Showing posts with label 2025. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2025. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2025

Climate Change - Is it happening? Yes, it always has.

- Climate Change -

I'm no rocket scientist, but as an uneducated felon, in my opinion, "Climate Change" is simply a label used to generate funding. The Earth and Mother Nature are two things I believe we don't need to worry about. When the Ice Age was happening, were people calling it climate change? No. It seems many disasters follow patterns. Just because we mark a specific date as the "first day of fall" doesn't mean Mother Nature adheres to our calendar. The Earth is magical, yes, but can we really control how nature runs its course? This planet has been here for billions of years, and it will likely be here for another billion. We should be thankful we got a chance to have a "parking spot" on this big, flying water ball. Imagine an asteroid—like the universe's way of saying, "Hold up, these people on Earth in 2025 are crazy AF!" Many people seem willing to watch the world burn. "Climate change" may sound like a cool label, but in reality, it's just the Earth doing what it was made to do. Mother Nature doesn't run on mankind's clock. As if we call all the shots around here. No we don't.

signed: Alexander Fuckov - 1/10/25

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

At The End Of The Day

- At The End Of The Day -

Dear World,

Is it just me, or is this being used a little too much nowadays? It fits into any convo and in so many places, so its an easy filler, because at the end of the day, anything will fit, so i put a comma.

Now on when I'm telling a story, I'm gonna say, "at the beginning of the morning" i pass gas to release tension. or whatever, anything.....

Before the end of the day, mark these words, because from now on you will notice how many people from all walks of life say, "at the end of the day." Some people can use it at will, 6 or 7 different times.

Lets Put This On Blast, keep it short and sweet, cuz At the End of the Day, SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY.

At the beginning of the morning, I had coffee and made some art as a reminder of this moment, cuz at the end of the day, I go to sleep sometimes. Chale, pump your breaks philosopher "listen to my voice" 

On this day, January 7, 2025 is now the official day that it has been spoken. 
Alexander Fuckov - January 7, 2025

2032 - Asteroid Hits Earth

  In 2032 an asteroid will hit our planet. The way I see it, we have over 6 years to enjoy our lives on earth. The asteroid is large enough ...