi-Sexual - Paranoid Schizophrenic - Very Patient - Not a Family Man - Ex-Military - Skipped Town after Murder - Divorced - Sociopathic - Psychopath - Narcissistic - Pedophile - Animal Killer - Bed Wetter - Fire Starter - No Soul
Could very possibly have a dungeon like room hidden on his property with kidnapped victim or victims, dead or alive.

#JonBenetRamsey #StNick #NickWolf #JonBenet #ForeverYoung #SaintNick #Unsolved #ColdCase #Boulder #Colorado #BPD #Update #FBI #SantaClaus #NicholasWolf #Christmas #Murder #StBoniface #TeamGAAC #LowTownRecords #CriminalNetwork #TrueCrime #InvestigativeReporting #JusticeForJonBenet #SBTC #Kidnap #StNicolas #StNicholas #CatholicChurch #JohnRamsey #PatsyRamsey #BurkeRamsey #MarisHerold #JaredPolis #GovernorPolis #AaronBrockett #MayorBrockett #GovernorJaredPolis #MayorAaronBrockett #Boulder #Colorado #BoulderColorado #Homicide #BPD #BoulderPD #BoulderPolice #BoulderPoliceDept #CoverUp #Corruption #Widespread #BoulderCounty #JennyFisher #JohnGard #LoisGard #LoisWolf #GeneticGenealogy #DNA #FamilialDNA #CeceMoore #RamseyCase #GrandJury #DistrictAttorney #MichaelDougherty #Cowards #AirForce #AccessGraphics #AlexHunter #AlexZabel #Ancestry #AltarBoy #Attache #BabyDoe #BabyJaneDoe #BeautyPageants #BeaverHair #BlueSuitcase #BobSexton #Boeing #BoyScout #CarrieSacher #CBI #CCPMW #Charlevoix #ChildPredator #ChrisHansen #CindyMarra #CityofBoulder #Clearbrook #Baudette #ColdSpring #ColinWolf #CourtRecords #CrimeCon #CrimeCon2023 #CrimeScene #CSU #DailyCamera #Daughter #DeerHunter #Denver #DenverPost #DieHard #DirtyHarry #Diversion #DrSeuss #Evidence #ExMilitary #FamilySecret #FatCat #ForeignFaction #Garrotte #GEDMatch #GreenJeep #Hitec #HitecBoots #HomicideSuspect #InternalAffairs #Intruder #Investigation #IsaacWolf #Jameson #JaneHarmer #JayElowsky #Jeep #JenniferFisher #JenniferLynn #JohnAndrew #JohnKenady #KaitlynWolf #KerryYamaguchi #KidnapForRansom #Killer #KnightsOfColumbus #LawEnforcement #LeonWolf #CarolWolf #LHP #LindaHoffmanPugh #ListenCarefully #LittleMissColorado #Lockheed #LockheedMartin #Longmont #LongmontNews #LouSmit #Maglite #MargaretWolf #MarkBeckner #JohnMarkKarr #MaryLacey #MervinPugh #MichaelHelgoth #Minneapolis #Minnesota #Misconduct #ThomasTrujillo #ModusOperandi #MostWanted #Motive #SelfGratification #MurderByNumbers #MurderSuspect #Nick #Wolf #NickOfTime #Nightmare #NoJusticeNoPeace #PrivateInvestigator #OllieGray #PackOfWolves #Pedophile #Pervert #Perversion #Pineapple #PoliceReports #PriscillaWhite #FleetWhite #PughCrewTheory #PughCrew #Ramsey #Ransom #RansomNote #RobinHoodTheory #RockyMountain #RockyMountainNews #RonGosage #RuthlessPeople #SaintBoniface #StBonifaceCatholicChurch #StBonifacius #Samsonite #SantaMcReynolds #SerialKiller #SexualDeviant #SexualPredator #ShannonCarbone #SidWells #Signature #PerfectMurderPerfectTown #Sicko #SilverBay #Speed #Staging #StearnsCounty #StevenGigax #SteveThomas #StunGun #SusanBennett #TeamSmit #ThayneSmika #TheFugitive #TheDeerHunter #Theory #Theories #TraceeWolf #TraceeVettingWolf #TypingClub #UM1 #Unfiltered #Victory #Vigilante #VoiceoftheChildren #WidespreadCorruption #WineCellar #WolfPack #BonitaPapers #BillMcReynolds #CandyCane #CarnesOrder #48Hours #ChrisWolf #ChristianWolf #MurderMystery #DarnayHoffman #DeathofInnocence #Disgruntled #DonaldPaugh #Nun #GlennMeyer #Hitman #JackieDilson #JacquelineDilson #Jaguar #PrimeSuspect #MichaelTracy #Autopsy #JanetMcReynolds #JeffMerrick #Reward #RansomMoney #LinWood #LindaArndt #LindaWilcox #NancyKrebs #NedraPaugh #Neighbors #Alley #GwenBoykin #MackieBoykin #Parade #ParadeFloat #RedHerring #SantaBear #SearchWarrant #SecretSanta #ShirleyBrady #Housekeeper #Deposition #SuzanneSavage #SuspectList #Detective #TomCarson #WebbSleuths #aCandyrose #Flight755 #Clever #Articulate #SavedByTheCross #SignedByTheCaptain #Clue #Clues #SlowBoatToChina #StPaul #SignedBozoTheClown
- P L E A S E S H A R E -