JonBenét Ramsey - Robin Hood Theory

-Why stage a kidnap for ransom if she was already dead and left in the house.? Money wasn't the real motive.. And after she was dead, it was still very important that the ransom note was left behind.. A Diversion HAD to be done because if it's somebody the Ramsey's knew, they would most likely be in the pool of possible suspects, or witnesses.. And not only a diversion pointing away from themselves, but foreshadowing that the parents would be the most likely suspects.. Leaving her in the house.. Using Patsy's Notepad and pens.. Trying to imitate Patsy's handwriting.. Nothing of value was stolen.. The new Jaguar and Jeep Cherokee in the garage were worth more then the $118k dollar ransom money that was requested..

-Just like JonBenet wasn't killed by accident, neither was the 911 call placed on December 23.. Whoever was there that day and dialed 911, is either the killer, or heavily involved in the killing.. Coincidences like that don't just happen, and the fact that this 911 call was placed from the Ramsey home 3 days before the murder, means it has to be connected.. And out of the 35 or so adults at the party that day on the 23rd, Clifford Gaston, Bill Cox and Fleet White are currently on the radar.. Cliff and Bill were there without their significant others, Alyson Schoeny and Heather Cox.. They were Christmas shopping.. Supposedly and admittedly, Fleet White claims he made the accidental 911 call on December 23.. He didn't butt dial 911 on his cell phone on accident.. He "accidentally" dialed 911 on a landline, a house phone.. Then why didn't he answer the phone when 911 called right back..? That is hard to believe and too much of a coincidence.. They were probably checking for the response time.. 

-On the 23rd at the Ramsey's party, it was mainly for children, being that they were all working on Ginger bread houses.. On that day, Fleet White was on the phone and taking notes using one of Patsy's notepads and pen.. When he left that day, he admittedly took those 2 items with him.. And strangely enough, on the morning of the 26th, after JonBenet was kidnapped and after Fleet White showed up, he was taking notes for John as to what to do.. When asked later, John thought that he was just being helpful.. Not sure if he grabbed a different pad or if he brought back the one he took, but either way, it's another coincidence involving one of the biggest clues of the entire case.. He also had a template for the ransom note, having took home Patsy's already being used, notepad.. 

-Have you ever been brainstorming about the JonBenet Ramsey Case and thought to yourself, 'Whoever killed JonBenet could've been visiting Boulder for the Holidays, being that no similar crimes were happening before, or after her murder.. No serial killer loose in town.. JonBenet Ramsey's murder was the only murder in Boulder, Colorado in 1996.. And this was an intentional, brutal murder..
-Fleet White had guests visiting for the Holidays from California.. Cliff Gaston, Alyson Schoeny, Bill Cox and Heather Cox.. And we have come to the conclusion, using the power of inference, that Cliff Gaston is the sole killer of JonBenet Ramsey.. Were any of the others involved..? Possibly.. Do they know what happened..? Most likely.. And Fleet White's California guests are also Fleet White's family.. All 6, including Fleet and Priscilla White, coincidentally, all had alibies for each other for the night of the murder..

-If this was a real kidnap for ransom, please allow me to put something in perspective.. If the kidnapper was able to take JonBenet out of her bedroom and take her downstairs without waking anybody in the house up, then they would've easily been able to take her out of the home.. The basement wasn't needed if it was a kidnap for ransom..

-The only reason anybody would've needed to go to the basement if it was a real kidnap for ransom was because of the floor safe in the wine cellar, or why even stick around.? If the ransom note was strictly used as a diversion and not for money, then the floor safe was never even a factor..

-FACT- There was only 2 people who have ever been arrested, with anything involving, or having to do with the JonBenet Ramsey Case, and that is John Mark Karr and Fleet Russell White.. Charges were eventually dropped on Mark Karr, but Fleet White was arrested, charged, convicted and sentenced to 30 days in jail for ignoring a subpoena in connection with a case related to the JonBenet Ramsey Homicide..
-And subsequently, we are pretty sure that Fleet White and Priscilla White could never be arrested, tried or convicted, with anything having to do with JonBenet's Death, even though they were both involved.. Reason being, is that the DA at the time, as well as a couple BPD officers, publicly stated that Fleet and Priscilla are Not considered suspects, only witnesses.. That was politically staged, well put together, and made a mockery of the entire Judicial system for Boulder, Colorado.. Nice move, Fleet White.. Because once it is found that he was involved, trying to prosecute him would be nearly impossible.. It is said that Fleet White has 2 social security numbers, and that it's public knowledge.. Not sure how that could even happen..

-It is also hard to believe the strange coincidence, that Fleet White's father was Nancy Kreb's Mother's Godfather.. Even when proven, after exposing other truths, Nancy was wrongfully shamed.. She had proven she knew Fleet White's family and their known pedophilia.. And even if only some of her stories are true, it is still plenty enough to prove that she was a victim, and that she owned vital information, and she never did it for the money.. Law enforcement should've paid better attention to what she had to say, instead of questioning and interrogating her the entire time as if she was a suspect.. 

-If any of the following four people were not questioned and did not give statements, or hair samples, mouth swabs, handwriting samples, or pass a lie detector test with the police before they went back to California, including, Clifford Gaston, Alyson Schoeny, Bill Cox and Heather Cox.. If this is true, that was a brilliant move by them and just another BoulderPD bumble.. As the shitstorm began, they were long gone, I shit you not.. And it only grew from there into what it is today.. IMO Clifford Gaston singlehandedly outsmarted the entire world for over 25 years.. BTW Cliff Gaston is Heather Cox's Stepfather.. 

-For those that don't know, one of those suspects is one of Fleet White's California visitors known as Heather Cox, who is famous and has worked for ABCSports, NBCSports and ESPN for many years as a Sports Reporter.. It's funny that you won't ever hear her talking about the case.. She knew the Ramseys and JonBenet personally.. And even to this day she calls Fleet White IV her cousin because they are all related.. 

-Something we found crazy, was just how powerful the Cox family is.. They're not just Cox Communications, and Cox Media deep, but they are "Dixie Mafia" deep.. Peep the Wikipedia page.. Delve into the Cox family and Dixie Mafia, rabbit hole.. Good information to know, but once processed, we move on.. 

-Whoever wrote the ransom note was ex-military.. Countermeasures, proper burial, she was wiped down, no fingerprints.. Who would be able to snatch her out of her bed and take her to the basement in stealth, without waking anybody up?.. Clifford Gaston.. Vietnam Vet and helicopter pilot EXTREMELY Decorated.. Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross to name a couple.. Retired Military 1985.. Military didn't begin to collect DNA till 1990.. In Vietnam, Clifford's nose paint on his helicopter had Robin Hood's hat, and it read "Friar Tuck".. Clifford is a self proclaimed Robin Hood, an author and somewhat of a vigilante.. In Vietnam he was in the 173rd Infantry called "Robin Hoods & Crossbows"..

-When the ransom note was written, JonBenet was already dead.. Cliff knew he was going to kill her, but he knew he would be in the pool of likely suspects.. Misdirection, diversion, ransom note and it worked.. It bought him time.. Brilliant, except for that one mistake.. DNA left behind.. After speaking with Jameson and Cindy Marra, Lou Smitt's daughter, supposedly, Cliff Gaston's DNA has been cleared, but Bill Cox's DNA has Not..

-Clifford, Alyson, Bill and Heather knew they weren't going to stay in Boulder long.. The ransom note was slightly disguised handwriting, but nevertheless, it is Gaston's handwriting.. I don't believe his wife Alyson had anything to do with it, but I am pretty sure she at least suspected it.. Cliff is currently 77 and living in Boise, Idaho.. Republican to the core and cold as hell.. Big movie buff..  

-It was a lone killer, ex-military, visiting from out of town, age 35-45 in 1996.. He was obsessed with JonBenet and decided he was going to kill her.. We feel he has done it before, and has since, done it again, but of course there was no need for a ruse for any of the others.. Normally it's stranger on stranger.. This time it was the daughter of his friend's friend and a guy he gives zero shits about.. He knows he would immediately be in the pool of likely suspects.. A fake kidnap for ransom.. By the time he is even considered a possible suspect or a witness, he's already back in California.. He has no feelings.. Sociopath.. Vietnam vet.. Robin Hood, steal from the rich, keep a chunk, and share with the poor.. Clifford Gaston has lived, has connections, or family members, or can be connected to the following states: California, Idaho, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Arizona, New Jersey, Texas, Oregon, Washington and Utah.. Here is his facebook profile: Notice he is non religious, and scroll through his page to see the Moon pics.. That is his God..

-Note- If it was a neighborhood pervert, he would've killed her and left.. Ransom note wasn't needed.. Neighborhood hoodlum wouldn't have needed a diversion.. And for whatever reason, this murder Needed a diversion.. Why would someone need a diversion after killing JonBenet..? And after all the cleaning up of the crime scene, why leave so much evidence behind as a ransom note..? Because he knew her.. And also it is important to point out in the ransom note that it didn't say to not contact the police or the FBI, until the middle of the 2nd page.. Saying that it was obviously not a real kidnap for ransom, but a ruse to buy time..
-If the killer is still alive, he would have a clean record, and definitely no felonies in which his DNA would've been collected.. Cliff is a decorated US Army Vietnam Vet.. He doesn't break laws and get caught.. He is a killer.. And rightfully so.. He served our country and he has killed and saved countless lives, almost dying while doing it.. He is fearless.. He is a cold and calculated killer.. 

-SBTC.. Saved By The Cross, Signed By The Captain.? That would be way too easy.. What if SBTC is not even an Acronym.. It has to be some kind of secret code.. Instead, while searching through Airport Code, we found that there is an Airport in Brazil known as ICAO - However pilots and pilots only have a code for that same airport when they radio in to the tower, and it's SBTC.. Una Airport ICAO Code: SBTC.. Cliff Gaston is a Pilot and received some of his early flight training at the Escola Graduada de Sao Paulo, Brazil.. Check his Facebook Profile.. 

-There was a property search by Boulder Police Officers in 2000 in San Bernardino County with names like: C Gaston Boykin, C O Gaston, C D Gaston, Heather Brown, Heather Cox, Allison Brown, Tom Carson, Mark Beckner, Roy Romer, and John Eller on the reports.. Which makes Nancy Krebs story more than just believable.. Fleet White II was Gwen's Godfather and that is an established fact that shows a clear link to Nancy.. And anybody who knows the case, knows that there are other names on that search warrant that are suspect.. Tom Carson, Cliff Gaston and Boykin.. 

-Fleet White II’s high school friend, Gordon Christoff, married Alyce and they had a daughter named Gwen.. The Christoff’s asked Fleet White II to be Gwen’s godfather.. He accepted.. Gwen grew up and married Don Krebs.. The Krebs had a daughter and named her Nancy.. In 1966, Gordon became upset when he found Fleet White II fondling his granddaughter.. An argument ensued and suddenly, out of nowhere, Gordon died of a massive heart attack.. After Gordon’s death, Alyce married Albert Sprague.. Fleet White II became friends with Albert.. 

-When Nancy’s father, Don Krebs, discovered that his wife Gwen was having extramarital affairs, he divorced her.. After the divorce, Gwen married Tom Boykin.. Gwen, Nancy, and siblings moved into the Boykin family's trailer.. Tom’s brother was Mackey Boykin.. Fleet White II, Albert, Tom, and Mackey became friends and all shared an attraction to Nancy.. Nancy stated: Tom and Gwen started receiving financial support from Fleet White II.. Without protest from Nancy’s mother and stepfather, Fleet II, Albert, and Mackey started sexually abusing Nancy.. Fleet White II's money and the men’s sexual contact with Nancy lasted for over a decade.. Mackey Boykin became an expert at using a garrote and would regularly use it on Nancy.. It has been said that erotic asphyxiation is more pleasurable and habit forming than cocaine.. Mackey Boykin was later convicted and served time for sexually abusing Nancy Krebs..  

-After contacting the Boulder Police, apparently Nancy not knowing the exact dates or recalling the exact locations of the abuse that occurred in her childhood, they determined she would make an unreliable witness.. The police determined that the abuse in California was unrelated to the murder in Colorado.. 

-Fleet White II had an adult son that lived in Boulder, Colorado.. John Ramsey and Fleet White III were best friends.. One of their goals was to make as many influential friends as they could.. They supported several charities and offered the well-connected lavish social events throughout the years.. In the 1990’s, they provided the politically connected with generous loan opportunities and gave parties for their friend's enjoyment.. Before the murder of JonBenet, John Ramsey, Fleet White III, and Alex Hunter enjoyed this lifestyle together.. Yes you read that right.. Although we are not accusing Alex Hunter or John Ramsey of the murder, we are just trying to put a few things into perspective.. And we are certain, that Fleet White III was not only involved, but orchestrated the entire thing..

-When Fleet White, Bill Cox and Cliff Gaston left the party at the Ramsey's on the 23rd, they were supposedly going to the airport.. Perhaps they were picking up Clifford Christoff, who was Nancy Krebs uncle and was also an undersheriff with the Kern County Sheriff's Department in Bakersfield CA for many years.. There is an internet story that his whereabouts on the night of December 25/26 1996 are undisclosed..

-Heather Cox and Sex Magick Ritual.. The more she avoids answering questions, then the more involved she is than first expected.. Perhaps the murder of JonBenet wasn't done just for kicks.. Heather Cox was known to be a part of Kali of California, a cult, and JonBenet's sacrifice was intended to increase someone's power.. Heather Cox and everybody in that circle are Multi-Millionaires.. Strangely enough, they did it on Christmas Day.. Have you seen The Wicker Man.? What day of the year is the sacrificial Fool sacrificed, again.? And the two PRIME suspects were men (with ambitious wives) hungry for all the power they could get.. And whether it be "Satanic" or not- JonBenet's torture, rape, and murder were "ritualistic" by any forensic definition of the word..

-All of that Calamity.? For 15 seconds of pleasure.? The murder, the strangulation, the sodomizing, ransom note, the cover-up, the diversions, the staging, the red herrings? Doesn't that sound hard to believe, that it was all done for 15 seconds of pleasure? There has to be more to it.. Everything happened in a short period of time, within one hour.. Perhaps the torture and murder was filmed.. Who needs to take a souvenir, when you have the video.? So if it was sexual in nature, it seems filming it could be part of the motive.. It seems excessive for just an urge.. The murder and filming happened, at least 2 people were there.. Cliff and Bill.. The murder took approximately 20-30 minutes.. And before anybody would question them, the crew and the movie were already back in the Golden State.. It was an intentional, brutal Murder.. 

-Haven't you wondered how the parents or nobody woke up that night, even after a neighbor said she heard screams coming from the Ramsey home..? Here is why John and Patsy never woke up that night.. While at the White's house, the bartender for the Dinner Party, which was most likely one of Fleet White's relatives, could've easily slipped something in the trusting, perhaps naive, Ramsey's drinks.. It might even explain why John and Patsy couldn't remember certain things in the morning and they were things we are pretty sure a parent wouldn't normally forget.. John and Patsy were great parents.. They got bamboozled, while losing their daughter at the same time.. And because of nothing they did wrong.. Fleet White's house was the War Room.. All plans and logistics were put together at Fleet White's and they had Patsy's Notebook and Markers at their disposal.. Ransom Note, put together by more than 2 people throwing ideas.. Also, the plan: Layout of the house.. 911 Response Time.. Gloves.. Alibies.. Diversions.. Etc..

-According to police reports, on Christmas night, Bill Cox said he was watching "Nick of Time" on tv that started at 7:30pm that evening.. Coincidentally, a movie about a girl who was kidnapped.. And look at the snapshot I found that was exactly at 1:18.. Everything was planned in the official war room.. Fleet and Priscilla White's home.. Ground zero..

-The rabbit hole goes even deeper.. So much so, that there even might be a connection between the Kreb's & White's and the Manson Family.. It was even said that Nancy Krebs might've been one of the children recovered when the Manson Family was raided at the Spahn Ranch.. Gwen Krebs did confirm that her and Catherine Gillies, who was part of the Manson Family were in fact friends..

-The Ransom Note..
"MR. RAMSEY. LISTEN CAREFULLY!" -Be sure to pay attention cause this is serious, when in reality, paying attention isn't important, and nothing that could be fixed by John, but it's how the killer is trying to cover up the murder that he just committed.. 

"WE ARE A GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS THAT REPRESENT A SMALL FOREIGN FACTION" -Making him and his make believe cause to sound plural, when really it is just one person.. 

"WE RESPECT YOUR BUSINESS BUT NOT THE COUNTRY THAT IT SERVES" -Knows of his business dealings and him personally.. Perhaps rivals.. "Lockheed" biggest rival is and always has been "Boeing".. John Ramsey=Lockheed.. Clifford Gaston=Boeing.. Mr. Gaston and his foundation are sponsored by Boeing.. He respects his business means that he has somewhat intimate knowledge of what he does for a living.. If John Ramsey owned a chain of 7-11's, why would he respect his business..? Not the country that it serves, means it is the country he serves and has served.. 

"AT THIS TIME WE HAVE YOUR DAUGHTER IN OUR POSESSION" -At the time the reader is reading this, the kidnapper having possession of John's daughter is a lie.. She was already dead and left in the house.. 

"SHE IS SAFE AND UNHARMED AND IF YOU WANT HER TO SEE 1997, YOU MUST FOLLOW OUR INSTRUCTIONS TO THE LETTER" -She is not safe and in fact, already dead.. Follow all of these made up instructions, and perhaps you can save her life.. The progressive build up of why it's not the killers fault, but Johns for not following simple instructions.. 

"YOU WILL WITHDRAW $118,000 FROM YOUR ACCOUNT. $100,000 WILL BE IN $100 BILLS AND THE REMAINING $18,000 IN $20 BILLS. MAKE SURE THAT YOU BRING AN ADEQUATE SIZE ATTACHE TO THE BANK" -The 1st and foremost instruction is money.. The rest is random insignificant made up, movie like instructions making it sound like a real ransom note, and the longer the ransom note the better, since this was all a diversion to begin with.. He needs money, but not too much.. Because in reality, he doesn't need any money, then or 26 years later.. Multi-millionaires in the family for decades.. 

"WHEN YOU GET HOME, YOU WILL PUT THE MONEY IN A BROWN PAPER BAG. I WILL CALL YOU BETWEEN 8 AND 10 A.M. TOMORROW TO INSTRUCT YOU ON DELIVERY." -More make believe instructions you should be paying close attention to.. Killer meant December 27th, and it was in order to put more time in between the killing and fake ransom note to work and also, by then he was already long gone.. 

"THE DELIVERY WILL BE EXHAUSTING SO I ADVISE YOU TO BE RESTED." -He hopes your taking notes of all these instructions, so much so, that you better rest well before the 27th, cause it's only the beginning of this big make believe caper.. And puts even more time between the killing and him getting away.. 

"IF WE MONITOR YOU GETTING THE MONEY EARLY WE MIGHT CALL YOU EARLY TO ARRANGE AN EARLIER DELIVERY OF THE MONEY AND HENCE AN EARLIER PICKUP OF YOUR DAUGHTER" -We're watching, when really we're not watching anything.. He's only buying time and adding more confusion.. His words got bumbled using 'early' to many times, so to sound smart, and hence, an earlier pickup, that is all make believe and will never happen.. 

"ANY DEVIATION OF MY INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN THE IMMEDIATE EXECUTION OF YOUR DAUGHTER" -This is the 2nd page of the ransom note.. If any of the 15 or so instructions so far are not followed, immediate execution of your daughter.. Not a slow, agonizing, painful, torturous death that he already did to JonBenet.. This is also the first time he's mentioning possibly killing John's daughter..

"YOU WILL ALSO BE DENIED HER REMAINS FOR A PROPER BURIAL" -She will be killed and you will never get her body, when really he already killed her and hid her body in the house.. Killer painted a picture that she is being held at an undisclosed location.. 

"THE TWO GENTLEMEN WATCHING OVER YOUR DAUGHTER DO NOT PARTICULARLY LIKE YOU SO I ADVISE YOU NOT TO PROVOKE THEM" -The pretend group of people don't like John, so don't mess up and piss them off.. The killer meant, he doesn't like John, so don't piss him off in this make believe saga he has going on in his head as his cover up..

"SPEAKING TO ANYONE ABOUT YOUR SITUATION, SUCH AS POLICE OR F.B.I. WILL RESULT IN YOUR DAUGHTER BEING BEHEADED" -This is the middle of the 2nd page in which it was finally brought up about Not Contacting anybody or No Police involvement.. Mixed in between other sentences.. If it was a real kidnap for ransom, that would be priority number one on my very lengthy list of instructions, if I really wanted the money.. He's so wrapped up in his fake kidnap for ransom note, that he forgot till the middle of the 2nd page to bring up the fact of why he ever wrote the note, which was a diversion for the cover up of killing JonBenet, someone he knew and could easily be connected to.. 

"IF WE CATCH YOU TALKING TO A STRAY DOG, SHE DIES. "IF YOU ALERT BANK AUTHORITIES, SHE DIES. IF THE MONEY IS IN ANY WAY MARKED OR TAMPERED WITH, SHE DIES" -All of a sudden contacting anybody seems to be rather important.. Trying to remove the killers culpability after he knows that not all of the enormous amount of make believe instructions will be followed, and that's why she died..

"YOU CAN TRY TO DECEIVE US, BUT BE WARNED WE ARE FAMILIAR WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT COUNTERMEASURES AND TACTICS" -The killer is letting John know that he is watching every move he makes, so don't mess up, or it's his fault she dies, not the kidnappers.. 

"YOU STAND A 99% CHANCE OF KILLING YOUR DAUGHTER IF YOU TRY TO OUTSMART US. FOLLOW OUR INSTRUCTIONS AND YOU STAND A 100% OF GETTING HER BACK" -Glimpse of false hope, and once again shifting blame on John if he doesn't follow the imaginary rules.. The final sentence ended on the 3rd page.. He then realized that he needed to add a little more random stuff, so the 3rd page isn't so blank.. OCD.. 

"YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE UNDER CONSTANT SCRUTINY, AS WELL AS THE AUTHORITIES" -Meaningless and only added length to the diversion letter.. Personal second hand knowledge from someone who knows the family.. He lost his train of thought, being that it might be a little too much intimate knowledge, so he added a comma, as well as the authorities.. Under constant scrutiny from who? The authorities are also under constant scrutiny? The entire sentence makes no sense and merely done to finish the note with more confusion.. 

"DON'T TRY TO GROW A BRAIN JOHN. YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY FAT CAT AROUND SO DON'T THINK THAT KILLING WILL BE DIFFICULT" -Don't be smart now John, cause you will never be as smart as me and my group of foreign killers.. You're not the only rich guy around, so once you find her dead, you'll see there are many of us fat cats around and some of us are killers.. 

"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE US JOHN. USE THAT GOOD, SOUTHERN COMMON SENSE OF YOURS" -Trying to act like he knows John more intimately than he thinks, and added a little more length to the diversion letter.. And although John wasn't from the South, even when I hear him speak, he does have a little bit of a twangy southern accent.. Then again, I'm from California and really don't know the difference.. 

"IT'S UP TO YOU NOW JOHN!" -Once again, finally reminding John that if anything whatsoever goes wrong, that it is his fault, removing the killers culpability, as if he was only doing his job for the foreign faction, trying to extort money from a rich guy and doing the killing was only part of the job.. Collateral damage, nothing personal.. 

-Not one time did we get, even a hint that the writer of the ransom note was spiritually or religiously connected in any sort of way.. Cold and heartless.. Sociopath.. Clifford is also a Lunar Diety and prays to the Moon as his God.. On December 25, 1996, the Moon had 100% visibility.. 

-The Mag-Lite Flashlight with serial #D37248748 found on the kitchen counter and now in evidence, is in fact Registered to somebody.. Without a search warrant requesting that information, Mag-Lite can not release that information.. 


-The Boulder Police Department and the Boulder District Attorney's Office have had well over 25 years to solve this case and not even one arrest.. It's not as complex as they are making it out to be, and lack of any progress in the case shows they are simply hiding and covering up the truth.. The body was left behind, there's a storage locker's worth of evidence, and they can't even tell us what the murder weapon was, even though it was left behind? Well this Theory has a light at the end of the tunnel and it Replaces Boulder Police Department as well as the Boulder District Attorney's office with Professional Lawmen who take pride in their job and have actually solved a case or two before and are more than willing and ready to get started.. Either way, the truth is going to come out one way or another.. 

Remember the door that the police neglected to open.? Here's another one..

 -Alex Hunter was the District Attorney for Boulder, Colorado from 1972-2000.. Wow, this rabbit hole is unimaginably deeper then anybody had ever expected.. And 100% true and factual.. We all know now that in 1999, a Colorado grand jury voted to indict John and Patsy on two counts each of child abuse resulting in the murder of their daughter.. Although the Ramseys were not implicated in her death directly, the grand jury accused them of placing JonBenét in a dangerous situation that ultimately led to her death, as well as aiding the Unknown Murderer.. Former Boulder County DA Hunter, however, refused to sign off on the indictment..

-In 1983, Sidney "Sid" Wells was a student at the University of Colorado Boulder and the boyfriend of Robert Redford's daughter, Shauna Redford, when he was murdered by his roommate Thayne Alan Smika, the main suspect, who was later found hiding at his parent's house in Akron.. He reportedly asked police “What took you so long?” The shell from the bullet that killed Sid matched the gun found in Smika’s parents’ home.. Smika was arrested.. Because he believed evidence was mishandled by police, D.A. Alex Hunter refused to take the case to trial.. Smika was released and never prosecuted.. However in 2012 the new D.A. Stan Garnett, approved the issuance of a warrant for Smika’s arrest.. To date, Smika has not been found and is on the FBI's Most Wanted List.. 

-I recently spoke with a friend who knows a lot of the cast of character's in the JonBenet Ramsey case in person, especially a lot about D.A. Alex Hunter.. I asked her if she had a chance to read my Robin.Hood.Theory, and she said yes, and she found it funny that it was called the Robin Hood Theory, because D.A. Alex Hunter happens to be a collector of Robin Hood Memorabilia since the 70's.. I did not know that, but it strangely coincides with this story a little too well.. 

- Justice for JonBenet -
